Mini World Of Endless Fun Awaits

Chapter 775: Pay off one person with one tear

"The departure time of the ticket is not today."

Bi Rensuo pointed this out calmly.

"And the ticket booking on the mobile APP is refundable, although it will cost a certain fee."

Qiao Muyi showed the pity expression of mischief failure, put the passport book and mobile phone back in the bag, shrugged and said, "I wasted hundreds of dollars to cheat you, so please cooperate. If you are so ignorant, your girlfriend will run Dropped. "

Ji Rensuo reached out and asked, "Where?"

Qiaomu Yi snorted and took his hand forward: "It will be here soon."

I really arrived very soon, almost as soon as I got out of the subway station, they reached their destination.

"Lianjiang Tower ..." Ren Suo looked up at this landmark of the city of Lianjiang, which is called 'Little Man's Waist', and laughed: "No one in Lianjiang will come to Lianjiang Tower."

"Lianjiang Tower, the full name is the Lianjiang New TV Tower, the main body of the tower is 454 meters high, the antenna mast is 146 meters high, and the total height is 600 meters."

Wu Qiaomuyi seems to be able to reverse the information of the tower in front of him: "The Lianjiang Tower is recognized by the country as an AAAA-level tourist attraction, and it is the highest tower in China and the second tallest tower in the world."

After a pause, she suddenly asked, "Do you know which one is the tallest tower in the world?"

Ren Suo looked at the ticket office at the entrance of the Lianjiang Tower. Although it was a weekday, there were a lot of passengers. He said casually: "The world's tallest tower is the Tokyo Skytree ... Lianjiang Tower seems to have been in operation seven or eight years ago. Right? But I never came. "

Ji Qiaomu tilted his head and glanced at him: "Why not come?"

"No one asked me, I can't call anyone." Ren Suo found out the past feeling from memory, and stated it truthfully: "Sometimes it is inconvenient to be alone, for example, the restaurant only offers two-person packages, such as the second half price , Such as people who did n’t take photos while sightseeing. "

更 "What's more, I was the one who didn't want to spend time on the go ... did you book a ticket?"

It seems that Qiao Muyi had already booked the tickets before, without having to wait in line, holding Ren Suo directly to get the tickets.

When she heard what Ren Suo said, she smiled slightly and held the ticket to Ren Suoyang: "The 488-meter one-tower city ticket can enjoy all the facilities of the Lianjiang Tower. It is a rare time to try and have fun."

"When you are happy, let's go to dinner at the Mediterranean revolving restaurant in Lianjiang Tower, the tallest revolving restaurant in the world. What do you think?"

Bian Rensuo praised with a thumbs up: "Very good, you are well-organized, and you are indeed a tourism expert."

"I'm not a travel expert." Qiao Muyi took him to the elevator and said, "I know a real travel expert who can not only arrange all the itineraries in the tour, but also handle all emergencies, and even Guarantee that the people who travel with him will always be physically and mentally comfortable and enjoy the six-star princess experience ... "

"Is there such a powerful person?" Ren Suo was a little surprised.

I want to know that Qiao Muyi's temperament is originally a knife mouth tofu heart, let alone others, even if it is a lover of love, whether it is the former state of sand sculpture or the current normal state of rationality, she has always been spit out.

As for others, huh, huh.

In a world where fear of daily violence cannot be achieved in broad daylight, you can rely on mental injury and poisonous tongue skills to sit on the title of the First Witch of the Countermeasure Bureau. Shaking your legs can make Lianjiang shake. Qiao Muyi, but 'I will I like you being so angry and afraid to hit me 'witch posture shocks the whole countermeasure system.

Therefore, even Qiao Muyi recognizes the object of esteem so much, it must reach the level that convinces Qiao Muyi in his field of expertise.

"Yes, it's a pity you can't see him." Qiao Muyi said with a shrug.

"Why? Are you dead?" Ren Suo made reasonable guesses.

"Not dead, but transgender."

峰 This peak and turn, even if any thinking ability breaks through the sky for a while.

After they entered the elevator, Qiao Muyi's voice was slightly silky, only ringing in Ren Suo's ear: "Xiao Ren is actually you?"

Bi Rensuo's face remained unchanged, but he nodded silently.

He already knew he couldn't hide from Qiao Muyi.

From the beginning, he did not let 'Xiao Ren' contact Qiao Muyi.

Because Qiao Muyi is not the same as Dong Chengling, Gu Yueyan, Ren Xingmei, Lin Xianyu, and even Bai Ji Zhao Huo-for example, there is a sick Jiao who likes Rensuo, and others show steadfastness in Rensuo After the gesture, most will let Ren Suo handle this matter with confidence.

