Mini World Of Endless Fun Awaits

Chapter 779: "Gate of Truth", clear the customs!

Mr. An Yue, defeated by "Yin Qing Yuan Que".

Secretly afraid of the time division, was defeated "a thousand miles a day."

Use the stronger forces to crush the past where the enemy is best.

This is the power of six turns.

360,000 truth points, 250,000 points are used to buy "Key of Truth", which gives Renso the ability to predict the future in three seconds; the remaining 110,100 truth points, respectively, bought "experience cards" that can go up and down, and three "Four Turns to Repair Cards" with an increase of 20%.

Three repair cards allowed Rensuo to directly break through to the level of five turns, and one experience card allowed Rensuo to cross the bottleneck of six turns.

In fact, the breakthrough process is not so simple, but Ren Suo has now undergone four times of thought strengthening, five times of reaction strengthening, and with the assistance of absolute rationality, guiding the reiki evolution cyclone is even simpler for him.

The power of the six-turn cyclone is more than just a surge in spell effects. It may take some time for Ren Suo's body to adapt to the huge changes in the four-to-six revolution. However, Ren Suo now controls the body of the gatekeeper.

As a game character, the gatekeeper does not need to digest the growth of cultivation, and directly reaches the true six-turn form!

The amount of reiki has greatly increased, and the physical fitness has been greatly enhanced. The aura's perception and magic affinity have also reached an incredible level. The spells cast by Ren Suo are enough to evacuate the entire area.

The bead matrix also belongs to a system where the stronger the character, the stronger the gain. The dark master, Anyway, is also an extraordinary person with an aura barrier. However, he was still unable to resist the flame storm that Ren Suo had gained, and the barrier broke instantly.

And the Void Walker who wanted to rescue nearby didn't dare to teleport into the flame to save people, and watched Ren Suo pierce the pandaren who secretly feared Shi Shi!


This is power!

The flames cleared, Ren Suo stood in the moonlight, his body was unscathed, and even the torn Victoria Hunter suit turned into an elegant noble knight dress.

"The teacher was extinguished when he was afraid, do you still have the power to hinder the prediction of truth?"

The void walker emitting blue steam shook his head, and withdrew a blade like a sword of flowing clear water from the void, and stroked his left hand gently.

In the next second, the Voidwalker teleported behind Ren Suo, and the long sword cut through the void and cut a huge space crack!

At the same time, the black coffin demon also moved to Ren Suo instantly, instantly dark ice tomb, trying to freeze Ren Suo!

However, the attacks of both of them were missed. At this time, Ren Suo had already cast "Chengling Void Walk" and left without taking away a cloud.

When Ren Suo saw that the future Black Coffin Demon King could teleport, he knew that the Voidwalker had lifted the space lock, so of course he could walk in the void himself!

The next move is also a two-man teleport attack!

Just as Ren Suo attempted to teleport to dodge and counterattack, the void suddenly became a wall of iron again, and the "Chengling Netherwalk" failed to start.

Space lock again!

Ren Suo immediately took the initiative and launched "The Magician Doesn't Die on the Feathers of the Standing Pile" and fled into the afterimage. However, the Voidwalker and the Black Coffin Demon King have already arrived!

"Black Lotus Ice Tomb"!

"Dimensional Slash"!

The icy tomb in the frosty sky successfully blocked Ren Suo's operation, and the dimensional cut that tore the space was not the damage that Ren Suo's "Liu Ku Xian Jia" could resist.

"Time Walk"!

Ren Suo had to launch a time roam to avoid damage, but he found that the Black Coffin Demon King can now teleport, but he just couldn't ...

The space lock cannot be targeted at him only. The principle of the space lock can be understood. About Mo is to manipulate the aura into a space barrier to block the entire area. Only the caster can freely cross the barrier, so there can be only one space lock in an area. Only one person in the lock can teleport freely.

What's more, if the black coffin demon can also teleport in the lock of the space, then he has no reason to expose it now.

If it was before the black coffin demon was awake, Ren Suo believed he might release water at this point. However, after the masks of anger and sorrow changed, they obviously became alienated and became goalkeepers in full-fighting combat. It was impossible to keep their hands.

Reason has given Ren Suo the ability to think complexly in this intense and exciting battle.

Observe, observe!

Ren Suo turned into an afterimage and ran away, but next second he predicted that the Voidwalker and the Black Coffin Demon King would teleport him again.

This time, it is still inevitable!

With the large-scale map cannon AOE of the Black Coffin Demon and the precise dimension cut of the Voidwalker, Ren Suo was forced to launch a "time walk" again!

