Mini World Of Endless Fun Awaits

Chapter 778: Go home and argue with your wife

The door of truth was pushed open.

Ren Suo stepped into the night.

The Lianjiang Tower in the distance is no longer optically polluted. It quietly turns off its lights and rests. There are only flashing red lights to remind various large flying objects not to hit it.

Ren Suo had discovered before that if he tried the fifth level trial at night, the game scenery was night; if it was performed in the afternoon, the game time was daylight.

The time, place and even the characters involved in the fifth stage are only related to him.

"Hey brother ~"

The Voidwalker grinned out. Instead of wearing casual clothes tonight, he wore a black exercise suit and stepped on a pair of wooden scoops. It looked like he was rushing over when practicing.

"Six turns?"

Mr. An Yue is still a suit leather collar, but compared to the last dress, he is wearing a black tuxedo and white gloves tonight. If last time he was a business person in and out of Starbucks, then tonight he is a polite and elegant deacon.

"I warn you not to laugh, if you dare to laugh, I will **** you."

In the dark fear of wearing a panda pajamas, the teacher raised his casserole fist to intimidate. The fist was really as big as the casserole, because he also wore panda claw gloves, and the void walker burst into laughter.

When fearing, the teacher also found that he still wore cute claws in his hands, but he thought about it and still did not take it off, and cursed at the void walker: "If it weren't for you, this boy looks handsome, otherwise I would have been Killed you! "

Voidwalker also politely cursed: "The person who dared to talk to me like this last time doesn't know which pit is struggling. If it weren't for your good character, I would have heard a lot of shit. You have tasted something new. "

"All day long, do you deserve your handsome face?"

"Of course it's worth it. Do you know how it's called Contrast Moe? On the contrary, you wear such a thick dress all day, can it be worthy of your beautiful body?"

Seeing the Voidwalker and the horror when the teacher was about to scold, a cold voice suppressed them instantly: "Go home and argue with your wife."

Ren Suo turned around and saw the black coffin demon stepping out of the door of truth. He was still in the costume: he was wrapped in black mist, and the heavy black coffin was tied to his body with a shackle. The only thing clearly visible was the "grief" on his face.

Ren Suo asked: "Do you want to obstruct me?"

Grief and sorrow stared at each other, and then the Voidwalker scratched his head: "What do you say ..."

Mr. An Yue: "We are not blocking your desire now."

When he was afraid, the teacher rubbed his **** with the panda's paws: "It's just that life is not always easy, and we have all come here, and we are still children. It's late at night again. It's a big deal. Go down. "

"Some people, so far. There are some things that can't help you."

The black coffin devil shook his head gently: "I can't help it."

Suddenly, the pupils behind the mask of the quarrel of anger and sorrow suddenly burst out of blood!

The smile instantly turned into a blue sneer mask, with countless dark blue lines extending behind the mask, instantly covering the whole body of the Voidwalker like a tattoo, causing him to ignite a blue flame of energy!

The angry face was transformed into a black skull mask. Mr. An Yue became white, and his clothes, hair, tie, shoes, gloves, and even his skin became a pale color like clothes. Only the black skull mask It's as obvious as white paper splashing ink!

The music face directly became the head of a panda, and the teacher also became a fat panda man when he was afraid, but the expression of the panda's head was not fixed. I'm crying 'emoji, it's a humanoid self-propelled emoji player.

The sad face mask melted directly, and the black coffin demon looked like he hadn't changed, except that after the mask disappeared, his face was still entangled with black mist and could not be seen clearly. Only a pair of **** pupils shivered.

In the next second, the foursome in joy and sorrow said in unison:

"Everything is the choice of the gate of truth!"

The black coffin devil stepped on his feet, and icebergs like black crystals bloomed in the air, slamming along the air floor like giant waves!

Mr. An Yue flew to the sky, the bright moonlight came down like the sky, like the sky falling down and squeezing, omnipresent, unable to stop, unable to resist!

Space locks have blocked the sky, and time polyphony is shrinking all timelines!

Although Ren Suo had realized the possibility of water discharge before, they did not expect where they were before. It was a flood discharge of the Three Gorges Dam!

If Ren Suo really fights with them for five transfers, he will inevitably end up in a beating.

Now the mask of emotions and sorrows completely controls them, so that Ren Suo understands how terrible these people are, and all the previous trials and trials have no meaning-the state of playing at lunchtime, how can it be like now Is this full-power state of rush work comparable?


Six-turn cyclone, driven.

The dark ice dragon strikes Rensuo like a pearl in the Kowloon. The pale moonlight in the sky has also been under heavy pressure. It has gathered into a bit of Cangyue and cut off Rensuo. The world seems to become a grinding disc. !!


