Mini World Of Endless Fun Awaits

Chapter 780: I, Ren Suo, are back!

"Give your reason, and you'll get 'perfect truth authority.'"

Hearing this answer, Ren Suo was not surprised.

Absolute rationality gives him the ability to think about all possibilities before entering the game.

Ren Suo: "Can't anything else? It must be my reason?"

Voice: "No, only by paying the sensitivity and rationality of the gatekeeper can we obtain the" perfect truth authority. "

Ren Suo: "Why?"

Voice: "Only the gatekeeper of perceptual and rationality can control the door of truth; only by blending emotion with rationality and truth can we obtain the perfect truth authority."

"The gate of truth is the body of all things, the root of the past, the present and the future.

For immortality, for liberation, for redemption, for end, for beginning.

For the whole, but also for one. "

"Spiritual knowledge is like a gap between the dust and the universe compared to the vast truth."

"Only the gatekeepers who are not emotional or rational can fully control the gate of truth."

"Once the gate of truth is fully controlled, the truth must smash the sensitivity and rationality of the gatekeeper."

"This is a frontal relationship."

"Perfect truth authority is the inner manifestation of the gate of truth. At this time, it is stateless. When the gatekeeper pays the emotion and reason, your sensitivity and reason will become the core of the gate of truth, and the gatekeeper will become the same The existence of the gate, so it can grasp the authority of perfect truth. "

"By then, you will be truth, and truth will be you."

Ren Suo asked, "What if I refuse to give reason?"

The voice rose slightly: "This is not a wise choice, but a meaningless choice."

"Through the trial of igniting the Ten Primitives and returning to the path of the Fire Sword, you should understand that the so-called sensibility is a screening system generated by biological genes, in order to stir up endless disputes, create classes, trigger wars, and reduce the number of creatures. , Screening for better living individuals.

If there is no sensitivity and only rationality, then all ethnic groups can work together and cooperate without any disputes. Human beings are no longer trapped in this small planet, but instead move towards the sea of ​​stars, and even the long river of time and space in Biyin. "

Ren Suo nodded: "That's true."

Voice: "And the so-called rationality is just a deadly survival strategy. You should be well aware of the shortcomings of rationality. Although you gain a lot from rationality, you also lose a lot. You can no longer get any external motivation, even survival. Can't be your motivation. The reason why you have fought for the gate of truth so far is just a continuation of life instinct.

If there is no rationality and only sensibility, then all individuals can get the maximum motivational experience, and all individuals are immersed in the ocean of joy, sorrow and sorrow. The social system will change drastically, and the world will no longer be connected. Even if the material is no longer developed, even if human beings are dying, but humans with intense mental activity will have a magnificent and extraordinary life for everyone, and each individual will realize the value of life. "

Ren Suo nodded: "It makes sense."

Voice: "Reason makes the race end internal frictions, develops in unity, and sticks to the truth."

"Sensuality allows the individual to escape from the shackles of reality, to pursue freely, to seek truth."

"The rational is the gatekeeper, the emotional is the seeker."

"There are two kinds of power that can etch the truth, but human beings have both."

"So your collective ca n’t stop the internal friction. For ten million years, you have been fighting for the resources left by Stardust on the small planet. Your individual is also trapped in the shackles of reality, and has spent its entire life in the trap of capital and man-made. Struggle with your desires. "

"Having two right powers at the same time, but only to the wrong abyss."

Ren Suo nodded: "You're right."

Voice: "As a gatekeeper of truth, you don't need to contribute to the collective or fight as an individual. Because the end of reason and emotion is truth, and you are truth."

"You have reached the end. Naturally, you no longer need to keep the weights and supplies on your body, they will become a drag on you."

"Give sensibility, give reason, and accept the ultimate truth."

Ren Suo lowered his head and meditated silently, and then said, "Everything is destined."

"Even if you don't give reason at this time, every time you use the basic truth authority and trade truth, your reason will be a little consumed by it."

"Every time you control the door of truth, the door of truth will kill you a bit more emotional and rational."

