Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1059 The news of the innate treasure tree of cosmic wonders, the former cosmic war

"No, no, I'm just guessing, and it's not necessarily the most wanted criminal in the universe."

Bai Er shook his head: "To be honest, is it really a wanted criminal in the universe, and which one is it? We still need more evidence to prove it?"

"That's right, I'm not too anxious to run now, let's find the god emperor behind Tang Kingdom first. 99

Bai nodded a little: "And more importantly, if it is really a wanted criminal in the universe, the other party can't be so blatant and go around the major universe kingdoms.

As a cosmic wanted criminal, the most important thing should be to keep a low profile. It is impossible to support a cosmic kingdom with signs everywhere. Isn't this for fear that others won't find you?

He felt that the possibility was not very big. For a wanted criminal, this approach was too high-profile and unreasonable.

"Indeed, if you say that, the main god behind the Tang Kingdom doesn't look like a wanted criminal in the universe."

Bai Er couldn't help but agree with this.

"Wait, although I know that the Tang Kingdom has the support of the main god behind it and can defeat the gods of other forces, the question is how far a star field is, and how can a huge star field be unified in a short period of time."

Bai San suddenly thought of this.

You must know why the cosmos kingdom has conquered other countries for tens of thousands of years, or even hundreds of thousands of years, sometimes it is not a matter of strength gap, but distance.

Because the two countries are too far away, with light-years as the unit of calculation, even if ordinary gods walk, it may take thousands of years, or even tens of thousands of years.

In this case, the speed of conquest will naturally become extremely slow.

"This kind of thing is very simple, because our country Tang has mastered the technology of teleportation across space."

The saint next to Li Yi said as a matter of course: "We have a teleportation hall, which can be teleported to the major planets through the teleportation hall, no matter how many light-years apart, it will arrive in an instant, and it doesn't take much time at all.

With the power of the teleportation hall, no matter where our Tang army goes, they will arrive in an instant, and there is no need to waste any time.

Since the unification of this star field, the teleportation hall has basically spread over every planet, and with the ability of the teleportation hall, we can easily reach any planet, just like the end of the world.".


As soon as these words came out, the pupils of Bai Yi and other high-ranking gods shrank. He didn't expect to hear such information, and Tang Guo actually mastered such superb transmission technology.

You must know that even the cosmic empire has not mastered such space transmission technology.

But now it has been controlled by a small Tang country, and few people will believe this kind of thing.

"The artifact must be an extremely powerful space artifact, otherwise it would be impossible to do this."

Bai Yi said firmly.

"No, no, it's not just as simple as an ordinary artifact, an ordinary space artifact spanning millions of light-years is already very good, but this teleportation hall seems to span hundreds of millions of light-years as simple as eating and drinking. , To tell the truth, in my impression, no artifact can do this, maybe only the cosmic wonders can do it."5

Bai Er said in a deep voice.

"Impossible, what a rare treasure in the universe, there are not many in the entire universe, how can it appear in this place? It's incredible."

Bai San felt that this guess was too unbelievable.

Even if there are many main gods, none of them have cosmic wonders. After all, this is a unique treasure born in the universe, and there can be no second one.

"If it is really a cosmic wonder, then it may be the innate treasure tree that was madly contested by the nine cosmic empires, but this innate treasure tree has disappeared somewhere, and it can't be owned by the gods of the Tang country, right? .35 Bai smiled for a while.

He remembered how many wars broke out among the nine cosmic empires in order to compete for the innate treasure tree of cosmic wonders.

That kind of cosmos-level war made him feel trembling, even if the upper gods were in that kind of war, they were actually just cannon fodder.

Only the existence of the main god level is the real main force in the battlefield.

Of course, the innate treasure tree of the cosmic wonder is also very powerful. It is said that it has mastered 3,000 world items, and each world item is comparable to the main artifact.

In other words, there are three thousand main artifacts, equivalent to the existence of three thousand ninth-order main gods, and the power among them can be imagined, the kind that can definitely swept thousands of troops.

That war also led to the fall of the gods, and I don't know how many gods died.

"To be honest, nothing is impossible. After all, the innate treasure tree of the cosmic wonder has disappeared for a long time. The gods of our nine cosmic empires are all searching for it in the universe. If anyone can master this cosmic wonder, Then who can become the overlord of the universe and rule the entire universe.

Bai Er's eyes showed a terrifying light: ".`So the news about the innate treasure tree of the cosmic wonders is a priority. Once this news is found and reported, the benefits to us are simply unimaginable. Maybe we will also have it in the future. Opportunity to be promoted to the main god realm and master a great avenue."

He was filled with raging ambition.

As an eighth-order god, it is impossible to say that there is no ambition to step into the main god realm.

After all, the mere eighth-order gods can survive for nine billion years. Although this time seems to be very long, sooner or later, there will be an end.

He didn't want to see his lifespan run out and die one day in the future.

It is undeniable that there are indeed some gods in the universe who feel that he has lived enough, but he is not among them. He feels that even if he lives until the universe collapses (Qian Nuohao), he will not feel that he has really lived enough.

It is the common pursuit of every god to live a long life with the sky.

"Interesting, if this is the case, then the secrets contained in the Tang country are unimaginable, and maybe the innate treasure tree of cosmic wonders is really in this place.

Bai Yi squinted his eyes: "After all, a strange and never seen Lord God suddenly appeared in this remote star field, no matter how you think about it, it is an extremely strange thing.

But if this main god has mastered the innate treasure tree of the universe, then this matter is not impossible, and everything can be explained. "

He felt his blood boil, as if a huge secret was unfolding for him.

If he can completely grasp this secret, then the reward of the Universe Empire Wanxing Nation alone is enough to allow him to step into the realm of the Lord God and master the law of the Great Way.

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