Mini World Of Endless Fun Awaits

Chapter 781: Truth, feelings, everything!

The sensibility of passing away returns to the body again.

This is a very strange feeling, just like a straightforward essay with more adjectives, more examples, more thoughts, more annotations, and it has become a narrative.

It's like adding a lot of milk to a glass of ice, adding a lot of popping beads, adding a lot of sago, and adding a lot of mango ice ... Then it becomes a cup of mango popping sago tea with ice.

All memories, all emotions return to the ontology, letting you savor this lost and regained experience, it feels like another generation.

In fact, absolute rationality is not an unfamiliar experience for him. Even a normal person can basically enter this state as long as he is focused on doing something. However, it cannot be a highly motivating nature such as playing a game. Activities, similar to the immersive academic activities of doing math problems.

Therefore, in the past 20 days, Ren Suo should have devoted himself to a math problem that can never be completed, and the more he does it, the more inhumane he will, the more he will lose his girlfriend, and he will not go bald anymore.

Fortunately Ren Ren is smart enough to understand a truth by reason:

If you work hard, you may not succeed.

But if you give up, it will be very easy.

In fact, it was very dangerous just now. If it wasn't for the door of truth to ask Rensuo to give reason, Rensuo's rationality might not be determined to abandon the sunk costs paid in the past twenty days and take back his lost emotional feelings.

Yes, Rensuo's rationality did judge that in order to master the authority of perfect truth, even losing rationality is worth it.

But the door to truth is too innocent.

It conceals key information, compresses checkpoint time, and forces Ren Suo to pass on his sensibility without knowing it.

Although it is not deceiving consumers, after all, the "basic truth authority" rewarded by the Gate of Truth after customs clearance has little side effects, but it is almost the same as the reward that Ren Suo expects.

However, it actually launched the "Xingyue VIP Exclusive Edition" on this "universal version", and it is extremely cost-effective. Rensuo's rationality is naturally inclined to buy, buy decisively, buy early and enjoy early, and late purchase will be white give away.

But at this time Ren Suo's rationality also had a concern.

Because the gate of truth is too innocent, will it hide other information, even if Ren Suo can master the authority of perfect truth, he may need to make other efforts?

This is a very normal consideration, which instantly makes this seemingly preferential transaction half the benefits and risks. But if that's the case, Rensuo will definitely trade. After all, he has no way out. He who has the door to truth will inevitably use it in daily life, and it will not be rationally exhausted.

At this time, Dong Chengling, Gu Yueyan, Ren Xingmei, Qiao Muyi, and Luna became the last straws that overwhelmed the sense of reason.

how to say? It's like you've joined a company, and the boss is 996, you're drawing cakes, and you're grateful, but this is your only offer, and the expected income is really good, but this boss is too chicken, you do n’t know if you should It should be continued.

At this time, you find that you are not the ordinary proletariat, you have a girlfriend!

Then of course you will throw a resignation letter on the boss's face and shout, "Lao Tzu!"

"I am looking for a good company with 955, high salary, good welfare, and can realize the value of life. I travel abroad twice a year, I can make **** with pay every day, I have a new game and a‘ game holiday ’!”

"Let me stay with my girlfriend for support."

A retreat is so confident.

This is a rational judgment.

Since I missed this opportunity, miss it. I'll wait and see, maybe there is an opportunity that I can easily and invincibly win without paying any price.

我 Anyway, I can afford it, why bother looking for trouble?

and many more!

Sui Rensuo was suddenly a little worried, did this black-hearted usury door of truth really return everything to him?

Recall first!

When I think of Dong Chengling, Gu Yueyan, Ren Xingmei, Qiao Muyi, Luna, what do I miss most of them?

Is it gentle? Is it emotion? Still memories?

Point straight to my heart, my sincerity, give the most sincere answer-

Is flesh.

I'm fine, there should be no problem in love, I'm still a pure little boy.

Next is the relationship.

Dad, mom, I actually sold your feelings.

Now, I have snatched back your affection!

I can't ...

来 I haven't contacted me for the past 20 days since I returned to Lianjiang ...

Am I really your son ...

For a moment, Ren Rensuo felt hesitant. He wondered if he was thinking wrong. Yes, he can be sure that his sister was adopted by his parents, but ...

