Mini World Of Endless Fun Awaits

Chapter 774: Do you follow me?

At noon, I found a sparse tea restaurant by the side of Changdi for dinner. The two ordered six home-cooked meals and six bowls of rice. After eating, Dong Chengling told Ren Suo that the next date was 1:30. Shipai subway station Exit A etc.

I walked to the entrance of the subway station, and Dong Chengling waved at Ren Suo: "You can go straight to Line 3, and I won't go on."

Qi Rensuo asked, "Aren't you taking the subway?"

"Dating is over, you are not here, and I do n’t waste any time. I teleport home." Dong Chengling drew a smile and said, "It turns out that I actually do n’t like this out-of-date dating model. It ’s better to practice at home I."

Bian Rensuo: "Is it uncomfortable to wear high heels?"

Wu Dongchengling nodded: "I will still wear flat shoes in the future, but I like this suit very much."

"Me too ..."

Bian Rensuo wanted to respond to ‘I like it’ too, but after thinking about it, he did n’t say it.

Wu Dongchengling said, "Hurry up, don't let others wait. Bye."

He Rensuo hesitated, and suddenly asked, "What if I don't go now? What if I want to go home with you?"

Dong Chengling's big eyes flickered, his head shook slightly, and smiled: "This is a date we plan together. I can't undermine other people's plans because I have a first-mover advantage. And even if I want to, they won't recognize it. of."

如果 "If you really decide who you want to spend the rest of your life with, then say goodbye to others, take care of yourself, vacate your atrium, be prepared for love, and welcome the new owner ..."

Wu Dongchengling put his hands on his chest and looked at Ren Suo and said, "Go."

Ji Rensuo nodded and turned into the subway passage.

I watched Ren Suo's back disappear into the flow of people, and Dong Chengling stayed in the flow for a long time. In this subway station with a lot of people, no passer-by dared to approach her. The intangible coercion of the four-turn monk was enough to dispel all the enchanting minds. The weak human subconsciously avoided this ferocious beast. Isolated island.

In fact, unless a monk pretends to seduce a pig to eat a tiger, ordinary people will never dare to provoke a monk. All monks will emit invisible biogas fields, making other weak creatures dare not approach and escape quickly. This is the conclusion of numerous experimental verifications. The most obvious phenomenon is that all monks will not be bitten by mosquitoes.

Especially when the monks are unhappy, even if they are unconscious, they will still emit a particularly strong aura. Ordinary people are just a little closer, they will panic and want to run away.

Until a lot of time was wasted, Dong Chengling sighed softly.

Even until the last second, Ren Suo was calm, without the slightest excitement, without the slightest fieryness. He calmly accepted all the information of Dong Chengling, pondered carefully, carefully considered, and listened to Dong Chengling's arrangement to go to the next date.

In fact, this is what Dong Chengling wants. Of course, she hopes that Ren Suo said goodbye to other girls after thinking rationally, and finally returned to her with no suspense.

But ...

If Ren Suo was not so calm just now, rushed over to grab her hand, if he had to go back with her ...

Of course, Wu Dongchengling also criticized the comrade for not being sufficiently conscious, having a bad idea, and evading difficulties was not desirable, and then happily led him home. Even after Xiao Qiao, Yue Yan, and Xingmei came to her for a break, duel, or other messy appointments, she was willing to accept, and to meet with Rensuo for all future challenges.

But he didn't.

Wu Dongchengling took a deep breath and turned to leave, intending to find a place with few people to teleport home.

Just then, the phone rang. Dong Chengling looked at the electric message and connected the phone: "Sorry?"

The other party didn't speak, and Dong Chengling was not in a hurry, so he held his mobile phone to burn his phone bill, walked to a quiet corner, and maintained this tacit silence.

"wait for me."


Hang up the phone, Dong Chengling put the phone back in his bag, leaned against the wall and looked at the blue sky, and made a pause.

"Beauty, what's happening? Would you like to help?" A trendy young man with full of colors and scent approached boldly and approached with a kind attitude.

Wu Dongchengling glanced at him, and the young man gave him a twitch, then looked back boldly.

