Mini World Of Endless Fun Awaits

Chapter 792: Hurt each other

Zhao Huo is not stupid.

After all, he is also a three-turn monk. Zhao Huo naturally knows how much monks eat. It is obviously a personal attack to say that all monks are pigs, but it is more reasonable to say that all monks are rice buckets.

So Zhao Huo chose a high-end cafeteria this time and planned to teach the boss how to do business. They have a total of six or seven monks. This is not the time to eat back the book. According to Zhao Huo, it is "Boss, are your ingredients prepared enough?"

But what surprised Zhao Huo and Ren Suo was that when they came to the private room, everyone else was there.

This is actually a matter of course, after all, they squeeze the subway during off hours, and Zhao Huo, a beast, is bigger and harder to squeeze. The two of them changed lanes three more times, and the waiting time was almost equal to the ride time.

"Xiao Xun, didn't you say you were going to a birthday party tonight?" Ren Suo was surprised to see Xiao Xun in a small school uniform and a black cat sitting inside.

They didn't bring Xiaoyan today because Xiaoyan said in the chat group that he was going to join other students' birthday parties tonight.

In fact, this kind of thing is quite common. After all, Xiaozheng is the uncrowned queen of elementary school. What kind of large-scale activities are there? The principal and the class teacher begged Xiaoyan to step on the stage. 'Proud to be able to invite Xiaosong to a birthday party may even become their most precious memory in elementary school.

Xiaoxi put the black cat on the table, and kissed her with the black cat's face intimately, and smiled sweetly: "Brother Zhao Huo has dinner today, of course Xiaoxi is coming! Xiaoxi just called Sister Ling, sister Ling sent me here ... Does Brother Zhao Huo welcome me? "

Zhao Huo heard so much, he patted his chest and said, "Of course welcome!"

He looked at the confidantes who were sitting together, and asked, "Did Xiao Xiao say hello to the sisters?"

"Ask!" Xiaoyan said crisply, "Sister Xiao Fan, Sister Meng, Sister Xiaoshu are all beautiful! Xiaoyan loves her sisters!"

Zhao Huo put down his heart and said brightly, "Xiao Xun, let ’s eat today, even if you do n’t have the money, please ask for your share!"

Soco just now, now Renso.

Oh, man.

Ren Suo didn't know. Zhao Huo definitely felt that Xiao Huo was a Dinghaishenzhen. After all, Zhao Huo's beauties were all modern women with higher education. They must not be able to quarrel in front of the little girls.

This is indeed the case. As soon as Zhao Huo saw Xiaoyu, he knew the value of this meal. With such a cute and lively little girl, the atmosphere must always be harmonious, and his success rate for reconciliation was greatly improved.

In contrast, Ren Suo's importance plummeted, at best it was a gift.

The private room is not a round table, but a rectangular table. The floor is also full wood. There is a long pit under the table where you can put your feet. They have taken off their shoes before entering the restaurant. The girls were already seated in it, and Ren Suo and Zhao Huo could only sit on the edge.

Ren Suo sat next to Xiaoyu and whispered, "To be honest."

Xiaoyu also whispered: "Jianyu fish sent me a picture just now. I heard that there are foie gras and peony shrimp sashimi. Xiaoyu hasn't eaten it, so he flew over after eating a birthday cake."


Ren Suo looked at the seat distribution and blinked at Zhao Huo.

The seats are now distributed like this: Ren Suo, Xiao Yan (Lu Na), Yue Yan, sister, Cheng Ling, Mu Gongzi.

Zhao Huo, Lin Xianyu, school sister Sun Shu, fiancée Miss Fan, and young girl Zhu Ma Xiaomeng.

For some reason, Ren Suo felt that he and Zhao Huo were separated.

When I started to order, this feeling became more and more fierce-

"The French foie gras here is recommended by the manager. We have a lot of people. Order eight?"

"There are also peony shrimp, salmon belly, salmon belly, and sea urchin! All come here!"

"How about some wasabi octopus and crab treasure?"

"Many crab cheeses are sweet and full."

"It doesn't matter, we have another stomach filled with these desserts."

"I envy you monks who can eat as much as they want, and they are not fat to eat."

"Which is fat, but we have good digestion, and we often need to exercise. And we have to eat, and occasionally we ca n’t diet to lose weight ..."

"Do you still want to shape? I think you are already a little fuller and a little too thin, and I am even tempted to see it."

The girls quickly ordered a good menu, and then they chatted wildly. Dong Chengling and Qiao Muyi have a lot of topics with Miss Fan who is in charge of managing the company and Xiao Meng who runs the media. The topics keep jumping from bodybuilding to weight loss to current affairs.

And Ren Xingmei, Gu Yueyan and Lin Xianyu naturally have a lot of student topics with Sun Shu who is studying. Xiao Meng also joins the topic from time to time to talk about the delicious food and scenery in the north and the south. WeChat friends.