My sister-in-law was adopted, and I can't conclude that he wasn't given it by phone bill!

I figured out this joint, and Ren Suo suddenly opened up in many places.

想 I want to come this way, it should be that after my parents adopted our two brothers and sisters, after training, they found that the younger sister is an SSR-level qualification, I am just an SR-level. According to the normal strategy, they naturally cultivated SSR's younger sister, and I naturally released SR.


Ran Suo, who thought he knew the truth, fell down, and continued to recall friendship.

Yu Kuangtu, the first reaction was to want to hit him, stable;

Baiji, the first reaction was to send him a women's dress, stable;

Li Lidan, the first reaction was to draw circles on his face while he was sleeping, stable;

Zhao Huo ...

Recalling this beast, Ren Suo couldn't help feeling a little complicated.

You actually like me after women's clothing, so abnormal!

It's too much for me to reject women's clothing!

That is, under the state of absolute rationality, Ren Suo would only be willing to transform into a woman to seduce a man. He would definitely not be willing to do so now.

But he could really seduce Zhao Huo, and he was dumped unilaterally by Zhao Huo ...

Bi Rensuo has a frustration of "how can you not like me".

But Zhao Huo didn't have any dregs, and he decided to blacken the lock, which made Ren Suo look at him.

火 Zhao Huo is not an ordinary scumbag, but a responsible, moral, and dignified ... Miyoshi scumbag.

Humiliation, rejoicing, sighing, surprise ... all feelings merge together into one sentence:

You want women's clothing, you want women's clothing, you want ~ women's clothing.

If you think about it, only my dress has seduced him, it seems like a loss!

I can't bear my conscience!

I do n’t want his women to seduce me, but I have to lose them!

I don't even need him to wear women's clothing, it only suffices if he obediently gives me a "different life", to ensure that he can become a beautiful girl in men's clothing!

As long as I can get the ability to use the exclusive power of the game console to others!

Zhi Rensuo secretly issued the next aspiration: One day the knife is in hand, where are the good friends!

It's not just Zhao Huo, Yu Kuangtu, Bai Ji, Li Dan, you can't escape!

I ca n’t have only my ladies!

As long as everyone has black history, there is no black history!

Organize her mood, and Ren Suo fully confirms that she lost her sensibility and feelings.

But there is actually a little problem here.

That is, every time I use the authority of truth trading, I will wear away some sense and reason.

Just now he had a transaction of nearly 600,000 truth points to regain his sensibility and feelings. In theory, his sensibility and reason was also consumed. But at that time his sensitivity was as a trading item, so ...

His reason may be worn away and lost.

So, does it have any impact on Ren Suo?

Bian Rensuo thought for half a second, feeling completely okay, he was very smart and healthy, and even a little hungry.

Confirming his state, Ren Suo raised his head and looked at the door of truth in front of him.

在 "Are you here? Open the door, you have such a kind of overcast me, you have the door to open!"

Bi Rensuo growled a few words in his heart, and the gate of truth was unresponsive.

Bi Rensuo can now be sure that the gate of truth itself cannot speak.

The gate of truth that He spoke so excitedly was actually the truth clinging to his emotional thinking.

So when Ren Suo took the sensibility back, the door of truth naturally changed back to a 'dead system', which is no different from things like gravity, light, and gravitational waves-it is just a phenomenon, a truth , A power.

This is the conclusion that [Renso Rensuo] speculated just now.

However, when Ren Suo puts his hands to the door of the gate of truth, he can still activate the 'basic truth authority' for an equivalent exchange.

Even if Ren Suo no longer has the "Key of Truth", the gate of Truth that has been activated will not be closed. The "Key of Truth" only needs to be used once, and Ren Suo's authority will not disappear.

But if Ren Suo really uses trading authority, his sensibility and rationality will certainly be consumed by the gate of truth, and he will eventually become a gatekeeper.

This is also the fact that [Renso Rensuo] can determine just now.

Bi Rensuo can now exit the game, upload the game record, and end "The Gate of Truth".

But if it ends like this, there will be great risks.

Because the gate of truth never has a gatekeeper, but the power of truth has come, so anyone in this world has the probability to touch the threshold of the gate of truth.