Wu Dongchengling thought about it, and suddenly asked with a little surprise: "Can you see me?"

The young man froze for a moment, then said, "Of course it is ..."

The young man froze for a second.

The beauty who was in a daze in the corner, black and straight, white skirt, beautiful and lovely with a breath of love, disappeared out of thin air!


Hell by the side of the long **** during the day!

According to popular river and lake sayings on the Internet, ghosts that can only appear in front of someone's eyes late at night are the weakest. Conversely, ghosts who can walk around in the daytime are the best!

Meet the Ghost King!

The young man was so scared that he went home immediately, and the plan to go to a sister to watch a movie, have dinner, open a house, and go straight through was also cancelled.

Uh ...

Uh ...

到达 arrived ten minutes earlier than the appointed time, but the other party seemed to arrive earlier.

"Wait for a long time?" Ren Suo touched her sister's hood.

Ren Xingmei, who was leaning on a pillar wearing a hood and listening to songs, immediately shook her head. She took off the earphones and opened the hood. "I haven't arrived too long, hey, how is Teacher Dong?-Wait, don't tell me, we promised, don't ask others Happening."

Bian Rensuo smiled, looked at his sister, and said, "You are wearing today ... there is a kind of memorable cuteness."

妹妹 Today my sister is wearing jeans, sneakers, and a black-lined, red-lined hooded jacket, which is completely concealed, completely dressed as a tomboy. If Ren Suo is familiar with the body curve of her sister, she may not recognize her at a glance.

Of course, as soon as she saw her face, no matter who it was, she would immediately be sure that this was a real beautiful girl.

If the younger sister pretends to be a tomboy half a year ago, it can make others think that she is a beautiful boy, but now the younger sister has fully bloomed, the feminine eyebrow style is like piercing feathers, which is heartbreaking.

My sister pouted and muttered, "Compared to other people's body, I'm better than anyone else, and I don't show ugliness. And it's very comfortable to wear, and the skirt is good-looking, but you must pay attention to appearance and dress like this Even if I— "

Suddenly, my sister-in-law suddenly made a beautiful high kick and laughed, "It doesn't matter."

Ji Rensuo spread his hand and said, "Where to go next? Now you are the boss, and I obey your orders."

"Sell your sister first."


乖 "Oh, my sister took you to open a room for a handgun, did you bring your ID?"

Then the two of them went to the Internet cafes to open a room to play the shooting simulation game "Rainbow Seven: Pinch Attack".

"I have never played this game." Ren Suo said.

Correctly, he is not very proficient in all FPS games. He belongs to that type of immersive gamer. Moba games are also played because of the many available heroes, many combinations, and strong sociality. High-threshold games like FPS, Ren Suo rarely touched before, in order to avoid exposing his hand damage, destroying the image of his **** players.

"I teach you." Ren Xingmei sat down and said, "Follow me and follow my orders, my sister will take you off."

Bian Rensuo smiled, bought a game registration account, skipped the novice tutorial, and Ren Xingmei entered the counter-terrorism exercise mode.

In the past, Ren Suo was mostly only able to hold his sister's thighs, but now Ren Suo is not only a four-turn monk, but also an absolute rational player without emotional fluctuations. He has strengthened his thinking four times and strengthened his reaction five times to play this kind of FPS. For games, you only need to understand the basic operations to become a humanoid machine.

As expected, after a preliminary understanding of the previous three games and understanding the different performances of various game characters (there are different characters in an FPS), Ren Suo began to perform an ornamental journey.

Adventure? head shot.

Sneak attack? Anti sneak attack.

Grenades? Air burst.

The first two are okay, but when Ren Suo repeatedly exploded the grenades just thrown by others so that he blew himself back, the adversary finally could not bear to report Ren Suo.

"Brother, you are too powerful, right?" Ren Xingmei was so embarrassed that she thought she had the time spell. Playing this kind of game should belong to the most outrageous open player. I did not expect that there are strong and strong players. It's even more outrageous to open and hang—it's too abnormal to explode a grenade. She can see the moment when the grenade is thrown out, but her body can't react.

