Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1044 The evolution of the Chaos Continent, creating the monument of the law


When the Book of Wisdom saw this scene, it was immediately shocked. It sensed that the level of this newborn world had become extremely high, and there were laws of chaos everywhere.

This makes the space laws of this world extremely strong, and I am afraid that even the gods cannot perform space jumps, and can only fly honestly.

And this also makes this world extremely huge. After all, after losing the ability to jump in space, even if it is a distance of hundreds of light years, it has to fly for many years.

In addition to the fact that the laws of space have become extremely strong, the density of these chaotic continents is also incredibly high, and the density of each chaotic continent is like a black hole.

Even if it is a full blow from the upper god, it can only cause insignificant damage to the earth.

Therefore, these chaotic continents have become the best battlefields for gods.

After all, the destructive power of the gods in battle is too terrifying. They can destroy the void and destroy the planet at every turn. The ordinary world simply cannot withstand the battle of the gods.

As for this newborn world, because of the power of the law of chaos, the law fluctuations that caused these gods to erupt will be easily swallowed and absorbed by the law of chaos and appropriated for themselves.

"The world is still too monotonous, it would be better to have more animals and plants. 35

Xia Chuan touched her chin.

This newborn world, if it wants to wait for it to give birth to native life, I am afraid it will take billions of years, but how can he wait such a long time.

However, if you want to survive in such a chaotic world, ordinary creatures are not qualified at all. They are estimated to be unable to withstand the power of the chaotic atmosphere, and will be instantly crushed and vanished.

But he is not helpless.

After all, the Chaos Divine Kingdom in his body has long given birth to many plants and animals that contain the attributes of the Law of Chaos. They are called Chaos Beasts.

As long as these Chaos Beasts are immigrated to this world, then this world will naturally become a paradise for Chaos Beasts. After all, they do not have any natural enemies in this world.


Thinking of this, Xia Chuan did not hesitate. With a wave of his hand, he instantly cast countless Chaos Beasts into the three thousand Chaos Continents.

The Primal Chaos Continent, which was originally extremely desolate and devoid of any vitality, began to become vigorous at this moment, and there were countless creatures living in it.

I am afraid that with the passage of time, more and more chaotic life will be born in this chaotic world.

"Master, it's really great. This is simply the most perfect God Realm. This God Realm can definitely accommodate a large number of gods, and this place will also become a paradise for the gods.""


The Book of Wisdom is very excited.

It feels that a super world is slowly being born, and it is believed that with the passage of time, this God Realm will definitely become a world inhabited by countless gods of the Xuanhuang Clan.

And the world contains endless potential.

"No, no, it's not enough, this world is not perfect enough, if it's just like this, it can't attract a lot of gods to come and live in this place. 39

Xia Chuan's eyes showed a gleam of light.

"Not perfect enough? Does the master still feel that something is missing?"

The Book of Wisdom looked puzzled.

"What do you think the gods need most? Is it a resource, a divine crystal, a magic weapon, or something?"

Xia Chuan asked rhetorically.

"Law. 35

The Book of Wisdom immediately blurted out: "The thing that the gods want most is the law of perception, and other magic weapons, resources, divine crystals, etc. are actually just things outside the body.

As long as it takes a certain amount of time, these things are simply at your fingertips. The problem is that the perception of the law is not so easy, and this is what countless gods desire most.

After all, if you cannot comprehend the law to a certain extent, then you will not be able to improve your own cultivation, so that sooner or later, you will run out of life essence and die. "

It feels that what the gods desire most is naturally the law of perception.

"Yes, the law is the most fundamental thing for the gods. The problem is how difficult it is to understand the law. After all, the law is illusory and scattered all over the universe. Xia Chuan said solemnly, "But why am I able to perceive so many laws so quickly?"

"That's because of the power of the world item.

The Book of Wisdom said solemnly.

"That's right, it is because of the assistance of the world props that my understanding of the law has improved rapidly.

Xia Chuan said solemnly: "After all, every item in the world contains a complete avenue, which is an unimaginable opportunity for every god, which is equivalent to seeing the complete avenue in advance.

So I plan to create a treasure in the Chaos Continent, a treasure that is convenient for all gods to understand the law, so that they can step into the realm of the main god more easily. "

He squeezed his fists, and a look of incomparable determination appeared in the depths of his pupils.

4 `Master, what are you going to do?"

The Book of Wisdom looked at Xia Chuan very curiously. It instinctively sensed that its master was about to do an unprecedented event. If it succeeded, it would surely shake the entire universe.

"I intend to create a monument of law. 99

Xia Chuan also didn't give a shit, and stated her plan directly.

"The monument of the law?

Hearing this, the Book of Wisdom was stunned for a while, then seemed to think of something, and looked at Xia Chuan in shock: "Do you want to engrave the three thousand laws on the stone tablet?"

"That's right.""

Xia Chuan smiled slightly: "From ancient times to the present, no one has ever been able to fully present a complete law, a complete Dao, to the world, which makes Dao's laws always mysterious and mysterious, unfathomable, illusory.

But now it's different. I want to engrave all the Three Thousand Laws and engrave them into (Qian Zhaozhao) stone tablets, so that the Three Thousand Laws can be fully presented so that everyone in the world can read and learn at will.

At that time, my Xuanhuang clan's gods' understanding of the law will definitely improve rapidly, not to mention the middle gods, the upper gods, even the main god's realm can spy on one or two.

"This this!"

The Book of Wisdom was astonished. It felt that Xia Chuan's behavior was unprecedented. He actually recorded all the three thousand laws and presented them to all the gods.

Is this planning to become a teacher of gods?!

There is no doubt that if this matter spreads out, it will definitely cause the entire universe to shake, and even the six peak races of this universe will be crazy about it.

If they knew that there was such a treasure in the universe, they would come and snatch it frantically.

After all, with these monuments of laws, it is equivalent to the constant creation of gods with energy, what an amazing idea and plan.

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