Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1095 The crisis of the Xuanhuang clan, the six peak races come together

"But Master, now Master has found a total of two universes. I don't know which universe Master wants to take away?" The Book of Wisdom asked curiously.

If it is for ordinary Tianzun, then there is no so-called choice, only to take away the universe from which he was born.

But for Xia Chuan, whether it is the micro universe or the Xuanhuang universe, it is actually a suitable place for him to win the house, which can be regarded as a happy trouble.

"Naturally both.

Xia Chuan's eyes showed a glimmer of light: "For Tianzun, the more universes he devours, the more powerful he will gain. If he can swallow two universes at the same time, it will inevitably become more tyrannical.

He wanted to completely merge the miniature universe and the Xuanhuang universe into one, so that the two universes merged into a larger universe.

In this way, his own evolution will be accelerated, and his own cultivation will be rapidly improved.


Originally, the Book of Wisdom wanted to say something, but suddenly its expression changed, and it seemed to sense something: "Master, something has happened in the Xuanhuang universe, and the gods of the six peak 940 races of the Xuanhuang universe have begun to besiege us Xuanhuang. clan."

"So fast?

Xia Chuan narrowed her eyes.

You must know that he only spent two or three hundred years in the micro-universe, and for the gods, such a short time is simply a snap of his finger.

Originally, according to his estimation, it would take at least thousands of years for the opponent to reach the area shrouded by the Black Yellow Star, but he did not expect the enemy to be so fast.

"It's really fast. These six peak races may have sensed the power of our Xuanhuang clan, so they took action and dispatched a large number of gods, even the main gods."

The Book of Wisdom.

"Interesting, if that's the case, let's catch it all in one go.

Xia Chuan said lightly.

If he hadn't been promoted to the Heavenly Venerate Realm, he might still be jealous of these main gods, but now, these main gods are the same thing.

It must be known that the gap between the main god and the celestial being is even bigger than the gap between the saint and the main god.

Even if there are hundreds of millions of Lord Gods, it is impossible to compete with one Heavenly Venerate. This is no longer a gap that can be made up by numbers. The two sides are simply creatures of different dimensions.


In an instant, Xia Chuan immediately opened the ancient bronze gate, and without hesitation, he immediately returned to the Xuanhuang universe.

No matter what, the Xuanhuang clan is their own hard work, and they cannot be destroyed by the gods of the Xuanhuang universe.

A little bit forward in time.

Xuanhuang universe, Xuanhuang star.

Many gods of the Xuanhuang clan appeared in the realm of the gods. Their faces were solemn, and they sensed many gods outside the reincarnation enchantment. They only saw a god from the six peak races appearing in the periphery of the reincarnation enchantment.

Even the auras of some existences are far beyond the realm of gods, as if every gesture can cause endless energy tides in the universe, causing terrifying avenues of fluctuations.

There is no doubt that these existences are the existences of a lord god level.

"Damn, how could the six peak races come to deal with us at the same time?

"Yes, we didn't offend the six peak races, why did they come to our Xuanhuang clan's territory?

"And we are also extremely cautious, how could they find the headquarters of our Xuanhuang clan?

Many Xuanhuang clan gods have solemn expressions and very heavy hearts, and now they are not the white ones from before.

Since they were promoted to gods, and the forces of the Xuanhuang clan spread throughout the universe, they naturally knew about the many forces in the entire universe.

Among them, the six peak races, such as the Angel Race, the Abyss Race, the Divine Beast Alliance, the Zerg Race, the Monster Race, and the Elemental Race, represent the top six forces in the universe.

The gods possessed by these peak forces are simply uncountable.

Even if it is the existence of the main god level, each peak force has at least tens of thousands of them. It is conceivable how terrible the power of these six peak races is.

Although they feel extremely confident in the Xuanhuang Clan, they think that sooner or later they will catch up with the six peak forces, no, they should surpass the six peak forces and become the absolute overlord of this universe.

But that is not known how many years later, they absolutely do not want to confront the power of the six peak races now, this is definitely a dead end.

To be honest, even dealing with a peak race is a big problem for the Xuanhuang clan, not to mention the power of the six peak races at the same time, this is simply a disaster.

"No way, over the years, our Xuanhuang clan's actions have indeed been too public, arresting a large number of gods, perhaps it is precisely because of these actions that it has attracted the attention of the six peak race forces.

"But we didn't offend the six peak races, why did they have to kill us? 39

"Stupid, in this universe, there are as many reasons to kill us, and we don't even need any reason, just because we are weak is the original sin.

"Isn't it? As far as I know, there used to be many weak races in the universe, but just because they were disliked by some powerful races, they were wiped out and disappeared into the universe. What a ridiculous reason? .

"That's true. To be honest, the existence of our Xuanhuang clan was discovered by the six peak races. I had already expected such a thing, but I didn't expect it to be so fast."

"Sure enough, everything in this universe cannot be as we expected, we naturally want to develop slowly and grow to a peak state, but unfortunately the enemy is not an idiot, and it is impossible to give us this kind of growth time.

"Is this the cruelty of the universe? Things like the kind of enemies that let us grow step by step will never happen. Once a potential enemy is discovered, they will do their best to kill them, and they will not take any face at all.

Many Xuanhuang clan gods gritted their teeth, very unwilling.

They have stayed in the universe for a long time, and they naturally know the cruelty of the universe. If it wasn't for the appearance of Daozu, the human civilization on the Xuanhuang Star would have been destroyed by the endless alien civilization.

"Unfortunately, our strength is still too weak, we have just been promoted to the gods realm, and at most we have the strength of third-order gods. If we give us a while, there is the assistance of the monument of law, let alone the ninth-order gods. , Even if it is the realm of the Lord God, it is not impossible to reach it.""

A Xuanhuang clan god said very unwillingly.

After they entered the realm of the gods, they realized the monument of law given by the ancestors of Taoism, and they knew that the terrifying heritage possessed by the Xuanhuang tribe was simply not comparable to the other six peak races.

As long as they are given a period of time, they will naturally surpass the other six peak races.

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