When the time comes, the gate of truth will inevitably guide the victim, make him take the initiative to give reason and emotion, and become the gatekeeper of the gate of truth forever and ever.

The reason why Ren Rensuo will have a relationship with the gate of truth is both accidental and inevitable: accidental is because the small world game machine helps them pimp, and it is necessarily because only Rensuo can pass the 5-level trial and make the gate of truth come.

Now the gate of truth has completely arrived, that is to say, it has no requirements for the gatekeeper, as long as it is personal.

Moreover, the gate of truth will choose the gatekeeper. Is it really what it says, just to restart the universe and take control of eternity?

Will it accelerate the increase of the entropy of the universe in order to restart the universe and endlessly kill the universe?

Will it be assimilated by the sensibility and rationality of the gatekeeper and become a completely intelligent existence?

This is also a reasonable guess by [Renso Rensuo].

Therefore, the most important entrustment left by [Renso Rensuo] is to let Ren Suo take charge of the gate of truth.

First, abandoning the gate of truth can lead to extremely dangerous consequences. The gate of truth must be placed in its own management.

Second, if we do not want the door of truth, then his 20-day labor will really become a sunk cost, too much!

As for how to master the door of truth, [Renso of Reason] is also ready for Renso, but an adventure plan with a success rate of only 50%.

In fact, the method of mastering the door of truth, [Renso of Reason] was planned long ago, but it was not necessary before.

Because mastering the door of truth step by step, it was originally a plan of [rational renso], and gambling has always been the enemy of reason. He was unwilling to take risks.

[Renso Rensuo] finally implemented the risk plan, except because he had a retreat, and more importantly because-

If I can do it all, why lose half?

Feelings, sensibility, rationality, memory, I want;

门 The gate of truth, the authority of perfect truth, I want it too!

Rationality is not unwilling to take risks, as long as the benefits far outweigh the risks, rationality is even willing to sell itself!

Before, just because the benefits were not greater than the risks.

Now, the feelings of Dong Chengling, Gu Yueyan, Ren Xingmei, Qiao Muyi and Luna have made the rational balance inclined to take risks!

I can allow myself to give up the truth.

But I cannot forgive myself for not loving you anymore.

Bi Rensuo raised his head and looked up to this great gate of truth. Ten primitive flames will never die, and the power of truth has completely come.

Sui Rensuo suddenly thought of the small world game console.

Is this "Gate of Truth" a small world game machine pitting him?


If the small world game console doesn't engage in this game, why should there be so many things in Rensuo and how can it take such a death? I almost lost my girlfriend.

Is the small world game console wrong?


If Ren Suo's love for his girlfriend surpassed the truth at the beginning, there would not be so many things. After all, the entire game was played by himself, and the small world game machine did not force him.

Why do small world consoles do this?

[Renso Rensuo] already has speculation: small world consoles can only do so.

的 The fall of the gate of truth is almost inevitable. If the small world game machine does not allow Rensuo to come, the gate of truth will choose other strongmen as the gatekeeper, and more than one-if the trial fails, the gatekeeper will die.

After sacrificing countless gatekeepers, the gate of truth will still come.

所以 The reason why the small world game console let Ren Suo help come to the door of truth is to let the victim lock down to only Ren Suo. In this way, nothing is wrong, only Ren Suo is in trouble, but Ren Suo is also under the control of the small world game machine, which means that the small world game machine still controls the overall situation.

Whether Ren Rensuo's success or failure, the small world game machine will get the door of truth, the difference is only Ren Rensuo becomes a monster or a waste.

So, is the small world console a villain?


At the beginning of "The Gate of Truth", the small world game machine has been extremely kind, and has prepared a real plug-in, a real golden finger, and a real cheating method for Ren Suo.

外 This plug-in is so powerful that Ren Suo can't pass the five levels of trials successfully without it.

At the end of the game, this plug-in can also play a residual heat to help Ren Suo completely master the door of truth.

Ji Rensuo exhaled softly.

Small world game machine, you are a worse **** than the door of truth, and a scum beast than Zhao Huo.

But I forgive you.

"Turn off full adaptation."

With the command in Ren Suo's heart, he felt that he had changed quietly in the game.

The night breeze is no longer cool, and the moonlight is no longer soft. Even the touch of the gate of truth is not touched by the bumps just now.