Zhao Huo guessed well, they did have a lot of common topics, and soon became a piece.

But the price is ...

Ordering is irrelevant to both of them.

Chat, not to mention them both.

Ren Suochao made a color for Zhao Huo. Zhao Huo said he had received it. He picked up his mobile phone and said, "The Great Detective Pickup Pickup is about to be introduced to the mainland!"

No one ignored him.

He didn't even want to ignore him.


Ren Suo looked down and picked up the mobile phone WeChat and knocked him: "What chicken **** are you talking about?"

Zhao Huo: "Theatrical version of Great Fire Anime! Don't you have a childhood!"

Ren Suo: "Isn't your childhood punished by your dad for a day?"

Zhao Huo: "I can watch TV even when I'm on horseback ... you don't know. The only motivation for me to survive at that time was to watch the next week's cartoon, and my dad had a fight."

As if Ren Suo could see an unfilial son practicing martial arts in the yard, he stretched his neck like a turtle to watch the TV in the room.

The estimation was wrong. Zhao Huo didn't know where to step on the shit. He didn't even have the ability to communicate on the topic. It actually made three girls like him ...

But seeing Zhao Huo's embarrassing temptation, Ren Suo naturally did not dare to rush into the topic.

Ren Suo's eyes rolled, and he said to Xiaoyan, "Xiaoyan, I'm here for a meal. I'll change the place with you so that you can eat the food right away?"

Zhao Huo's eyes lighted, and he thought it was Sok, and there was much bad water in his stomach. He also quickly discussed with Lin Xianyu: "Student Lin, can you change positions with me?"

However, before Lin Xianyu and Xiaoyu answered, Sun Shu and Gu Yueyan sitting next to them reached out.

Gu Yueyan: "Mr. Suo, I'm going with Xiaoyu for this meal."

Sun Shu: "Brother Huo, if you come here, it will be inconvenient for me to chat with Xianyu."

"Oh okay."

Ren Suo and Zhao Huo had to dispel this idea and stare again.

Soon Zhao Huo couldn't help it, Ren Suo could be indifferent, but his goal for dinner today was clear: to reconcile with Miss Fan. If you drag on like this, you may not be able to say a few words after eating. How can you reconcile?

You must show your sincerity!

You must show your attitude!

You must get their understanding!

So Zhao Huo drank Xuanmi tea and suddenly asked Dong Chengling: "Mr. Dong, when are you going to get married?"


Ren Suo roared in his heart.

He glanced fiercely at Zhao Huo, Zhao Huo noticed, and with the tea-drinking gap, Zhao Rensuo revealed a wild beast with a will and a madness!

That's it!

Ren Suo instantly understood!

No wonder I was invited to dinner and named me a girl I knew!

Zhao Huo even wants to use his misfortune to build his own happiness!

What a beast! How can there still be such human scum that harms others?

Dong Chengling smiled for a moment and calmly smiled, "I can do it at any time. Look at my lover's thoughts. But we are all in the upswing of our careers, and we are like-minded friends. A card can sum up. "


Zhao Huo glanced at Ren Suo and saw Ren Suo's high-spirited smile.

0: 1.

Ren Suo was so overwhelming at this time, he inserted the topic and said, "I remember Miss Fan is Zhao Huo's fiancee? I heard you were engaged since you were young. When do you plan to get married?"

Zhao Huo's eyes were straight, that's how you helped me ease the atmosphere! ?

The twelve-way Tan leg's ingenious series!

Zhao Huo also knows the size, and has no magic "spirit", but just wants to remind Ren Suo with his feet under the table!

Then his leg seemed to kick into a steel plate, and the whole person shook a bit!

"Liuku Xianjia."

Ren Suo glanced at Zhao Huo, showing a smile that his odds were in his grasp.

I didn't want to be so terrible, but this is the war you started first!

And a three-turn weak, dare to challenge the majesty of my four-turn power?

This will let you know what is insulting!

"At least two years later, wait for my business to stabilize."

The beautiful and beautiful Miss Fan showed a quiet smile, her voice was gentle: "And now is the critical period of rejuvenation, how can I not hinder the practice of Huo Ge. I heard that the threshold of cultivation is now lowered, I also plan to see if there is any Ways to cultivate ... don't worry about getting married. "

1: 1!

Zhao Huo was relieved and locked Ren Suo's feet with his twelve-way Tan legs. Then he asked curiously: "Qiao Muyi, I heard that you wanted to accompany your boyfriend, so you rejected the invitation of the Great Wall of China. ,Is it real?"

At this moment Miss Fan was also surprised: "The Great Wall of China ... is the Great Wall of Taoist Tour?"