Qi Qiaomu favors, she just wants to be ready for multiple hands, and replace Ren Suo at any time to let Jiao Jiao know what is really Jiao Jiao.

任 After Ren Suo properly handled the sick Jiao, other people will let go of this matter, or may comfort the sick Petunia in the past.

She Qiaomu favors, she just wants to dig out all the information of Xiao Ren, and she must investigate all the experiences of her ancestors' eighteenth generation and even kindergarten to university.

Qi Qiaomuyi is a person with a low sense of security.

无论 No matter what she does, she will control all the variables, arrange all the dangerous variables clearly, cut the grass to remove the roots, and die without leaving any embers.

Joining the Countermeasure Bureau and crowding into the countermeasures leadership are not just a job, but Qiao Mu is a talisman, a certificate that allows her to collect information recklessly, and a pass to a higher level of power.

In a sense, Qiao Muyi and Dong Chengling are the same people. Dong Chengling relies on the way to a higher level of cultivation to control the future, while Qiao Muyi goes hand in hand. ‘Power’ and ‘Power’ must be grasped with both hands, and both hands must be firm.

Even Qiao Muyi didn't join the Great Wall of China, it was actually the right choice.

The current members of the Great Wall of China are undoubtedly similar to the existence of the 'Special Soldier King', although they have a reputation, but when they are soldiers, they will never be able to hone their superior qualities. Instead, he has been the deputy director of the Countermeasure Bureau, waiting for the innovation and evolution of the countermeasure system to have a better chance to occupy a higher throne of power.

Of course, this is just a rational view of Ren Suo.

The reason why Qiao Muyi stayed was probably very simple and simple.

The time when Ren Suo chose to meet with Xiao Ren also thought carefully, and only let Xiao Ren notify them one day before the meeting, in order to dispel Qiao Muyi's mind of investigating in advance.

In Ren Suo's list of newly added feelings, Qiao Muyi (Xiao Ren) did not appear. He thought it was because Xiao Ren had never communicated with Qiao Muyi. Now it seems that it should be Qiao Muyi that he has discovered Xiao Niu.

"It's clothes," Qiao Mu said. "Hair color can be changed. I can't see my face with a mask, but the clothes are ok. Your level of women's clothing is good, and the clothes you choose are good-looking. There are only a handful of them, and all courier services are recorded at the college courier station. "

"I asked my staff to check for two days and found that many of the courier shippers you received this month are womenswear sellers."

"That little ninja, is the" tool man "you created with avatar plus morph?" Qiao Muyi knew that Ren Suo had the ability to morph and morph.

This is the power of the information age, this is the power of power.

"Sure enough I can't hide from you."

Qi Rensuo shrugged and turned his head to look at Qiao Muyi without panic.

People like this who will find the roots and trace the clues to find out the truth are either noble people who can't stand the sand in their eyes, or despicable people who do nothing.

The reason why Bian Rensuo dared to implement this "Illness Plan", because he knew that his only flaw would be discovered only by despicable people who were willing to accommodate all his mistakes.

The result is not the same. Qiao Muyi doesn't care about him playing this deception, but just asks gently, "Why do you play such a show to us?"

I contacted Lin Xianyu and others who were approached by Xiao Ren because of the consequences. Qiao Muyi immediately realized that Ren Suo spent so much time doing so much to seduce them to **** dating.

Bi Rensuo was silent for a moment and replied, "Can't say now."

Qiao Muyi is too smart.

I can't fool her with making up excuses, and telling the truth will inevitably make her realize that ‘Ren Suo is playing with emotions’. In fact, ‘Ren Suo is playing with other people ’s feelings’, she should n’t care much, but she will definitely think of ‘Ren Suo is playing with my feelings now’, which will inevitably make her emotional value plummet.

Bi Rensuo still needs Qiao Muyi's feelings.

He must master the door of truth and obtain supreme trading authority.

There must be no omissions.

Therefore can't say anything.

Bi Rensuo's answer was naturally unsatisfactory, but Qiao Muyi didn't seem to mind, but nodded thoughtfully.

At this time, the elevator reached the 428-meter-high Baiyun Tourist Hall, and Qiao Muyi immediately took Ren Suo out to explore the scenery.

It's almost dusk now, and the weather is good today. It is a shocking visual experience to overlook this bustling city dyed with golden red by the sunset light from 428 meters.

Wu Qiaomu took Ren Suo to identify the buildings on the ground, and Ren Su stared at a high altitude.

关 In the fifth trial, Ren Suo's battle with the group of four members of joy, sorrow and sorrow was on a high sky where the Lianjiang Tower could be seen.

