Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1094 Beyond the existence of the Lord God: Tianzun, information from the door of chance

But even so, Xia Chuan wanted to go back to the original universe, after all, this was one of his obsessions.


At this moment, another message was instilled into Xia Chuan's brain from the depths of the door of chance, and he immediately understood a lot of messages.

"It turns out that the realm I am in now is called the Tianzun realm.

In an instant, Xia Chuan's eyes showed a hint of enlightenment. Originally, he didn't know what realm he had reached, but because of the message from the door of chance.

He immediately knew that the existence of the Transcendent Lord God is Tianzun, and only the existence of Tianzun level can walk out of the universe where he is and reach the void outside the domain.

In the endless void, only Heavenly Venerate is the real powerhouse, even if it is the Lord God, it is just that there is no way to leave the ants of the original universe.

"As expected of the door of chance, I actually know so much important information.

Xia Chuan was shocked.

How can ordinary cosmic wonders know so much information, after all, they are all in the original universe, and there is no way to know things outside the universe.

But the door of chance is different, it can span many universes, and naturally knows more things than others, even the main gods can't compare with it.

To be honest, if it wasn't for the door of chance, he didn't know what the existence of the Beyond Lord God was.

This is the information that only the supreme beings that can span many universes are qualified to know.

"Tianzun Realm? Beyond the existence of the Lord God, it is called Tianzun by the world?! Sure enough, this realm contains great profound meaning." The Book of Wisdom was very excited, "Master, I don't know how Tianzun cultivates? 39

It felt that its soul was trembling, and it felt that it had spied a great secret.

I am afraid that the main gods in the two universes do not know what kind of existence Tianzun is. After all, they have not even reached the perfect state of the main gods, let alone say anything else.

To a certain extent, the micro universe and the Xuanhuang universe are actually still in the early stage of development, and have not reached the mature stage, otherwise, there will be no Tianzun-level characters born.

Even if you ask many main gods, it is estimated that you will not know what the existence of Tianzun is.

"Well, after stepping into the Heavenly Venerate Realm, there are two paths of cultivation."

Xia Chuan touched his chin: "The first one is to seize the universe and become the master of the universe, and then through the continuous development of the universe, to enhance one's own strength and quickly improve the cultivation of Tianzun."

This path has great advantages. First of all, it can instantly obtain the power of a mature universe, so that one's own power can grow explosively. After all, even Tianzun is incomparable to the mature universe that has developed for countless years.

It can be said that this is equivalent to gaining a huge amount of power in an instant, making him immediately possess a huge combat power.

But this way also has its downsides.

That is, after taking away this universe, becoming the master of the universe, and becoming the heaven of the universe, he cannot leave his original universe, and he cannot go deep into the chaos to find other opportunities.

Basically, this kind of Tianzun is trapped in his original universe and can no longer escape.

"Seize the universe and become the heaven of this universe? To a certain extent, Tianzun is actually constantly developing the universe in his body, promoting the evolution of the universe in his body, so as to step into a higher dimension and master stronger power. .

The Book of Wisdom felt that he understood a little bit about the cultivation methods of the Celestial Beings.

For Tianzun, he has mastered the law of the three thousand avenues, and at the same time condensed the three thousand avenues into the chaos avenue, and has mastered the power of the source of the avenues.

The avenue has no mysteries.

But for the endless void and the universe, Tianzun still has many things that he doesn't know.

If the Heavenly Venerates want to improve their own power, they can only improve the power of the universe, the power of chaos in their own bodies, and promote the evolution and development of the universe in their bodies.

But just relying on his own words, if you want to promote the interpretation of the universe, you don't know how many years it will take.

But if you can take a mature universe, you can save a lot of time and effort.

And for Tianzun, this kind of thing is also a piece of cake.

After all, the Heavenly Dao of the Universe has no will, and the power of the Heavenly Venerate is comparable to that of the universe, so he must be able to take over and succeed, and let his own will replace the Heavenly Dao will of the universe.

"The second way is to leave the original universe, go deep into chaos, look for a lot of opportunities, and then slowly improve one's own cultivation." Xia Chuan's eyes showed a gleam of light.

If it is the second path, it is a path of ascetic cultivation. After all, without the help of the energy of the original universe, the improvement of one's own cultivation will be very slow.

Perhaps hundreds of millions of years, the cultivation of the body will not improve much.

But then again, for Tianzun, time is endless, not to mention billions of years, even billions of trillions of years, it is nothing at all.

Because they don't care about the passage of time at all, time has lost any meaning.

However, in this way, since there is no drag from the original universe, Tianzun can freely go to other universes and go deep into chaos.

In general, both paths have their own advantages, as well as their own disadvantages.

The second way seems to be able to be free, but the endless void is so big, even if hundreds of millions of years have passed, it may not be possible to find the second universe.

Maybe, Tianzun will be lost in the endless void, not knowing where he went.

To a certain extent, once you get out of your original universe and go deep into chaos, it means giving up everything, breaking the boat, and trying to find the original universe again, which is almost impossible, nephew.

66 `The second road is also no (Noah's) harder than it is. "

The Book of Wisdom also instantly saw the difficulty of the second path. Although he was free, he might fall into the endless darkness, and he would never be able to find a new universe.

Perhaps in the long years, Tianzun is likely to lose himself and be lost in the endless void.

"But for me, maybe there are two paths to choose from.

Xia Chuan touched her chin.

If the ordinary Tianzun takes the original universe, it is almost impossible to get out of the universe, but for Xia Chuan, who has the door of chance, it is easy.

After all, he can use the power of the door of chance to open up time and space channels and easily reach other universes.

He doesn't need to search in the endless void to find a universe that doesn't know how far away, even illusory.

It can be said that if there is a door of chance for cosmic wonders in hand, both paths can be chosen.

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