"When you have lost your sensibility, your reason will continue to be consumed."

"Finally, when your reason is completely consumed and you are integrated into the gate of truth, you will automatically gain the perfect truth authority."

"Everything is inevitable toward truth."

Yang Mou.

Everything is clear. Unless Ren Suo absolutely does not use the authority of truth in the future, his rationality will inevitably pass away, and the result is no different: he will obtain the authority of perfect truth and completely lose his reason.

So can he no longer trade with truth authority? Yes, but he won't.

He judges the speed of his rational flow to price any activity in his life.

Once certain activities are worth more than his lost reason, he will not hesitate to use the gate of truth to complete them quickly for greater efficiency.

Fear of giving, you will only lose more.

Of course you can avoid the harsh sun when you close your eyes, but you will also miss the shining stars.

Ren Suo asked, "What will I become when I lose my reason?"

Voice: "You will become a pure self."

"Emotions, memories, can no longer hinder you; goals, directions, can no longer confuse you. You will become the embodiment of truth, and will always be called by the truth."

"No confusion, no confusion."

"You will get rid of the yoke everywhere and get complete freedom."

"Everything in the world is in your sight, and the desire of all is less than half of the truth."

Ren Suo calmly said, "It sounds like a monster."

Voice: "If you want to call it a monster, call it a monster. So, isn't it good to be a free monster?"


No longer dragged by sensibility, no longer driven by reason, complete and pure.

Although Ren Suo has not experienced the so-called 'freedom', he can be sure that the freedom must be worth his rationality and sensitivity.

The voice said softly, "So, give it up."

Ren Suo raised his hand and prepared to put his hands on the lintel. However, when he was still one finger away from the door, he stopped his hands and asked, "My sensibility should be completely consumed now, right?"

no answer.

"My sensibility disappeared at the beginning of the game." Ren Suo continued, "I paid for my sensibility, but I didn't get anything. The bead matrix is ​​a natural help for the gatekeeper. The trading authority is also after the original substance is ignited. Gradually open. "

"And why does my relationship add value after I give my reason?"

"In the beginning, I thought that this relationship came from other people's feelings towards me. But if this is the case, after selling the relationship, it should be the other person, not me, that lost the relationship."

"But there is no doubt that it is me who loses the emotion, and it is me who adds value."

"Therefore, my sensibility has not been lost from the beginning, but it has been suppressed, so I have become absolutely rational."

"So my feelings can regenerate and continue to add value. Because my sensibility is hidden in the depths, but it is completely suppressed by reason, so I cannot detect it, but as long as the outside world stimulates, my sensibility will continue To generate emotional resources. "

The voice finally sounded: "Yes."

"However, as you said, every time I use the Gate of Truth transaction, my sensibility and reason will pass away a bit. Since my reason has not passed away, it is naturally my sensibility that is consumed in the transactions these days."

"600,000 truth points." Ren Suo spit out a number: "This is the share of truth points I have used in total, and it can also completely wipe out my emotional truth point transaction volume, right?"

"As long as I use 600,000 truth points and sell all my feelings, my sensibility will be completely consumed and fully integrated into the door of truth."

The voice finally sounded: "Yes."

Ren Suo nodded: "This is reasonable. I have been thinking why the final practice of the fifth trial will be two days after the end of the fourth trial, because you have calculated everything.

Everything is the arrangement of the gate of truth.

Right, truth. "

The voice did not respond, and Ren Suo continued to say his analysis: "The trial time and trial location of the first four stages are all confirmed. The day is day and the night is night. Only the fifth stage is different. If it's done, it's day, if it's done at night, it's night. "

"This only shows that the fifth level is essentially no time limit, so there is only one purpose for the truth gate that restricts the clearance time-you do not allow me to obtain sufficient clearance funds through delays.

"You need me to have 360,000 truth points just after selling all my feelings, and then pass the fifth level trial."

"At this time, I had no emotion, no emotion, and truly became an absolute rational person."

"In the face of perfect truth authority, reason will make the best choice. Then I will give reason and become the sole gatekeeper of the door of truth."