The door of truth is always hanging above him.

In the 433-meter starry sky sightseeing hall, triangular floor-to-ceiling windows, dark transparent floors, ceilings covered with irregular mirrors, and almost no lights, the largest light source is the outer sky, which can't wait to stay behind the windows. After being blocked by a window less than 10 cm, look down at the earth and the sky.

In fact, the sightseeing experience of Baiyun Hall and Xingkong Hall is similar. The only difference is that the interior decoration theme is different, so Ren Suo and Qiao Muyi soon came to the 450-meter outdoor sightseeing platform on the top of the tower.

This time is almost a brand new experience-at 450 meters high, walking on a boardwalk on a fully open sightseeing platform, the sunset in the distance slowly goes west, and the whistling cool wind blows hair.

"These are the specialty products of the Lianjiang Tower, outdoor sightseeing platforms, ferris wheels, and speed clouds." Qiao Muyi said with a smile: "All of the services you can not enjoy in the Tokyo Skytree."

He said that Qiao Muyi took him to the line like a child, and the Ferris wheel and Top Speed ​​Sky are items on the outdoor sightseeing platform.

The so-called speedy sky, and there is a very easy to understand name-jumping machine.

Playing a jumping machine at a height of 450 meters, even if Ren Suo could calm down, his body responded very honestly, blushing, red ears, and a heartbeat.

Moreover, the jumping machine is very vicious, and they shook them in the air. Almost all the passengers screamed at this moment. Even Ren Suo subconsciously clenched his hand clasped with his fingers.

Then Ren Suo shuddered and turned to glance at Qiao Muyi, only to see Qiao Muyi look at him provocatively.

After traveling through the sky, the Ferris wheel is next.

Because it is different from the general style "vertical cake" ferris wheel, the ferris wheel of Lianjiang Tower is a "horizontal cake". In fact, the passenger sits in a ball cabin suspended from the edge of the platform, and then the ball cabin rotates along the circular platform once. Passengers in the cabin can view the city scenery 360 ° from the highest and most marginal distance.

As the ball cabin slowly rotated, the beauty of Lianjiang River spread like a picture, slowly unfolding in front of the eyes of the two.

The following day, moon, and stars, Xiangyun accompanied.

Qi Qiaomu pinched Rensuo's palm and pointed to the ball cabin next to him.

Ren Suo and Qiao Muyi also happened to be coincident this time. A pair of newlyweds in wedding dresses were posing in the ball cabin next to the camera. The photographer set up a camera on the viewing platform to take pictures of them.

Maybe it didn't happen to happen because the weather is fine today in these days.

A photo of the city as the background, letting the sunset help light up, on the unrestrained free sky, but willing to embrace her lover in the narrow ball cabin, is indeed worthy of collection.

Qi Qiaomu didn't look at the scenery, she always looked at the ball cabin behind. Ren Suo asked, "Do you want to shoot too?"

Qi Qiaomu nodded and shook his head: "I think, but not here."

He Rensuo said, "You can go anywhere. You have the idea. I'll just follow you."

不 "No, I'm too lazy to make a plan. You are better at this, or you are responsible for the specific plan, I am only responsible for making requests."

Wu Qiaomu snorted and said, "First of all, I want to take three sets, one wearing a phoenix crown, the other wearing white and clean, one wearing a wedding dress, and then shooting the location. It will be almost the same in all the attractions around the world."

Ren Suo laughed: "When the wedding photo is taken, our children should learn to play soy sauce."

Wu Qiaomuyi glanced at him: "Why do we have children?"

Bian Rensuo: "Are you Dink? I don't care."

"Is n’t there a recent survey showing that, as monks who have changed their life forms, will the probability of breeding offspring become lower and lower?"

Qi Qiaomuyi sat down, overlooking the Haixinsha Island below, and said softly: "And I ... I have n’t had a mother since I was a child, and I do n’t know how to be a parent. In this world, there is no organization for assessing the employment of parents with certificates ..."

"Then take it slowly," Rensuo said. "If you want it, don't want it, don't. We have an infinite future."

"Why do we have a future?"

Bian Rensuo raised his eyebrows slightly and asked, "Does the state survey show that not only the monk's ability to reproduce has decreased, but even the probability of survival?"

Qiao Muyi didn't laugh at the playful words of Ren Suo's contingency.

She stared at Ren Suo and said, "You have changed."

Qi Rensuo nodded.

"I actually feel it, actually I dare not think about it, do not want to think about it. You become more gentle and kind, polite, decent, more diligent, rational, and self-disciplined ..."

