Mini World Of Endless Fun Awaits

Chapter 776: Fall in love

8 8:24 pm, Ren Suo returned to Tianlian College.

3 hours and 36 minutes before the final upload of the fifth trial of "The Gate of Truth".

When I passed the dormitory building, Ren Suo saw that the lights of Dong Chengling's house were already on.

Ren Rensuo kept walking through the campus. There are still many people on the campus at eight o'clock, and now Tianlian College has been in operation for more than a year. With the support of the school's resources, many students have also established various interest groups to enrich their personal lives.

I like Rensuo's "Reneseer Research Group", which has only female student members, can also be regarded as a type of community, and it is still the highest-level community that can get credits.

The flat square is full of students, skateboarders, roller skaters, harmonica players, and guitarists.

Maybe it ’s the development of physical coordination by the practice, or it ’s purely psychological. The students ’amateur level is very good. They can jump on the railings while playing skateboarding, and can spin around in the air by half a round. You can sing on the guitar, I'm on stage, and I'm as happy as a group of mental patients.

Bian Rensuo really rarely walks into the teaching area at night, because the teacher's dormitory building, teaching area, and student dormitory area are far away. If the student is noisy, the dormitory building will not be affected.

It is only now that he discovered that the college has become more and more lively.

But there are still few places in the college.

Bian Rensuo walked into Houshan and found that the security kiosk was abandoned and there were no lights or people inside. A warning sign is placed under the only street lamp, indicating that students do not enter Houshan. Whoever dares to enter Houshan to cause damage and is caught will be punished.

Lin Tianlian College still knows its students very well. After all, the college is a big place with few people. If you want to fall in love in a quiet, quiet and comfortable place, you need to go to Houshan.

What's more, fewer people have come here since rumors spread that a couple was passing by Houshan and scared off by a twisted single dog.

Those who came to Houshan must be those combat monks who usually have itchy hands and have not played enough in combat training classes. After class, they still want to find something to destroy to practice magic.

For example, Gu Yueyan.

There are no street lights on Laoshan Road, but he has a "sense of insight into the world" and "yin and qing's absence". Tonight's bright moonlight is enough to make his vision look like daylight.

Soon he saw a familiar figure standing on the hillside.

Long black hair tied with long hair fluttering in the wind, long-sleeved retro black princess skirt with waistband arching out of the trembling that can not be seen, white stockings outline thin and straight legs, and moonlight naturally converges To her.

It seems as if the clouds are covered by the light clouds, and the drifting wind is like the returning snow.

He is like a fairy under the moon that does not eat the fireworks on the earth, and a night maiden who devours the essence of the sun and the moon.

"You're here." Gu Yueyan, who was looking up at the moon, turned to look at him, and unnaturally touched the headband: "Is this weird?"

"You look so good." Ren Suo said: "Although you look good in everything, this sweet and rebellious dress style is very suitable for you, and this high-waisted middle skirt is just right."

Actually, Gu Yueyan's dress is a bit violent in daily life, because she mainly focuses on efficiency and convenience. She usually wears loose clothes, and then the clothes are supported by her breasts. It suddenly looks like she is full.

Although it is true in some places, she is actually a very beautiful type. This high-waisted skirt just highlights all her advantages. Her height can match the mid-skirt to reveal the thin legs, which looks like the long legs The slim waist is the trembling chest, which is so beautiful.

In addition, Gu Yueyan usually does not laugh at all. This sweet-style dress dilutes the old-fashioned style, making her who is not accustomed to this type of dress to be cute and cute, and the attitude of a shy young girl can remind Ren Suo of many descriptions. The poems of the twenty-eight girls, unfortunately, the word count is limited.

"Thank you."

Guyueyan responded politely, and then they stared at each other for a few seconds. Guyueyan twisted her skirt slowly and looked around for a week and said, "This is where I used to practice spells."

Bian Rensuo nodded: "At that time you hired me as your healing monk, and when you were practicing magic, I stayed aside to provide you with treatment at any time."

Gu Guyueyan was a little distressed: "Although I think this cultivation experience is quite interesting, in fact ... it doesn't mean anything, right?"

Xi Rensuo looked at her seriously and nodded.

Wu Guyue sighed, went to the mound aside, took out a briefcase and handed it to Ren Suo. Ren Suo took it and opened it, and found that there was a suit and a note inside.

At this time Gu Yueyan had turned his back on him and looked at Mingyue. Ren Suo carefully looked at the note and immediately understood the intention of Gu Yueyan, and then undressed and changed clothes.

Soon, a handsome man in a suit and white gloves, with a large back and a graceful and polite poem, appeared.

He put his left hand behind his back, stroked his chest flat with his right hand, bent down and bowed his head respectfully and said, "Miss, deacon Suo is at your service."

At this time, Gu Yueyan turned her head on her hips, her face was no longer the expression of the thoughtless thinker of Furui, but the young lady with a cute and high toe.