He can use Time Walk continuously, but at most five times he must enter a 10 second cooldown.

Time is delicate and dangerous.

Jumping on the timeline multiple times will deepen the body ’s “walking” mark. If it is launched six times in a row, there may be an indelible “walking” mark on Ren Suo. When he returns to reality, the body Some parts of may be still roaming, and will be directly out of his real body!

However, just two attacks, Ren Suo saw the mystery of it.

The Voidwalker unlocked the space because the teacher was dead when he was afraid, and I regained the ability to predict for three seconds. The Voidwalker alone could not threaten me.

Therefore, they believe that it is necessary to allow the black coffin demon to also acquire the teleport ability, in order to cause harm to me.

They did it.

They can teleport, but I can't.

Space lock is working normally.

Then Ren Suo noticed that the Voidwalker and the Black Coffin Demon attacked at the same time, and naturally they also teleported at the same time!

Therefore, there is only one truth.

"The stance of the sand sculpture before the Voidwalker confuses me. The space lock does not have a cast forward or cast process at all, but is almost a key switch."

"When they are not teleporting, the Voidwalker unlocks the space lock. Only at the moment of their teleportation is the Voidwalker closing the spacelock, allowing the black coffin demon to teleport with him."

"and so……"

The key to truth, Rensuo once again predicted the next wave of attacks.

Four-fold thinking, five-fold response, six transfers.

Just at the moment when the Voidwalker and the Black Coffin Demon teleported, Ren Suo accurately seized the opportunity to close the space lock, while performing a teleport!

"Burning Flames"!

"Starburst Dimensional Slash"!

The raging black flames covering the sky and the moon spread the sky, and a dark blue space-time crack cut through the sky!

But at this time, Ren Suo had been teleported behind the Voidwalker-this was the only area where the black coffin devil did not attack.

Five Flame Beads Spells-"Crossblade Cross"!

The sharp cross-shaped wind strengthened by the turn of the ball and supported by the six turns tears the body of the void walker from the back and instantly divides the void walker into quarters!


The Voidwalker gave a sincere laugh, and he turned to look at Ren Suo, and under the golden broken smile mask was a pair of eyes that narrowed into a smile.

"Wow! Actually seize this moment of opportunity!"

His voice did not show any frustration. To know that Shishi and Mr. Anyue were more or less unhappy, "Ah, I actually lost to this bastard", except that the Voidwalker was completely absent. Appreciate.

How happy life can we cultivate such people?

"Then I'll hang up first, and have time to eat together. My wife is good at crafting."

Without persuasion or warning, the Voidwalker was like a neighbourhood neighbor coming to the door. Now it's time for dinner, so he said goodbye and left, and went home for dinner.

The golden smile was broken, and the void walker was annihilated in the wind.

The Voidwalker was defeated by "In the End of the World".

Then there were only two people left.

Ren Suo stared at the black coffin demon, then disappeared at the same time.

"Burning Flames"!

"Black Lotus Ice Tomb"!

"Blizzard Carnival"!

Cast while teleporting!

Even if Ren Suo can predict his teleportation location, the black coffin Demon King's teleportation moment will cast a wide range of spells on the map cannon. Ren Suo, even if he can rely on the "Liuku Xianjia" to resist, will be hindered!

The black flames exhausted the sky, and the stars and the moon were dark; the ice tomb was dusty in midair, and the earth was tarnished; Hurricane Dragon whistled in it, like a scar on the earth!

Ren Suo has just found out that the general spells can't compete with the black coffin's magic at all, because the black coffin's spells are corrosive and have a higher priority than other spells.

Even if Ren Suo uses six transfers as the driving spell, he can't be defeated!

The only thing that can defeat the darkness is ... even darker!

"Devil, King, Return, Destroy, Destroy, Yin, Shadow"!

Although Ren Suo has not actively collected negative emotions these days, but ... he is an accomplice to Qiao Muyi.

Countless negative emotions evaporate, the cyclone spins wildly, and Rensuo never forgets to trigger the bead matrix, which further strengthens the spell effect and triggers the five-earth bead spell--

"Super Destruction Level Blade Armor"!

"Super Destroyed Flame Master!"

"Super Destroyed Storm Control"!

"Super Destruction Level Ice Age"!

The white fierce flames devoured Black Flame, the Thunderstorm broke through Hurricane Dragon, and the transparent glacial river swept the Black Ice Tomb!