The black ice burst every inch, and the rays of Cangguang melted!

"Very well, you can't penetrate my defense."

Ren Suo, who has the "Key to Truth," has long anticipated all attacks. He just wants to test whether he, as a six-turn monk, has really become--

The strongest human on the surface!

Just heard a huge roar, the ice moon roulette shattered, the afterglow struck through the sky, and it was already in front of Mr. An Yue!

Mr. Anyue took the darkest blade from the moonlight, and in a single stroke, the world lost its color. Only the pale moonlight that cut through the world became the only light!

But the next second, the pale moonlight quietly melted away!


At this time, Mr. An Yue has unknowingly fallen into the siege of gentle moonlight. Moonlight is like a lover's slim hand, gently and firmly entangled him, preventing him from moving in the slightest!


Mr. Ange's black skull mask suddenly grew horns, and a boiling black moonlight erupted on his body. He broke through the moonlight blockade and even killed Ren Suo immediately!

But every step he took was one point slower, and with each step, the black moonlight was consumed, and the proud black moonlight couldn't match the gentle night and moon, and the dark clothes faded away in an instant. His body was also retained by the moonlight, and he could no longer advance freely.


The void walker and the dark horror had already come over, and Ren Suo raised his hands, and the whole night sky lost its light and turned into darkness! It is not only a visual obstacle, but even aura fluctuations and air vibrations cannot be sensed. Only the second moon of the night sky is immortal and bright!


This huge range of battlefield blocking spells lasted only one second, but for the six-turn monk Rensuo, this one is enough.

When Yeyue returned the light to the heaven and earth beings, Ren Suo had already hit Mr. Angetsu's arms, and his palm was turned into a claw under the blessing of the five flames. He directly penetrated Mr. Angetsu's chest and rushed into the distance with him!

The voice of solemn persistence rang in Rensuo's ear: "99 points, I give you one point less for fear of your pride."

Mr. Ange's black skull mask began to crack, and his pupils were no longer fanatical crimson, but wise black.

It was only then that Ren Suo found that although this man looked old-fashioned and serious, and was self-disciplined and elegant, his eyes were unusually gentle, and his eyes did not admire Ren Suo.

"Remember, the so-called destiny is born to step on your feet."

When the mask was broken, Mr. An Yue also disappeared into the moonlight.

At the same time, eighteen black fireballs with tracking effects flew in, and Ren Suo kept walking, and continued to use the "magic does not die in the feathers of the stump" to dodge.

But at this instant, the eighteen big fireballs suddenly appeared next to Ren Suo and exploded at the same time!

Ren Suo, who had been blown up by half of her body, quickly escaped from the scene of the explosion. Her body ignited a flame to destroy the remaining melanitis on her body surface. The "rescue to life" and the five drops of water were launched urgently to heal the body's wounds.

Although his expression was still quiet, his brainstorm had already started in his head. If it were not for his absolute rationality, he would have yelled, 'Look at it.'

Not only is the full grasp of "Liuku Xianjia" broken, it is more important that Ren Suo has no 'seeing' the future of this scene at all!

Although Ren Suo was not completely dependent on the key of truth, more importantly, he did not know the reason for the invalidation of the key of truth.

Is it possible that anyone in the remaining three can directly lock the ability props? A bug in the small world console? Or……

But at this moment, Ren Suo suddenly “sees” his future blown up by the big fireball!

Ren Suo turned his head to the side, and saw the panda's head standing darkly fearing Shishi with the expression "Of course choose to forgive me", and instantly knew their tricks!

The dark fear master who can readjust the time will inevitably be able to manipulate the time too!

He may not be able to manipulate the time of the entire world, but it can greatly affect the physiological time of a target!

He just disrupted Ren Suo's time. If Ren Suo's normal time sequence was the first second prediction, the second second, and the third second being attacked, then the dark master would move the first second to the third second. Therefore, the prediction was caused only after Ren Suo was attacked!

Time is above prediction, and prediction cannot break the time limit, so it is moved by time! At the same time, the prediction of the key of truth is also limited to 'picture sound'. Like this invisible and timeless shift of time, Ren Suo is naturally unpredictable.

As for why the fireball suddenly teleports, it is naturally a space mover of the Voidwalker-he can not only teleport himself, but also other spells!

Strong is not terrible, terrible is unknown.

After knowing the truth, Ren Suo made a plan instantly and turned it into a shadow to kill the dark master!

During this time, he was attacked by the black flame fire and the dark ice dragon. Defensively, Ren Suo was not seriously injured any more, and "Salvation" could quickly heal his injury.