"You are no longer a lazy, stupid, non-speaking, dull little cable."

Bian Rensuo asked, "Is it bad?"

Wu Qiaomu smiled charmingly, and the eyebrows flowed between her eyebrows, giving birth to emotions that Ren Suo could not understand: "But I am still a witch who is hypocritical, poisonous, likes to do pranks, likes to make others uncomfortable, and always doesn't tell the truth."

Qi Rensuo was silent.

He felt that Qiao Muyi had another meaning, but he didn't understand and didn't remember it.

However, Ren Suo can be sure. If he is a lazy, stupid, non-speaking, dumb fool, he must know what reaction is better now.

But he is no longer that fool.

Qiao Muyi turned his head, supported the railing and looked out at the scenery, and said, "I didn't expect that no matter what you become, I still love you deeply; but I haven't changed anything, but your feelings have deteriorated first. expired.

"Originally, we were going to confess to you each day and leave the choice to you. But now it seems that neither Cheng Ling nor your sister have confessed?"

"I also planned to prepare a grand ceremony from the beginning. I made an appointment with the Civil Affairs Bureau, got a lot of reporters to watch, and held you to sign Xiaohongben and then go straight for the honeymoon."

"But after thinking about it, I think it's fine."

"Heaven does n’t give it to me, no matter how tightly my fingers are tied, it still leaks. Whatever I give, no matter how I missed in the past, I will have it."

Wu Qiaomu turned his back to Ren Suo, put his hands on the railing, leaned his head down and looked down at the world. He was lonely like a demon king.

"Xiao Suo, I'm tired."

Bi Rensuo stood straight, converging the business-like smile on his face, and listening to Qiao Muyi's confession expressionlessly.

"I don't want to guess why you are retreating to avoid us. Are you really annoyed, scared and tired?"

"I don't want to guess why you performed such a show in front of us. Are you telling you about your future plan by going on your own by chatting with Xiao Ren?"

"I don't want to guess, do you have a better person, so there is no way to like me better."

"It is well known that I am a greedy person." Qiao Muyi exhaled heavily: "I don't only care if I get it, I also care whether I get something unique or more than others."

"If you give it to me like you give it to others, I don't want it."

"Before, I could bear your spirituality, I could bear your moon words, I could bear your sister, and even your cat, because I felt that what you gave me was unique and exclusive to me. sincere."

"The four-turn monk is a terrible existence, and women are also terrible creatures." Qiao Muyi smiled gently: "It's like students do a few lessons in their daily homework to try to get through. You just say There was a little less love in the words, and when I got along with a sincere heart, I could detect it. "

Bian Rensuo never spoke.

"But," Qiaomu exhaled heavily, turned her head and smiled at Ren Suo: "I will not give up!"

She came over and opened Rensuo's right hand and said, "You have been imprinted by me now, so you are mine in this life! A slave with a imprint cannot leave the master!"

There was a deep scar on the palm of Bi Rensuo's right hand, which was the mark left by Qiao Muyi piercing his palm with his nails when he was at the top of the sky.

Just like to cheer himself up, Qiao Muyi tapped Rensuo's chest and said, "I'll let you forget the **** who somehow emerged, forget those silly women you haven't met today, Then fell in love with me again and again, kneeling and licking me, completely turned into my personal belongings! "

"No matter what you become, even if you lose memory, even if your personality changes ... I will not give up."

At this time, their ball cabin stopped and the staff opened the door for them.

Qi Qiaomuyi said, "I unknowingly turned around ... the time is just right, go to the revolving restaurant for dinner, I've booked a place."

"Mug son."

Qiao Muyi, who was preparing to go out, stopped ~ ~ without turning back, she made a lovely nasal sound: "Huh?"

The staff seemed to be aware of it, and backed away after opening the door.

"Gongzi, I like you," Ren Suo said flatly.

Wu Qiaomu looked at Ren Suo from the side of her head. At this time, the light of the setting sun passed over Ren Suo's shoulders and covered her like a wedding dress.

角 The corner of her mouth slightly twitched, revealing a smile, but a drop of tears came from the corner of her eye, and she slid across the smooth face, leaving a clear water mark, reflecting the brilliance like a treasure.

A smile will defeat a lifetime, and a tear will pay off a person.

"You, you, say you like me, but it makes me so sad."

Ji Rensuo pondered for a moment and said, "I'll save you some money."


"If you return the ticket, it will be at least 500 yuan. In this case, don't refund it, just use it normally."

Qi Qiaomu wiped away the tears and asked, "Really?"


"Don't lie to me?"

"If I lie to you, I will jump from here."

The staff suddenly became nervous. ...

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