Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1084 The perfect match of the god emperor, a battle that affects the entire universe

"Interesting, let's try this guy's jin liang first."

Xia Chuan stared at the Eternal God Emperor, and immediately shot without saying a word.

The supreme supernatural power - the star picker!


In an instant, he slapped it out with one hand, and a chaotic big hand formed in the void, and the surrounding time and space trembled, making a buzzing sound.

This chaotic big hand is extremely terrifying, and it seems that it can easily grab the planets and play with the planets as glass beads.

And when this big hand is captured, it is simply covering the sky and the sun, covering this space and space, blocking the space here, making the enemy unavoidable and unable to escape.

Ordinary main gods would probably be crushed to death by this big hand, torn apart and shattered to pieces.

"Eternal Barrier! 99

In an instant, the Eternal God Emperor felt this power, and immediately activated the power of divine power in his body. The huge barrier instantly expanded, and the surrounding area was covered with dense eternal runes.

It seems that the laws of avenues are intertwined and integrated into the barrier, forming an absolute barrier.

This is also the defensive supernatural power of the Eternal God Emperor Xeon. Once the eternal barrier is built, it can absorb the power of the origin of the universe, which is endless and can never be broken.


The two forces collided in an instant, and an earth-shattering sound erupted, and the surrounding void was instantly shaken to the point where terrifying cracks appeared, stretching for thousands of light-years.

If ordinary gods stayed in this place, I am afraid that they would have been shocked to death by the fluctuation of the Great Dao.

"This power is actually comparable to mine."

Xia Chuan squinted his eyes, he felt the divine power in the body of the Eternal God Emperor at this moment.

Then coupled with the assistance of the power of the universe and heaven, the divine power of the Eternal God Emperor has reached an unprecedented level.

Otherwise, with the original power of the Eternal God Emperor, it would not be able to match him at all.

"Sure enough, you are not a creature from this universe, but an existence from a different universe. Otherwise, with your strength, you would never remain anonymous until now."

The Eternal God Emperor felt the breath on Xia Chuan's body, and he couldn't help but burst out with disgust in his heart.

Since the heaven of this universe repelled Xia Chuan, he naturally did not have any favorable impression of Xia Chuan.

"But how did you get to this universe?"

The Eternal God Emperor is very puzzled.

It also wanted to go to other universes, but found that it was impossible to do, and the barriers of the universe alone could not be broken.

Even if the barrier of the universe is really broken, there is a void outside the universe, and the universe and the universe do not know how far apart they are.

It is not even known how many times farther than the distance of the universe itself.

It is conceivable that it is basically impossible to travel to other universes.

But the Primordial Beginning God Emperor in front of him has crossed countless distances and reached this universe. This kind of magical power is simply incredible.

But if he really does this by his own ability, then by virtue of the power of the Eternal God Emperor, it is impossible to be the opponent of the Yuanshi God Emperor.

And the Yuanshi God Emperor must be beyond the existence of God Emperor.

The problem is that this guy in front of him is still at the level of a god emperor and has not surpassed himself, but it is incredible that the other party can do this.

"You don't need to know this, the dead don't need to know anything.

Xia Chuan looked at the Eternal God Emperor lightly, and didn't plan to say anything to the other party. After all, the ancient bronze gate is one of the biggest secret treasures in his body, and naturally it will not be discovered by others.

"Hmph, it's fine if you don't want to say it. It is estimated that you have some kind of secret treasure on your body, which is why you can cross the distance between the two universes. After I capture you, even if you don't want to say it, you have to give it to me. Just say it.

The Eternal God Emperor is murderous.


In an instant, the Eternal God Emperor moved, and immediately displayed a supreme supernatural power—the technique of eternal transcendence.

I saw three thousand eyes immediately appeared on his body, each of which burst out with golden rays of light, containing the unfathomable aura of the Great Dao.

dong dong dong!!!

These eyes are called the Eyes of Transcendence, and they can burst out one after another of transcendence divine light. Any enemy who is hit by the transcendence divine light will be instantly transcended, and the body and soul will be torn apart and completely returned to nothingness.

Hundreds of millions of supernatural rays of light were blasted out as if they didn't need money, covering this space and space, and it was like tearing the void.

They completely locked the Qi machine on Xia Chuan's body, not giving Xia Chuan a chance to escape at all.

"Tips for carving insects.

Xia Chuan indifferently watched the attack of the Eternal God Emperor, unmoved, and the chaotic divine power in his body burst out instantly.

Supreme Divine Ability - Hungry Hole Barrier!

I saw that with his body as the center, a barrier like an ancient tortoise shell appeared in an instant, covering the time and space in all directions, forming an absolute defense.

There are dense chaotic runes on the top of each barrier tortoise shell.

At this moment, this barrier is like a black hole, filled with terrifying power of devouring, as if instantly transformed into a supreme devouring beast.


Hundreds of millions of detachment divine lights came and smashed all over the chaotic barriers. The originally invincible detachment divine lights were instantly swallowed up by the power of the chaotic barriers.

The two forces were instantly offset at this moment and disappeared into nothingness.

".'Sure enough."

The Eternal God Emperor's eyes showed a terrifying ray of light. This move just now was just a test, and he didn't have much confidence in how much damage it could cause to the enemy.

But from this (promised good) point, you can also test the depth of the opponent's strength.

There is no doubt that the power of the Primordial Beginning God Emperor in front of him is no trivial matter, and he is definitely an enemy that has never been seen before.

If it hadn't incorporated the power of so many ninth-order god emperors, it would have been beaten to death by the opponent.

dong dong dong~~~

In the next second, Xia Chuan and the Eternal God Emperor collided again. In just one breath, the two collided billions of times, as if two universes were colliding.

Unprecedented energy fluctuations and avenue fluctuations erupted with each impact. The surrounding planets and meteorites simply could not withstand such power fluctuations, and were instantly shattered and turned into powder.

Fortunately, this is an unmanned star field, otherwise, I don't know how many lives will be killed and injured.

And the battle fluctuations of the two also followed this star field, which was transmitted to the entire universe, covering every planet and every world, and ripples visible to the naked eye appeared in the void.

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