Xiao Meng and Sun Shu also looked at Qiao Muyi with admiration. For ordinary people, the Great Wall of China is almost an extraordinary organization second only to the World Tree of the Fairy Palace. Qiao Muyi has the opportunity to own this kind of carp. It is worth giving them a tribute.

Qiao Mu smiled clingingly, then glanced at Zhao Huo.

A chill spread from the spinal cord to the whole body, Zhao Huo took a nap, and then immediately dispelled the fear with "spirit".

In the next second, infinite anger and anger ignited in his heart-four turns is amazing? You can bully people in four turns? You can do whatever you want in four turns?

When I turn around, I will ... just ...

Forget it, your dogs and men are all four turns. I ca n’t beat the four hands with my fists. I will find you after five turns.

"In fact, I did not refuse," Qiao Muyi said slowly. "I just think that there is more opportunity for development in Lianjiang. There is no need to change the environment. Joining the Great Wall of China has to start from scratch."

"I can also accept invitations to join the Great Wall at any time, but compared to the position of Deputy Director of the Lianjiang Policy Bureau ... and my lovely boyfriend, it is more important."

1: 2!

Ren Suo could not use his legs, and he directly used his feet to break away Zhao Huo's feet. His expression was light and light and asked gently: "In fact, I'm curious, even if Zhao Huo is my good brother, I still want to know, Xiao Meng and Sun Shu, what do you like about Zhao Huo? "


If Zhao Huo had Yu Kuangtu's ability, he would like to spray a fireball technique directly, even the crematorium would be saved, and Ren Suo would become "Ren Suo's ashes."

You are just tearing your face, and baking them on the shelf!

You want me to die!

Zhao Huo could feel that the cyclone at the bottleneck began to accelerate further, squeezing out stronger and more aura, causing his legs to burst out of greater power, and locked Ren Suo again!

"Which one do you like ...?" Xiao Meng covered her face and turned to look at Sun Shu: "It's hard to say more specific points for a while ... you come first?"

Sun Shu pointed his lips with forefinger and thought for a while: "Huo Huo is very sunny. When he is in college, he is always the focus. He will help any weak person, never refuse a reasonable help, and he is mobile. Very strong. "

"For the first time in our society, a stage show was performed by Huo Geli. After a busy schedule, I prepared for the rehearsal, and the props were prepared ... He is just a sun walking on the ground."

Xiao Meng nodded and said, "Well, that's how he grew up. But I like him mainly because he makes people feel secure, as if there is no difficulty with him, he will stand by whatever happens. Get up and carry ... stupid and outspoken. "

3: 2!

After hearing their answers, Zhao Huo felt that his cyclone was boiling, and infinite power poured out of the limbs!

He put his feet firmly on Rensuo's feet, grinning his teeth and grinning, "What do you like, Mr. Dong, Qiao Muyi, Gu, and Lin? I'm a good brother with him, but I'm also puzzled Then! "

"Zhao Huo!" Ren Suo put her hands on the dining table, her eyes staring at Zhao Huo: "If you have any questions, just ask me!"

Chaos of "Liuku Xianjia"!

Zhao Huo also put his hands on the dining table and confronted Ren Suo. The lips of both sides were less than 5cm in straight line— "Why didn't you ask me just now?"

The "wrath" Phoenix of the 12th Tan Tan legs spreads its wings!

"Then I ask you now?"

"What are you afraid of, who doesn't know they like you? I'm just curious--"


Tan legs!


A small half of the dining table was blown off, and Ren Suo and Zhao Huo faced each other.

The outside waiter came in to see the situation, thinking that the quality problem was naturally apologizing, asking if there was any injury.

Everyone said that it was okay, indicating that this was the fool of Ren Suo and Zhao Huo. They were willing to lose money and heard the waiter snoring.

After the waiter went out, he came back and said, "I'm sorry that the dining table will be blown off by you, which is now the case, but the other large private rooms are full, and there are no large tables in the outer hall. Look ..."

Everyone looked at the position of Ren Suo and Zhao Huo. The dining table had collapsed, so naturally they could not continue to eat.

One minute later ~ ~ Ren Suo and Zhao Huo sat in a narrow double couple's private room, looked face to face, and fell into a long thought.

"Let's order."


In the large private room on the other side, the girls showed smiles that could not help but smile, Miss Fan asked: "You too?"

"Yeah." Dong Chengling smiled bitterly, then his eyes slowly moved to someone.

Qiao Muyi, Gu Yueyan, Ren Xingmei, Xiao Yan, and Lu Na also looked at someone.

Lin Xianyu, who was holding Crab Bao, ate, and noticed that everyone was watching himself.

Zhao fire hurt me! You talk about Teacher Dong, say Sister Qiao, say that the class leader is okay, why are you still involved with me? Do I look good with Brother Ren! ?

Lin Xianyu blinked, and went to clip a piece of sea urchin and dip it in mustard soy sauce, and then said pitifully: "I really just came to eat ..."

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