This injury cannot affect Rensuo at all.

Previously, when the Black Coffin King added 100% pain to him, he could rely on reason to suppress the pain.

Now, Ren Suo is still in the state of pain immunity, how could he make mistakes?

At this time, the Voidwalker teleported behind the dark horror division, watching the dark horror division be taken away by the teleportation, Ren Suo shouted to attract their attention, and hit a flame spiral with his right hand!

"Flame Master"!

"Storm Control"!

The magic spell cast by the six-turn monk swept through the night sky, as if the night was lit!

The boiling fire storm raged out, and the teacher had no fear when he was afraid. The expression of "a netizen passing by without money" appeared on the head of the panda, and he easily and naturally swam in the sea of ​​fire. The void walker had to escape from the fire storm range.

It is no surprise that the dark fear division has a similar "time walk" skill, but Ren Suo is very close to the dark fear division while taking advantage of the fire!

"A Thousand Miles A Day, Time Roaming"!

Suddenly, the entire sky entered a roaming state!

Whether it is Ren Suo, the dark horror, the void walker or the black coffin demon, even the black flames flying in the air and the ice flowers cracking on the ground all enter the roaming state!

All people's time is infinitely extended, within a thousand miles, one second a day!

And the flame storm that was just unable to cause damage to the dark horror, is now ruthlessly tearing down his body!

That's right, people who roam will avoid any real harm.

But what if we drag reality into roaming?

Six transfers are given to Rensuo, not only greatly enhanced spell damage, but also a breakthrough ability to use spells!

He will directly use it to "time walk" into a large-scale field spell!

The panda's head, who was afraid of Shishi, turned into an expression of "frightened to cry by the big brother". He immediately started to adjust the time to clean up all the time spells and dispelled Rensuo's time roaming spells. At this time, the Voidwalker teleported the black coffin demon's spell behind Ren Suo, blowing up Ren Suo ’s ass.

However, at this time, Ren Suo broke into the flame storm, with the "Liu Ku Xian Jia" carrying his flame damage, he was very close to the dark fear of the division!

The dark horror who was burned by the flames and pursued by Ren Suo had to enter the "time walk" state again to avoid damage.

At the same time, Ren Suo also launched "Time Walk"!

But this time he only allowed himself to roam, because he was also in the sea of ​​fire. If the flames were also dragged into the roaming state, "Liuku Xianjia" would burst.

There are only two people currently roaming.

At this one-thousandth of a second scale, in this timeline where only the two of them exist, the Voidwalker and the Black Coffin Demon could not intervene at all, and it was even difficult to watch their battle.

The pandaren who tried to escape was afraid of Shi Shi, but Ren Suo was eventually caught up.

On the scale of a thousandth of a second, casting is slower than melee.

Having avoided the unavoidable dark fear, he turned around and punched a large casserole, a claw fan to Rensuo!

At this instant, Ren Suo suddenly released the time roaming state.

The fear of Shi Shi's claws directly crossed Rensuo's head ~ ~ Reality can't hurt time rover, but time rover can't affect reality!

In the dark, when the teacher couldn't hit Rensuo, he wanted to change his tactics. However, Rensuo bullied that you are not good enough in my brain, not quick enough to respond, and not high enough for me!

I can hold it for another second in the sea of ​​fire, and I can rely on six rotations to launch "Ren Xingmei's Time Rule · Time Walk" twice in a row!

Ren Suo enters the roaming state again, and directly hits the arms of the dark horror. The hands strengthened by the flames of five flames, strengthened with the "finger lock", penetrates the fluffy body of the dark horror like a steel blade!

"Finally ... no overtime."

The scarlet eyeballs of the horrified teacher returned to normal and said easily.

On the time scale of a thousandth of a second, only Ren Suo could hear his voice. As before, the dark eyes of the teacher were lazy, and there was blood in it, which seemed to be a potential disabled person with irregular life.

"I want to say something, but you probably guessed what I want to say, so I won't say anything."

At this moment, the panda head of Shi Shi became a look of "Can you introduce me to a rich woman? I don't want to work hard anymore".

"Ah yes," said suddenly Shishi, "remember, this world is not just about maximizing benefits. Don't put all capital on appreciation, don't become slaves to capital, and don't be controlled by those who try to control it. The existence of your capital is confused ... "

The man is dying, and his words are good. Even the secretly feared enemy, Shi Shi, still shows his strong style after defeat.

"and so……"

The dark horror escaped from the time-walking state, and his fluffy body turned into flying ash in the flames, leaving a final warning:

"Give yourself money."

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