She snorted, and walked directly over Ren Suo and went down the mountain. The moonlight opened the way for her, and the starlight adorned her. Obviously it was a mountain road without street lights, but she always followed the light when she walked.

Ren Suo walked briskly behind him. When Gu Yueyan left Houshan and was about to enter the main square of the teaching area, he suddenly said anxiously, "Miss, don't be willful, come back with me to see the master. , The car is parked outside. "

Gu Guyue kept walking, raised her head proudly, strode across the square, and said impatiently, "All told you not to follow me!"

"Miss, please don't embarrass me, come back with me."


滑板 The student who skateboarded on the railing rode on the railing.

的 The students rollerblading in the square crashed into a ball.

The organists and the guitarists stopped.

It ’s like hitting a spell, almost everyone can't help but stagnate, watching the moonlight follow closely, beautiful and moving, like twin ponytail girls like little princesses walking through the main square.

And there is a handsome and handsome man behind her pleading in a low voice, although anxious but not polite, graceful, even walking with a sense of rhythm of "moving times", and this rare good-looking goods It ’s just a deacon butler in a big family!

There are also a lot of students with good family backgrounds in Putianlian College, but I have never seen this kind of aristocracy!

The most important thing is that the girl who is the young lady is the unquestionable Princess Yeyue at this moment. All the female students in the square are eclipsed compared with her; and the dearest man is steady and exudes a hint of presence. No coercion, all male students dare not even come close!

The students whose worldview and spirit were shocked naturally could not make any response. When the two passed through the square and disappeared in the middle of the night, they were like dull patients whose reflection arc was comparable to the equator, sending out 'oh huh' and so on. Amazing.

"I want to know all about that girl in three seconds!"

"Ah, ah, that deacon is really handsome!"

"Isn't there two people in the school? I should know all the students in this school, but I don't have any impression of them."

"Which rich lady came to Tianlian College for sightseeing, or to find a girlfriend?"

"If you get married, you will earn it. Fight for 20 years less series?"

"Grass, if I can marry, I will die for twenty years!"

"Dream you, and you want to marry Bai Fumei, you can pee without a mirror, can you first recognize the gap between you and that deacon?"

"Well, do you still want to be like a deacon who serves as a young lady? Let's work hard to become a rich woman first."

The students in the main square suddenly broke into a fierce quarrel. Countless people began to look for the young lady and deacon who appeared this night. However, the two were like a fairy tale dreamed by a glimpse. They never appeared again. Become one of the incredible events of the college.

Although Ren Suo and Gu Yueyan have now gone far, and ca n’t hear the students ’arguing over them, Gu Yueyan walked and could n’t help smiling, covering his mouth and sitting on a bench by the road His shoulders trembled with a smile, his chest trembled, and happy moonlight flowed in his narrowed eyes.

Xi Rensuo sat next to her and said, "This is more interesting."

"Um." Gu Yueyan held Rensuo's arm, and his head was naturally placed gently on his shoulder. "I also think. Although it is all we have done together, acting as a character label is indeed better than practicing magic. More fun."

In the dark side of the moon, Ren Suo and Gu Yueyan played character tags for six consecutive days, both to get gifts from the dark side of the moon and to hide in the dark side of the moon, but Gu Yueyan took this opportunity to Ren Suo refreshed six times.

But even the former Rensuo, there is no complaint about it, and even enjoy it.

The little note in the bag just now instructs Ren Suo to play a deacon after getting dressed, in cooperation with the little princess Gu Yueyan making his debut in the main square, blinding the eyes of all students, and not worrying about being recognized. Out-Both of them have changed their image, which is definitely not distinguishable by students who are not familiar with them.

For a while, the two were silent. Gu Yueyan picked up Ren Suo ’s left hand, first with his ten fingers fastened, and then stabbed Ren Rensuo ’s finger, poking the palm of Ren Suo ’s palm, as if confirming the joint of the toy Whether the part is intact and movable.

Bian Ren asked her to act, and for the first time, he found that his hands had so many ways of playing. Gu Yueyan seemed to be in it, playing with this new toy silently.

Gu Guyueyan is very similar to Dong Chengling, both of which are indifferent and nonchalant.

But Dong Chengling is more outspoken and can directly rely on his eyes to express his feelings, but Gu Yueyan is a shy young girl, and prefers to use body movements to reveal his true feelings.

Gu Guyueyan is very similar to Ren Xingmei, both are suicide-style single dogs with their feelings.

But the reason why my sister does n’t say it is because she is Rensuo's sister. As long as she is no longer dragged by this status, she can fierce as if playing unlimited firepower. The reason why Gu Yueyan did not disclose her feelings was because her secret love was a kind of courtesy, secretly building a castle in Rensuo.

Yan Guyueyan is very similar to Qiao Muyi, and he likes to play with Rensuo secretly.

But Qiao Muyi did this because she thought it was a boudoir pleasure, a game between couples. The reason why Gu Yueyan wants to use the role tag to make Ren Suo a couple with her is because she can't suppress those overflowing love.