At the same time, Ren Suo's trading authority changed suddenly.

He has nothing.

Zi Rensuo, or the gatekeeper, has nothing left to exchange.

Feelings, sensibility, rationality, spells, abilities, props, all disappeared from the transaction list.

Because Ren Suo closed the fully adapted system.

This adaption system that Ren Suo opened from the beginning of playing "The Gate of Truth" allows Ren Suo and the gatekeeper to share practice, ability, and spell, as well as affection, sensibility, and reason.

It is precisely because of the adaptation system that Ren Suo can rely on selling emotions, redeeming them to strong combat power, and clearing the five trial levels of truth.

I also because of the adaptation system, Ren Suo will be victimized by the door of truth, working for the door of truth, almost lost himself.

So when the fully adapted system is closed, the gatekeeper becomes the original gatekeeper.

Cowardly and small.


I have nothing.

No emotion, no emotion, no reason.

But the gatekeeper has "basic truth authority", and the gate of truth has come completely!

If it is the beginning of the game, even if Ren Suo directly asks the gatekeeper to push the door of truth, the gate of truth will certainly not respond, because the gatekeeper has no authority and the gate of truth has not come.

Now, facing the gatekeeper who is fully qualified, the gate of truth that has come, he cannot refuse to enter the Lord at all!

The door of truth was pushed open with the hands of the gatekeeper, making a squeaking noise.

The yamen contains the truth of the world.

Gatekeeper, step into the door of truth.

Bian Rensuo didn't enter, his perspective was directly detached from the gatekeeper, watching the gatekeeper's back disappear into the gate of truth.


As the door of truth closes, the game screen freezes!

"The gatekeeper perfectly controls the gate of truth!"

"mission completed!"

Zhi Rensuo was kicked out of the game directly and entered the mission evaluation and settlement interface.

"mission completed."

"Complete the basic goal of the task-60 points;"


W (?? Д ??) w?

For the first time, Bi Rensuo saw the task settlement stuck. What's going on, is the small world console server to be maintained? Your user experience is not working today, at least you have to send me thousands of meritorious compensations.

"It is detected that the player is in an abnormal state while playing."

"The player is suspected of playing, and needs to be reviewed and reviewed."

"Players can upload the game record first, and the task evaluation will be reviewed within 1 to 3 working days."

"Do you choose to upload this result as the final result? After uploading successfully and confirming that the player has not played on behalf of you, you will get the corresponding merit reward and exclusive reward."

"This review can only be kept until 23:59:59 on March 20th, and the remaining time is 00:01:12."

"Reviews can only be uploaded once."

又 I have n’t played games with avatars. Why do you say I ’m playing for you! ?

狗 The dog operation of this console deliberately embarrassed me!

Bian Rensuo cursed, or uploaded the game record sloppily-there is only one minute left, not to worry about your game console.

"The Gate of Truth" has been uploaded. Thank you for playing. The small world is full of joy! "

Bi Rensuo was completely relieved, quit the game console, and took off the Pandora's Box device.

The home is very quiet, and the outside is quiet, after all, it is almost early morning.

Speaking of which, in the past two days, because of the use of avatars in the game for Raiders, there is not much hygiene at home.

Bi Rensuo naturally summoned his avatar ~ ~ and waved his hand to signal that he was working according to the old rules.

But Ren Suo took a look at the avatar and waved it again, so that the avatar became a beautiful girl with a "different life".

I have to say that [rational Rensuo] 's pinched face really fits Rensuo's aesthetics.

Although Ren Suo would not think about the avatar, but when I saw a beautiful girl doing housework at home, I felt more comfortable.

"Well, write it into the behavior logic, and it will automatically become like this when you do housework in the future!"

I stayed at work at home, Ren Suo walked to the balcony, and saw the night sky bursting with flashes and the waning moon over the Lianjiang city. Strong aura fluctuations, even Tianlian College in the suburbs could faintly feel.

"Just started uploading and hitting ..." Ren Suo sighed, and then hesitated and jumped out of the balcony.

美好 I have fought that wonderful battle.

I want to give up my desire.

I should hold my feelings.

He has since retained the crown of truth for me.

The pseudonymous adventure of rationality is over.

My life, which is called Sensual, has just begun.

(Full text) ...

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