Even if the body can react, the mouse keyboard and game bullets can't react!

It was also at this time that she knew that the grenade could be shot during the flight!

What is this fairy prediction?

任 Is Ren Suo the benefit of being a fairy receptionist in the palace?

"Generally average, third in the world." Ren Suo smiled faintly. On playing this kind of competitive game focusing on individual heroism, only peregrine falcons and angels Zach can defeat him. Others no matter how good their skills are, Will be suppressed by his unreasonable speed of thinking and reaction.

"You have been reported, then play other games!" Ren Xingmei opened sbeam cheerfully: "There is another Battle Royale game online, each character has various skills, brother you have never played!"

So throughout the afternoon, Ren Suo accompanied Xingmei to play a variety of new online games, and every time he played his reported title, he changed one. Occasionally, it was not only Ren Suo who was reported. The younger sister who played various weird operations with the time spell also became a frequent visitor.

Time passed quickly, and until 5 pm, Ren Xingmei stretched her waist, rubbed her neck, and said, "Time is up, you must hurry to the next one, otherwise the next one will be very angry. . "

Bian Rensuo glanced at her sister: "Our date is to come to Internet cafes to play games?"

"Otherwise?" The sister asked in return: "Are there any more interesting dates than this?"

In terms of the taste of the past, it is true.

Qi Rensuo laughed: "It's rare that our siblings come out once. I thought you would have more places you want to go with me and things you want to do with me."

My sister-in-law raised an eyebrow slightly: "I suspect you are teasing me, but I have no evidence."

When Ren Ren smiled and said nothing, the younger sister put the headset down and looked at the large 27-inch screen and said, "This is where I want to go with you, what I want to do with you."

"Brother, you have browsed my memory, but you shouldn't think that ... I played the game just to please you, and to dress like this to get close to you?" The younger sister laughed: "It's not good to have too much self-consciousness. "

I waited for Ren Suo to answer, my sister continued: "Of course, your reason is part of it, but it is also part of it, not more than 50% ... not more than 51%."

"And for another reason, naturally I like it."

"I like to dress myself up beautifully, elegant and charming like a goblin, and I also like to kill the Quartet in the game, cursing spitting pig teammates."

"I will wear this kind of handsome and convenient clothes, and run around like a handsome guy, and suddenly the girl ’s heart sprouts, and when I see cute things, I buy a whole box and a whole box back, making my dormitory everywhere. . "

My sister-in-law looked at Ren Suo, familiar faces showing familiar naughty expressions: "I'm your sister, Ren Xingmei."

"We have been entangled with each other since childhood, and we are inseparable family members."

"Everything you like is everything I like."

She put her hand on the keyboard and jumped around the alphabet keys with one finger: "In the beginning, I probably played the game to accompany you, but now it is not."

现在 "Now, I want to play games and need your company."

She grinned, "I have been completely broken by you, and I have become a hopeless house girl."

"Maybe when I grow up, I work, I am very busy every day, and I lie in bed to sleep when I ’m too lazy to take a bath. But as long as I'm idle and want to play a game, I will always think of you, I want you to team up and fight in the virtual world. "

因为 "Because this is a battlefield that we have been familiar with since childhood."

"No matter what happens, brother, you will always be my regular teammate."

Don't overdo your sister, repeat: "No matter what happens."

Her voice trembled slightly.

Unlike Dong Chengling, who can express his feelings frankly, Ren Xingmei, who is a tomboy, is actually a person who is neither willful nor frank.

Conversely, she has the same procrastination as Rensuo. Even if she is ready to elope, she dare not tell the truth, dragging on, and intends to wait until Rensuo is disqualified.

But even Dong Chengling can feel the change of Ren Suo, and Ren Xingmei can also feel it. In other words, Ren Xingmei, who has known Ren Suo from an early age, is the person who feels the most profound changes in Ren Suo.

也 She also noticed that Ren Suo's feelings for her have changed slightly, not so much as ups and downs of a passionate lover, but rather as a calm and unsophisticated sibling.

Her conclusion is the same as Dong Chengling.

Qi Rensuo found true love.

