Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1058 A cosmic wanted criminal, the overlord of this star field


Immediately, Bai Yi, Bai Er, Bai San and other gods quietly entered a certain city on this planet. They found a person with a relatively high status on this planet, who was a saint.

Immediately afterwards, they used the ecstasy technique to make the saint obey their orders.

"What is this place? What is your name?

Bai Yi asked immediately.

"My name is Li Yi, and I am the lord of this city. This is the Lotus Star under the rule of Tang."

Sage Li Yi immediately said honestly, now he is in a state of ecstasy, unless he touches the restraint of the soul, otherwise he will not wake up, and he can only answer questions honestly.

"Could it be that the starfields originally ruled by the Black Flame Alliance now belong to the Tang Kingdom?

Bai Yi asked.

"It's more than the star field that was originally ruled by the Black Flame Alliance. In fact, for thousands of years, the Tang country has gone south and north to fight, and has destroyed dozens of cosmic kingdoms. Basically, this star field belongs to the Tang country. .""

Li Yi proudly said, after all, as a member of the Tang Kingdom, he is extremely proud, and now the Tang Kingdom is the absolute hegemon of this star field, and no country can compete against it.


As soon as these words came out, Bai Yi and other God Kings were suddenly shocked. They did not expect such a big change in this star field in just two or three thousand years.

You must know that even if it was the previous Black Flame God Alliance, it was almost impossible to capture this star field.

After all, the forces of the surrounding cosmos kingdoms are not weaker than the Black Flame God Alliance.

It is because of this that the Black Flame Divine Alliance has only maintained an appropriate territory for the past tens of millions of years, and has no way to expand outside.

But this Tang country, in just two or three thousand years, its territorial area has expanded by many times.

The forces that were originally able to compete with the Black Flame Alliance were all wiped out by the Tang Kingdom.

"Impossible, this area can be said to be the chaotic area of ​​our Wanxing Kingdom. Even if the existence of the ninth-order gods came to this place, they would not dare to say that they could unify this star region. Why does Tang Kingdom do it? at this point."

Bai Er said with a solemn expression.

"So the previous guesses are all correct. The god behind the Tang Kingdom is likely to be a god emperor. Otherwise, how can there be such strength to sweep this star field and become the overlord of this star field.

Bai San said in a deep voice and expressed his guess.

"The question is, if it is the existence of the God Emperor, why not directly join our Wanxing Nation? According to the cultivation of the God Emperor, he will definitely become a member of our Wanxing Nation, and then he can become a frontier official and rule one side. Star Territory. There is absolutely no need to come to such a wild place."

Bai Yi was very puzzled.

After all, normally, if you have reached the level of a god emperor, then you are eligible to join the nine cosmic empires, and you will also become a high-level boss of the cosmic empire.

Because no matter which cosmic empire it is, it is extremely eager for the existence of god emperors. It has already reached the point where it is thirsty for talents. No faction will not dislike too many god emperors.

Therefore, as long as he is promoted to become a god emperor, once he joins the cosmos empire, he will immediately become an important boss and gain unparalleled power.

It is really unimaginable to develop in a remote star field like Tang Guo secretly.

“There are actually two reasons for this.35

Bai Er said solemnly: "The first reason is that the god emperor of Tang country is actually a country bumpkin, and the other party has never been in contact with any cosmic empire before, and he does not know what the current cosmic situation is like.

It is because of this that the other party will naturally not choose to join the cosmos empire. After all, the other party does not know how to join, so he can only choose to develop slowly in this place.

"No, if it's an ordinary god, it's understandable if you don't understand the situation in the universe. After all, many gods have come out of the ordinary world and haven't come into contact with the forces that span the universe.

The problem is that this is a god emperor, and he must have survived for more than ten billion years. An old antique like this does not understand the current situation of the universe. This kind of thing is simply unreasonable.

"That's right, the god emperors are all old monsters. It's simply impossible to say that these old monsters don't understand the situation in the universe."

"Even if the old monster didn't understand it before, but after annexing so many forces and subduing so many gods, isn't there any god who knows about this?"5

"Well, it's not impossible. Maybe this god emperor is relatively young, and he hasn't lived for 100 million years, so naturally he doesn't know such a thing.

"Stupid, this is a god emperor, not a god king, a god general, how could it be possible to step into the realm of a god emperor in a mere 100 million years? This is not nonsense or something.

Bai Yi, Bai Er, Bai San and other god kings talked a lot and expressed their opinions.

"If this is the case, then there is only the second reason, that is, this god emperor may be wanted by the nine cosmic empires, so he will hide in this remote star field and develop slowly, for fear of being caught by others. Find.""

Bai Er said the second reason.

In fact, not all god emperors in the universe joined the nine empires, and some god emperors were loose cultivators. They were not used to joining these 893 huge forces, and they always felt that they would be bound by these forces.

It is because of this that these god emperors are always scattered among the nine cosmic empires, forming different forces.

The question is, how can the nine cosmic empires tolerate these wandering soldiers, for them, these disobedient god emperors are a group of thorns that must be eliminated.

Therefore, after countless years, these god emperors collided with each other, thus provoking a lot of hatred.

As a result, some of these god emperors were wanted by the nine cosmic empires and became cosmic-level wanted criminals. Once caught, they could obtain unimaginable bounties.

Of course, this is a wanted criminal at the level of a god emperor. How can he be arrested so easily? With the strength of an ordinary god, it is not bad that he is not killed. It is impossible to catch the other party.

So even just providing some information is enough to get a huge reward.

If they can obtain these rewards, then for them, it is simply a benefit that cannot be measured, and maybe they will find the opportunity to break through to become a god emperor.

"Wanted criminal? If it is a wanted criminal, then this is not an opponent we can contend against at all, let's hurry up and run." Bai San's expression changed, and he immediately wanted to run away.

Compared with interests, he still cares more about his own life.

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