The ancient Guyueyan's personality is actually the most changeable among Rensuo's girls. He is well behaved and rebellious, conservative and wanton, strict and gentle ...

But there is only one ancient Yueyan in the world.

Because there is only one Ren Suo loved by Gu Yueyan in the world.

"This outfit was borrowed by the envy fish." Gu Yueyan said softly, "I told her I was going to date tonight, and she borrowed this outfit for me."

Ji Rensuo nodded: "She has a good vision."

"She also planned the character label play just now. She thought it was too boring to recall the sad practice experience in Houshan, so I borrowed a suit for you and let us walk through the main square to shock the eyes of the students. "

Bian Rensuo smiled and said, "She has a good vision."

"She also said that your love for me is rotten and expired, like standing water that no longer flows, and then it will only stink, no longer sweet, and no longer worth remembering."

"She said you would give up on me sooner or later."

"She actually wants me to say goodbye to you tonight, and no longer associate."

Gu Yueyan couldn't help laughing: "I have never seen Lin Xianyu so seriously. She was not so serious when she took the final exam. She said that I had to sign an agreement before, so I promised I would not This matter has no relationship with her. "

她 "She has a good vision."

He was silent for a long time, but Gu Yueyan let go of Ren Suo's left hand, and suddenly held his neck, let him lie down on the bench, and put his head on his thigh.

A soft knee pillow, but there is a huge obstacle in the field of vision. If Gu Yueyan did not lower his head, Ren Suo could not see her face.

Yan Guyueyan touched Ren Suo's face gently, pursed her lips and said, "I don't understand."

"I didn't expect that I would not understand what Lin Xianyu said one day. And it's not a term for celebrity rice circle, not a stalk of a variety show, but ... something about you and me."

"It ’s like a student who has been studying hard for 12 years, and is determined to pass the college entrance examination and enter the university. If he is suddenly told that the college entrance examination will not be taken and the university is closed, the students should not understand?"

"I work hard, study hard, secretly to the east teacher, to learn advanced fighting experience from sister Qiao, so that one day I can go to that crystal cathedral with you again. That crystal cathedral has a realistic prototype, than The dark side of the moon is even more beautiful. "

"Suddenly, someone told me at this time that your efforts are useless, because the person you like doesn't like you anymore, and it's not worth your continued love ..."

Moonlight gently shined on Gu Yueyan, and the strong teardrops were hit on Ren Suo's face as if enchanted by moonlight.

"Mr. Suo, I don't understand."

"I do not understand."

"I do n’t understand why there is no elective course for such things as love. This is a discipline that is more difficult than higher numbers than big ones, so no one can sort out the study outline, let me take a grade of 5.0, and talk about a stable love. ?"

"No one has ever taught me. I don't think you and Teacher Dong are a good match. I don't think you and Sister Qiao are impossible. I think you and your sister are even harder to imagine ... but I was wrong. "

"If there is a love course, I must have failed 0 points."

"Mr. Suo, tell me." Gu Yueyan gently stroked Ren Suo's face, his tone was serious and rigid, like a student who asked his teacher: "Which question did I do wrong? Which knowledge point was not mastered?"

Her voice uttered an uncontrollable tremor: "Do I still have the opportunity to retake the exam?"

Bi Rensuo closed his eyes gently.


Even if Ren Suo closed her eyes, she could feel that the moonlight at this moment was more dazzling than the noon sun.

因为 "Because you haven't finished it yet."

Wu Yueguang seemed to be softening again, Ren Suo opened his eyes and looked at the slightly reddened ancient Yueyan.

"This is a course that has been learned to be old, and it is also a test that is done to be old." Ren Suo calm said, "There is no retraining, no retakes, missed questions can be corrected, and no knowledge points can be corrected. Learn now. "

Gu Yueyan wiped away the tears in the corner of her eyes, tried to bend down to look closer at Ren Suo, and then Ren Suo was headshot by two trembling bombs ~ ~ It's charming to sniff breath.

"What's the matter with Mr. Nasuo?" Gu Yueyan stared at Rensuo's eyes seriously and asked, "Which wrong question do I need to correct? Which knowledge point?"

"This is a test paper made by two people together," Ren Suo said calmly, "you did not do anything wrong, you all scored correctly."

只是 "It's just that I couldn't find stationery suddenly, so I didn't continue to score. It was my score that couldn't keep up with your score, not your fault."

"What shall I do?"

"Retrieve stationery and continue the exam."

Bian Rensuo sat up and rubbed his nose, and said to Gu Yueyan, "I can catch up with you soon, and then compete with you again on the same stage, study hard, and improve every day."

Gu Guyueyan asked, "What can I do to help you?"

"It's simple."

Ji Rensuo kneeled on one knee, took Gu Yueyan's right hand, and kissed the back of her hand gently.

Ren Suo, dressed in formal attire, was very scum scum, and she was so cute as the fairy under the moon, and in the moonlight bath, she reached a contract to help each other during the exam.

"My princess, please move on."

"Your knight, come later." ...

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