"Next stop, Xianfeng Temple, please get off the passengers, get off at the left door in the direction of advance ..."

In the subway car, Ren Suo and Zhao Huo stood chatting in the corner. In their capacity, they are naturally embarrassed to grab seats with other social animals during the peak hours of work-they are stronger as they go to work, their hair is thicker, their energy is more full, and ordinary people go to work basically the opposite.

"So, this time, do you want us to help you reconcile with your three confidantes?" Ren Suo asked.

Zhao Huo nodded. "Since we returned from Sapporo, I gave them a set of underwear ... then they ignored me."

Ren Suo: "Hello pervert, give others underwear, don't you obviously want them to show them to you? Hey."

"It's not you and Qiao Mu that are hurting me!" Speaking of this, Zhao Huo's biceps couldn't help hard, he hated his teeth itchingly: "If it weren't for you and Qiao Muyi that encouraged me, how would I send that A gift? "

"You're wrong, do you think it was because you sent three sets of underwear that this is the case now? Wrong!"

Ren Suo said, "In my experience, that's because you show love to the three of them at the same time. This obviously is the behavior of the scumbags that will naturally cause them to react strongly. Whatever you give is the same. It ’s just the other gifts Counting a lighter, when you send underwear, you spray it with a flamethrower-the result will be the same. "

Zhao Huo: "In your experience ...?"

"You don't care so much," Ren Suo waved a big hand, hooked Zhao Huo's shoulders, and they walked off the subway to change the line. "But how long should they be out of breath?"

"They said they need to calm down. I asked them out in private, and they refused." Zhao Huo sighed. "They said they wanted to talk together."

Successfully shifting the topic, so that Zhao Huo this fool did not tangled the topic of underwear gifts, Ren Suo deeply felt a sense of superiority in IQ.

"That means that they have reached a consensus in private," Ren Suo said. "They want you to make a choice in front of the three of them, choose one, and give up two. The winner wins the light, the loser loses. Defeat. "

Zhao Huo stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized: "Is this so? It is indeed Soge!"

"Your brother is going through hundreds of battles and seeing more." Ren Suo sighed.

"What should I do?" Zhao Huo quickly asked.

They changed the line to another compartment. They held the handrails and squeezed into a group of office workers. "Since you don't know, what were you going to invite us to do?"

Zhao Huo blinked, her eyes unconsciously looking to the upper right corner: "Just ... I hope you can alleviate the atmosphere a little, so they won't lose their temper ..."

"So ..." Ren Suo nodded and said, "What if they asked you how to choose in the table?"

Zhao Huo was silent for a moment and said, "I will answer in good faith. This is a multiple choice question."

"It seems you are so determined to choose this path of no return," Ren Suo sighed. "Do you have confidence? Do you think you have the charm of falling in love with three girls at the same time?"

"Of course!" Zhao Huo pointed himself proudly with his thumb: "Speaking of which you may not believe, a female student likes me recently!"

"Wow, amazing!"

"She is very beautiful. She likes two yuan, martial arts, dancing, and staying up late. No matter what standard she uses, she is a well-deserved student goddess!"

"Oh, great!"

"Although I have been together for a long time, I am tempted, and I can see that she is also tempted." Zhao Huo sighed: "It is a pity that I already have my heart."

"I'm not a scumbag. I can only part with this relationship that has not yet developed into a towering tree."

"Well, it's a pity."

"We met too late and too early. If we could be a little later, I would not be tempted as a married woman; if I could be a little earlier, I would not give up as a single nobleman."

Zhao Huo lamented: "At the wrong time, meeting the right person and making a helpless choice, this is the so-called regret."

Ren Suo's expressionless face: "It turns out that there are really good-looking and good-looking female students who like you."

"Don't you believe it?" Zhao Huo patted Ren Suo's shoulder: "But in this world, there will really be a soul mate who loves at first sight. People who haven't seen it think it is magic, and people who have seen it will know that this is fate . "

"I believe, why can't I believe in Brother Huo? Whoever doesn't believe in Brother Huo, I'll blast his dog's head." Ren Suo skipped the topic and said, "How can we help you?"

"You know, the relationship between the three of them ... is not very good. If only I and them eat, they may not only target me, but even quarrel with each other. In this case, it is difficult for me to talk to them. Reconciliation will also make it difficult to ease their relationship. "

Zhao Huo said: "Your female friends are all smart, cute, beautiful and blind good girls. With their presence, they can effectively suppress the tense atmosphere at the dinner table, at least giving me the opportunity to explain."

"Did you just say they were blind?"

"No, I'm talking about 'rangers', meaning that they are all chivalrous people who are loyal and supportive."

Ren Suo: "So ... your plan is not bad. Just follow your line of thought and I will tell them."

