"Master, why are you doing this?"

The Book of Wisdom is very incomprehensible.

After all, what Xia Chuan did was purely to cheapen others, but it didn't do him much good. What good would it do for him to create too many gods.

It felt that the way its master did it was simply meaningless.

"Just now when I used the cosmic wonders to create the God Realm, I instantly understood why I was always stuck on 99.9% of the Law of Chaos and couldn't break through.

Xia Chuan's eyes showed a gleam of light: "It's not that my resources are not enough, nor is my understanding, it's just that my chance hasn't come yet. 35

"The chance didn't come? What does it mean?"

The Book of Wisdom was confused, not understanding the meaning of Xia Chuan's words.

"The so-called Great Dao is fifty, the sky is four and nine, and people are one of them."

Xia Chuan squeezed her fist: "Between heaven and earth, there are fifty laws of the operation and development of things in total, and only forty-nine can be derived, and one of them is the secret of heaven!

The question is, what is the secret of heaven, is it time and space? Is it destiny? Is it cause and effect? ​​Is it life and death?

It is precisely because this ray of heavenly mystery has escaped that the originally dry universe will evolve into endless sentient beings, many of which constitute the framework of the universe, and that single wisp of heavenly mystery has formed endless sentient beings.

Having said this, he paused and looked at the book of wisdom: "Now I finally know what the little law that I lack is actually the law of all beings, the law of destiny, and the infinite luck of all beings.

As long as I can obtain the infinite luck from all living beings, then I can capture the only vitality scattered throughout the universe, and find a way to realize the complete law of chaos. "


The Book of Wisdom is very shocking. It knows that there must be a reason for Xia Chuan's actions, but it did not expect that the reason why Xia Chuan does it is to make breakthroughs.

"Why are there so many peak races born in the universe, and these races and civilizations are fighting each other for hegemony?! In fact, this is all from the instinct of life. They are all trying to snatch that ray of heaven and compete for the position of the protagonist of the universe's luck. ."

Xia Chuan looked at the Book of Wisdom: "That is to say, whoever can lead his own race to become the dominant race of the Xuanhuang universe, then whoever can master the luck of the entire universe and let himself gather the luck of infinite beings.


Then, with the help of the luck of all living beings, to grasp the one that has escaped, at that time, you will naturally be able to comprehend the three thousand laws, and then condense them into the laws of chaos, and step into an unprecedented realm. "

He now understands why Daoist Hongjun is willing to pass on his own method of sanctification in myths and stories.

In fact, Daoist Hongjun also has his own thoughts.

It is undeniable that the other party does have a heart of great compassion, but he must also have his own calculations.

When Daoist Hongjun reached a certain level, he knew that he always lacked a ray of law, and that was the only secret in the universe to escape.

If you want to obtain this only heavenly secret, you must gather the power of luck of infinite sentient beings.

So he chose to become the master of the saints, taught many saints, and with the help of the power of these saints, he ruled the entire world, and even the entire universe.

In this way, he will naturally become the master of this world and master the only heavenly secret.

Therefore, Xia Chuan also intends to follow the practice of Taoist Hongjun and become the teacher of gods, making the Xuanhuang people the dominant race in the universe, occupying all the luck of the Xuanhuang universe, and seizing the only chance for good fortune.

"I understand."

The Book of Wisdom instantly understood his master's thoughts and plans, and there was no doubt that this was the only way for his master to break through to the main god realm and master the laws of chaos.

Don't look at Xia Chuan mastering the law of chaos now, but if he doesn't completely control the law of chaos and transforms into Chaos Avenue, after tens of billions of years, Xia Chuan will turn into a cup of loess and completely fall.

He is not at all like other main gods, who can live with the sky.

It can be said that for Xia Chuan now, it is a matter of racing against time. If there is no chance to find a breakthrough within 10 billion years, then Xia Chuan will surely die.

So for Xia Chuan, there is no way back, if you don't succeed, you will succeed.

However, if he succeeds, he will not only be promoted to become the main god, but will also surpass the realm of the main god and reach an unprecedented realm.


Thinking of this, Xia Chuan did not hesitate, he immediately took out a piece of Chaos boulder from his Chaos Kingdom, which is a strange ore containing the laws of Chaos.

Even if you look at the entire universe, it is a unique stone.

If you want to engrave a complete law into the stone, the material of this stone must be extremely tough, otherwise it will quickly collapse because it cannot withstand the power of the law.

The chaotic ore is different, because of its unique material, even if it withstands a complete avenue, there is no problem. Even if it is the power of the main god, don't let it shatter.

Even in the Chaos Divine Kingdom within Xia Chuan, it would take a lot of time to breed such Chaos Ores, which are definitely extremely precious and unique ore.

dong dong dong!!!

In an instant, Xia Chuan sat cross-legged on the ground, surrounded by huge pieces of chaotic ore, each piece of chaotic ore was as huge as a mountain, towering into the clouds, which was amazing.

They are filled with endless chaotic aura, producing unparalleled coercion.

At this time, he was holding the Cosmic Wonder Axe. After all, only the power of the Cosmic Wonder Axe could easily cut all kinds of lines and traces on the chaotic ore.

"The law of fire, the law of water, the law of earth, the law of gold, the law of wood, the law of time, the law of space, the law of cause and effect, the law of death, the law of life..."

At this moment, Xia Chuan felt that she had fallen into a state of epiphany, as if she had stepped into the supreme realm of the unity of heaven and man, as if her soul had been integrated into the universe.

He began to engrave the many laws that he had learned on these huge chaotic ores.

Immediately, amazing lines appeared on these huge chaotic ores, which seemed to be the original trajectory of the universe.

Every law track contains unimaginable power.

In an instant, a piece of chaotic ore exudes infinite scorching power and flame power, as if accommodating a universe of fire, encompassing the endless flames in the world.

A piece of chaotic ore is filled with the power of terrifying edge, as if it contains all the power of metal, and the edge seems to be able to cut through this piece of time and space.

I don't know how long it has passed, and many chaotic ores show various patterns of laws.

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