That's why he changed his attitude in this way and planned to get along with her sister again.

In fact, this is no different from before, she was originally Ren Suo's sister.

If it wasn't for Dedder, if it was Rensuo who had to pretend to be her, if they did n’t have one for their parents, then maybe their relationship in this life would stop at brother and sister.

Then Ren Suo married with other women and had children, moving towards happiness.

This is normal, this is reality.

She was ready to meet this kind of ending before, and the assets saved by the elopement can actually be used as a gift for Rensuo-he is not enough to ask his wife for him.

I was just waking up suddenly, and the displaced should not continue chasing the phantom.

However, however.

She is not reconciled or disappointed.

My sister-in-law took a deep breath and turned to look at Ren Suo, only to find that Ren Suo put out her little finger towards her.

She can't react for a while-is this a mockery gesture?

"An appointment is made." Ren Suo shook his little finger and said seriously.

Yi Ren Xingmei finally understood Ren Suo's meaning and reached out his little finger to hook him.

"No matter what happens," said Ren Rensuo.

My sister-in-law repeated: "No matter what happens."

的 In the Internet cafe with the sound of guns and swords, under the watch of a single player, Ren Suo solemnly said:

"Whether it is a downwind or a headwind."

"Whether it is a downwind or a headwind."

"Whether it is the African Emirates or the European Emperor."

"Whether it is the African Emirates or the European Emperor."

"Whether it is a version update or the server is down."

"Whether it is a version update or the server is down."

"We are all teammates who entrust each other for life."

"We are all teammates who entrust each other for life."

"It will not be possible to separate us until our personal account is permanently logged out."

"It won't be possible to separate us until our personal account is permanently logged out."

"Hook on hook, never change in a lifetime."

My sister-in-law wiped the tears overflowing from the corners of her eyes, and said with a trembling voice, "Hook on the hook and never change it forever."

There was applause, and all the crowds of dog food could not help but clap their hands to bless them.

This scene will be engraved eternally in the hearts of all onlookers, becoming an indelible urban rumor and a non-stop network segment.

Once there was such a man, no ring, no priest, no ritual, with their player's unique vows, in Internet cafes, a life-long vow was promised to a girl.

Uh ...

Uh ...


Bi Rensuo reached the exit B of Lianjiang Tower subway station, walked along the subway tunnel, and soon saw the third date.

Seems to be a gas field induction between the four-turn monks. Qiao Muyi, who was playing with his mobile phone, suddenly raised his head, and when he saw him, he tickled his fingers and motioned for him to come.

As soon as Ren Suo approached, Qiao Muyi made a girlfriend's voice: "You are late."

Bi Rensuo took out a red rose from his back: "Will this work?"

Qiao Muyi tilted his head and glanced at him, then took the rose and snorted, "Where did you learn this idiot?"

Xi Rensuo smiled slightly: "In order to prevent his beautiful girlfriend from running away."

Qiao Muyi snorted, "Just send one, I doubt you look down on me."

"Slow down slowly, send two flowers next time, and the third time ..."

Wu Qiaomuyi interrupted: "Four flowers ~ ~ Ren Suo blinked:" Then we will go bankrupt a few times. "

"You can also date girls who don't need you to go bankrupt," Qiao Mu said sourly.

Bian Rensuo laughed: "After I go bankrupt, can I keep the roses I want to keep on my account and wait for my next life?"

Qiao Muyi snorted, it seemed to be accepting Ren Suo's late gift.

Then she took out two red books and raised her head towards Ren Suoyang.

One has Qiao Muyi's name and photo, and one has Rensuo's name and photo.

He is their passport.

"This is your passport and I have already obtained a cherry blossom visa."

Qiao Muyi held up his mobile phone, and an order was displayed on the mobile phone.

"Here are two direct flights from Lianjiang to Tokyo. I have already booked them."

Tong Qiaomu held his passport in his right hand and held his mobile phone in his left hand. In Humei's eyes, his eyes moved with affection.

"You will die till you die, accompany you on a raft, and even your next life is willing to accept your partner for debt repayment, I will give you one."

"And I want you, will you follow me?" ...

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