"But are there really topics between them? You also know that one of them is the deputy director of the Policy Bureau, the other is a monk who turns four times, two beautiful female college students, and a small rice bucket ... they can talk to your three girlfriends Can we make a good relationship? "

Zhao Huo: "Sure, my fiancee is the president of the company. My childhood friend runs a media studio. My schoolgirl is a graduate student. She is a good girl who strives hard and should get acquainted with each other soon."

"Yeah, it makes sense, you think very comprehensively." Ren Suo applauded: "Relax, I will help, try to create a good environment for you to talk, even if you say something wrong, I will help remedy .If you invite me to dinner, I will help you resurrect infinitely! "

"Soge!" Zhao Huo said impassively: "From today on, you are my half-brother!"

The two looked at each other with sincerity and trust in their eyes.

However, Ren Suo turned his head and looked at the aisle flying out of the subway window. The smirk on his face was almost hidden.


Zhao Huo was about to fall out with his confidantes.

Although expected, I did not expect it to be so timely.

Yes, for a person like Zhao Huo, the moment when he expressed his love, the relationship between them had already entered the countdown.

His fiancee, childhood friend and school girl have a bad relationship, and they hate each other for fear of not wanting to smash each other's dogs. They refused to meet with Zhao Huo in private, and asked Zhao Huo to confront each other. In fact, they wanted Zhao Huo to help smash the other dog's head together.

They are also very clear that no matter how wildly Zhao Zhao speaks privately, it is not as effective as using public action to show his attitude in public, so they simply do not give Zhao Huo a chance to break each other in private.

Just like Zhao Huo's IQ, still want to calculate them in turn? Still plan to let me and Cheng Ling relax them?

ridiculous! How can a person's subjective initiative be so strong! We persuade them aside, and they will be willing to serve the husband with three women?

Is love so convenient?

Such wishful innocence is really unbearable.

Zhao Huo, let me teach you a truth tonight.

The end of the scumbag, there will always be only one!

And I will take this opportunity to watch your end with my girlfriends and let everyone see how unfortunate the scumbag and the confidant who has a bad relationship will cause us a lot of misfortune, which contrasts us with a happy relationship of sustainable development in the new era!

And I can eat you a big meal for free!

Life is really wonderful, and suddenly such a rewarding sideline task comes up!

Zhao Huo, as the price you have seen my women's clothing, accept the sanctions of fate!

On the other side, Zhao Huo, who was looking down at the mobile phone, was also relieved, pretending that he was looking at the sand sculptures in the group, and released the uncontrollable smile naturally.


This time Ren Suo and his loved ones are here!

I have been saved!

This Rensuo may think he was hiding well, but I have discovered one after another this month that not only does he go to Dong Chengling's house every day for a meal, but Qiao Muyi's circle of friends also took a close photo of him and Qiao Muyi. Yesterday Someone else saw him and Gu Yueyan in a tryst in the school grove!

Ren Suo is so lazy and so delicious, Lin Xianyu has been the elder brother all day long after the elder brother, the two are so high in sexuality, I am afraid that there is also a leg!

Female teacher, female student, female policy monk, aunt, and these girls are close friends and classmates. Are you aiming at a circle of friends for group strategy?

If I had been envious before, but not now.

Moreover, the complicated relationship between Ren Suo and his loved one can just become a strength that I can use!

When I ’m eating, I ’ll ask them who they like, and talk about their love. This will definitely enable them to say, “I like the person who loves it,” “It ’s a coincidence, I ’m also,”, Do you guys, too? Yunyun.

Then you can lift up Ren Suo's silly veil along the way, and let everyone see his scum and silly face!

At that time, Qiao Muyi and Dong Chengling will fight, Gu Yueyan and Lin Xianyu, this pair of girlfriends, is not about to fall out.

At this dangerous moment, I tried my best to protect Xiao Fan, Xiao Meng, and Xiao Shu. Then they will know that Ren Suo's talent is called **** man, and Zhao Huo is actually a good man with responsibility!

Life is really amazing. God made me have three girlfriends and gave me a pot knight.

Rensuo ~ www.readwn.com ~ As the price you deceive me to give lingerie gifts, accept the hammer of reality!

"Next stop, Shuisheng Village, please get off the passengers, get off at the left door in the forward direction ..."

When it was time to change the line again, Ren Suo and Zhao Huo got on their backs and got off the bus. After they left, someone suddenly wept in the subway car:

"Fuck, I've sat two stops!"

He was so open, and the others couldn't help it: "Brother, you're fine. I should have been there when they got in the car. He is sitting now."

"I didn't expect to meet such a sand sculpture when I was off work, but unfortunately the subway was too noisy, and my cell phone recording was not available."

"The two fools may have watched anime and novels a lot, and they were so brave and so interesting."

"The girlfriend is also the president, the school girl, the monk, and the director of the Bureau of Countermeasures ... I won't say that Yue Yong is also their wife."

"What kind of subway do you take so well?"

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