"From the day I chose the wrong one, my destiny has been doomed by you."

The voice of truth suddenly sounded: "What is right? What is wrong? Truth, is it a superficial thing that can be distinguished by right or wrong?"

"Truth is the destination of the universe, the direction of sentient beings, and a symbol of eternity."

"Gatekeeper, you have only one choice from beginning to end: Master the perfect truth and guard the eternal gate!"

Ren Suo stared at the door of truth for three seconds, nodded silently, and pressed his hands completely on the door of the door of truth.

He took a deep breath and said calmly:

"Maybe, I didn't choose wrong."

The gate of truth squeaked and seemed to affirm Renso's choice.

"Just when I was choosing, I didn't know there was a better choice."

Ren Suo closed his eyes and said aloud--

"Trading, proceed!"

Ten primitive flames were swaying, and suddenly there were countless imaginary tentacles in the crack of the door of truth, invading Ren Suo's body!

Ren Suo has no response, let it be!

"Longevity Cross Slash", "Sword Armor" ...

"Flame Pearl", "Storm Pearl" ...

"Experience card", "Four transfers to card", "Thinking card", "Response card" ...

"Chengling Nether Walking", "The Moon Goddess of the Ancient Moon", "Ren Xingmei's Rules of Time", "Lin Xianyu's Storm Law", "Kuangtu's Burning of the Eight Sins" ...

Ren Suo's cultivation, props and spells, were looted madly under the tentacles of the Gate of Truth!

Correspondingly, some illusory things, along the tentacles of the gate of truth, returned to Renso again.

However, there was a rare anger in the voice of truth: "What are you doing!"

The corner of Ren Suo's mouth slightly twitched, and he smiled, "Truth, in fact, you need emotional and rationality the most?"

"No matter how much you scoff at reason and sensibility, it is undeniable that if you do not have sensibility and reason, then you are just a system with only instincts."

"So from start to finish, you have two goals.

First, complete advent.

Second, seize someone's sensitivity and reason!

Am I right? "

The voice of truth became indifferent: "What is it? What is it not? The point is, why do you do this?"

"Do you need a reason?" Ren Suo laughed. "Before, I used my sensibility, feelings, merits, and exchanged for cultivation, spells, and props."

"Now, I just use my cultivation skills, spells and props to take back all my lost sensibility, feelings and merits!"

"I do n’t have to lose anything I do n’t have; but I ca n’t bear the least of what I have!”

In this instant conversation ~ ~ Ren Suo's revision has dropped from six to five!

The voice of truth is anxious and anxious: "You deserve to know the disadvantages of perceptualness and reason, and how rare an opportunity is to obtain the right to perfect truth! After you miss it, there is no such opportunity to be 'always free!'

"Even if you give up the right of perfect truth, does your reason not let you understand that your current strength can already solve the 99.9% difficulty. Although you still cannot escape the universe, it is enough to obtain relative freedom on this small planet!"

"Why do you give up this opportunity? Why do you want to return this power?"

In the end, the voice of truth is almost snarling: "At that time, the difficulties of life, the beating of fate, the upset of society, what do you use to solve!"

"Doesn't your reason make you understand what is the ultimate solution?"

"My reason tells me that power is not the only solution."

An open smile on Ren Suo's face: "Ration gives me another answer."

"After I sold everyone's feelings, I relied on my memory to remember my past and then ..."

"I just relied on them again by relying on my reason.

"So truth, this is my answer."

"Whether it is the difficulty of life, the beating of fate, or the upheaval of society ..."

"I'll have a woman!"

At this moment, Ren Suo Xiu dropped sharply and fell back to the first level of four turns!

The tentacles of the door of truth were removed from Ren Suo, and the crack of the door of truth was closed completely, leaving no light.

Ren Suo left his door with the door of the door of truth. He opened his hands, looked up at the night sky, and slowly opened his eyes.

"Hee hee." He smirked, his eyes full of joy and expectation.

I, Ren Suo, are back!

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