Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1083 The puppet of the universe, an unprecedented powerful enemy

"What's wrong?"

Seeing this scene, Xia Chuan frowned, not knowing what happened.

After all, I punched myself out just now, and then the Eternal God Emperor exploded, it was just a short moment, and time did not pass for a long time.

I saw a golden light burst out from the Eternal God Emperor, and the bodies of the God Emperors merged instantly, seeming to be in a liquid state, and they merged into the Eternal God Emperor's body one after another.

And this is not as simple as one or two god emperors, but more than 90,000 god emperors.

They instantly merged into liquid and merged into the body of the Eternal God Emperor.


In an instant, the aura and power of the Eternal God Emperor immediately showed a geometric progression. From the body shape of a miniature human, it suddenly soared, and it actually grew into the shape of a human in the black-yellow universe.

No, such a body size is even bigger, at least several times the size of a human in the Xuanhuang universe.

At this moment, every cell in the Eternal God Emperor contains explosive divine power, as if every cell contains the energy of a star.

"It's incredible, it's incredible."

The Eternal God Emperor was astonished ten times, even though it had used this divine power before—life fusion, but where is it like now, it has fused more than 90,000 ninth-order god emperors.

For it, this is simply an unprecedented adventure.

After merging more than 90,000 ninth-order god emperors, it not only gained the power of these god emperors, but also gained their knowledge of the principles of the Great Dao, as well as infinite memories.

This is equivalent to the fact that it has acquired more than 90,000 god emperors' life-long memories and experience of cultivating the Tao, as well as wisdom.

It is conceivable that the current Eternal God Emperor is simply a combination of the power and wisdom of more than 90,000 God Emperors, and is an unprecedented ultimate monster born in a miniature universe.

"Now I am simply the strongest in the universe, and I am already the perfect existence of the God Emperor. 35

The Eternal God Emperor felt in an instant that he seemed to have mastered the Three Thousand Great Dao Law at this moment, and now his understanding of the Great Dao has risen to an unprecedented level.

Generally speaking, if more than 90,000 ninth-order god emperors are merged at one time, even with the wisdom of the eternal god emperor, I am afraid that these endless memories will be washed away and become a monster that loses its sense.

This is actually the disadvantage of the fusion of life.

Because this is not just as simple as merging the opponent's body and strength, but also merging the opponent's memory, character, and the opponent's wisdom and so on.

The memories, wisdom, and personalities of more than 90,000 ninth-order god emperors collide together, and generally speaking, they are bound to lose, and there is absolutely no chance of a winner.

But now it is different. The Eternal God Emperor has obtained the protection of the universe and heaven, and has been assisted by infinite luck, which also makes the eternal god emperor instantly obtain the wisdom of the universe and heaven.

At this moment, the Eternal God Emperor felt that his wisdom had been improved by geometric progression, his brain felt unparalleled clarity, and his computing power had been improved unimaginably.

No matter how it thought before, it could not understand the problem, but now it is understood in an instant.

It can be said that at this moment, it has obtained the computing power and wisdom of the universe and heaven, so it can easily integrate the memory and wisdom of more than 90,000 god emperors.

How can the wisdom and memory of the mere god emperor resist the fusion of the universe and heaven?!

There is no doubt that the Eternal God Emperor is the ultimate monster that has never been seen before in the micro-universe.

"Emperor Yuanshi, I have to thank you. If it wasn't for your persecution, I wouldn't have gotten such an earth-shattering adventure." The Eternal God Emperor looked at Xia Chuan lightly without joy or sorrow.

Because of the wisdom and comprehension of the universe and the heavenly way, this also makes the emotions on it become weaker and weaker, as if it has lost all emotions.

This is the price of obtaining the wisdom of the heavenly way, and it will also be assimilated by the power of the cosmic heavenly way, become a part of the cosmic heavenly way, and become a puppet controlled by the heavenly way.


Xia Chuan's pupils contracted, and he also instantly sensed the state of the Eternal God Emperor at this moment. The original more than 90,000 ninth-order God Emperors disappeared instantly, and all merged into the body of the Eternal God Emperor.

There is no doubt that the Eternal God Emperor at this moment is simply the ultimate monster that has never been seen before in the micro-universe, and even Xia Chuan felt great pressure and murderous aura from the opponent.

If you are a little careless, you will be killed by the enemy in front of you.

"Aim, this must be the aim of the universe and heaven, otherwise this Eternal God Emperor won't become so terrifying, this is simply a hang-up.

Xia Chuan was speechless, he still didn't understand, the reason why the Eternal God Emperor would suddenly explode was absolutely inseparable from the Heavenly Dao of this universe.

He could even sense the aura shrouded in heaven on the Eternal God Emperor, which was the power of heaven's will.

To a certain extent, the other party is now the incarnation of the universe and heaven, the ultimate creature who acts for heaven.

Although he knew that what he encountered this time must be an unprecedented catastrophe, but he did not expect that such a catastrophe would be exaggerated to such an extent.

It is not only the God Emperor of this universe that targets him, but even the Heavenly Dao of this universe is his own enemy.

If you are not careful, this is the place to buy your own bones.

And to the point where he is today, it is not possible for him to escape from this universe, either you die or I live.

"Master, be careful, this Eternal God Emperor seems to be possessed by the way of heaven.

The Book of Wisdom also sensed something, and immediately reminded: "Now this Eternal God Emperor's comprehension, wisdom, and computing power have undoubtedly reached the level of the universe.

To a certain extent, the current enemy of the master is no longer the Eternal God Emperor, but the Heavenly Dao of this universe, and the Eternal God Emperor is just a puppet of the Heavenly Dao.

It also did not expect that its master wanted to cross the last step so difficult, and the enemy he faced was actually the universe of heaven.

You must know that the universe and heaven itself have no wisdom, only pure instinct, and at the same time, the heaven itself does not have any substance.

Therefore, the Tao of Heaven needs to rely on the creatures of this universe in order to exert the power of the Tao of Heaven itself.

And now, it is clear that this side of the universe has found the body of the Eternal God Emperor, and at the same time has combined the power of more than 90,000 ninth-order God Emperors to form the ultimate body of life.

This is the fusion of part of the power of the universe.

Just by perceiving the breath of the other party, one can perceive the terror of the Eternal God Emperor at this moment. It seems that a slight blow can make the universe tremble and set off an endless void storm.

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