The black coffin demon has more blood in his eyes, madly teleporting and madly casting. However, Ren Suo, who has the ability to predict, can defeat the enemy first, and he first teleports the step. Although he has also countered the breakout, he has completely suppressed him!

With teleportation, you can break through and it is so difficult to kill.

Finally, in a teleportation of the Black Coffin Demon King, he bumped into the white flames floating in the air and hesitated.

Ren Suo, who seized this opportunity, also teleported behind the Black Coffin Demon King!

With one click, you can completely defeat the moody, sad and happy foursome!

However, Ren Suo stopped at this time.

The black coffin demon king who responded did not immediately cast a map cannon spell guard, nor did he teleport to escape.

He turned around 180 ° and glanced at Ren Suo.

One of those scarlet blood pupils had recovered a black hole-like depth.

Then the black coffin demon raised his right hand, and Heiyan was boiling and roaring, and the storm bit his arm!

Ren Suo was not polite. He also raised his right arm, Bai Yan roared, and the storm wound his arm!



Pile driver!

The two most frightening fists touched together, and the erupting air wave swept away for hundreds of miles!


The right fist of the Black Coffin Devil was completely crushed by Ren Suo. The right fist of Ren Suo drove straight in and completely penetrated the Black Coffin Demon's chest.

But the black coffin devil didn't care at all, his eyes completely returned to normal. He seemed relieved, saying, "You win, you win the beauty, you win the light."

Ren Suo shook his head: "I can no longer give you spells that are comparable to yours. If you just left, I may not be able to defeat you."

Qiao Muyi has accumulated a lot of negative emotions. In a series of chasing battles just now, Ren Suo has been completely exhausted. If it weren't for the Black Coffin Demon who suddenly punched him, then he would definitely be crushed by the Black Coffin Demon now.

"But you already had a chance to defeat me," said the black coffin demon. "As long as you attack the black coffin behind me and run through my body, I will still lose."

"But you didn't."

"So, I give you a chance to face me."

Ren Suo raised his eyebrows slightly. He felt that the black coffin demon who was in charge of sadness also seemed to hide a trace of amusement.

"And it's not just that you can't cast spells of that level. Even me, I can't continue to cast such fierce spells ..."

The black coffin demon turned into a black mist to dissipate, and his voice was no longer hoarse, but instead he was gentle and mature:

"After all, I have no cause for resentment."

The black coffin demon was defeated by the "return of the demon king".


Ren Suo turned, looked at the door of truth behind him, and found that the three top elements were completely lit.

Then, a flame path started from the lowest primitive "kingdom", divided into three paths to "brilliance", "basic" and "victory", and then these three primitives continued to extend to connect to "beauty" "Strict", "Benevolence", "Understanding", "Wisdom", and finally all flame paths converge in the final primitive, the highest primitive, and the highest primitive "Crown" at the same time.

"The gate of truth comes."

A voice sounded in Rensuo's heart: "Open the door to truth and take charge of truth."

Ren Suo went to the door of the door of truth and put his hand directly on the door.

The key to truth has become his power.

He is the key to truth.


The door of truth squeaks in. ~ ~ reveals a crack in the door.

Ren Suo Jinghong glanced at, and saw light, darkness, rainbow, sky, earth, and beings in the cracks of the door.


"Successfully opened the door to truth and took charge of truth!"

"mission completed!"

The sound of customs clearance has sounded.

However, Ren Suo was not automatically kicked out of the game.

Because soon there was a voice: "Do you want to evolve trading permissions?"

Ren Suo: "Is there a higher level of trading authority?"

Unlike the system voice, this voice will talk to Ren Suo: "You have been in charge of the" basic truth authority ", and you can exchange everything equivalent for as long as you pay the corresponding price.

"You can evolve the trading authority to obtain the 'perfect truth authority.' You can directly extract energy from the gate of truth without paying any price, and get unlimited everything."

Ren Suo: "The energy of the gate of truth is infinite?"

Voice: "It's infinite. The universe, biology, thought, entropy increases, and work is done .... Everything in the world moves from order to disorder. All the energy released when it moves from order to disorder is partly used by all things in the world and part of it. Into the gate of truth. "

"When the world is chaotic and the universe is lonely, the gate of truth will release the saved energy and restart the universe."

"When you choose the right to evolve truth, you have the responsibility of restarting the universe, becoming an eternal gatekeeper, an eternal seeker, a future creator, a past recorder."

"You will be eternal overlord."

Immortality, the strongest and most invincible, this is the longing of all living things, and the ultimate solution to all problems directed by reason.

Ren Suo: "How to evolve trading permissions?"

Voice: "Give reason."

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