Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1229 Returning to the Changchun Sect, the prelude to the unification of the Daxuan world

At this moment, Xia Chuan had left the reincarnation space and returned to the Changchun Sect of the Great Mysterious World.

Although he has been in the Shushan Sword World for more than three hundred years, the Great Mysterious World has only been in the past three months. For a cultivator, this is nothing at all, it can only be regarded as a short retreat time.


In an instant, a cat came to Xia Chuan in an instant, and it was a traveling cat. After sensing the owner's breath, it flew over quickly.

It looked at Xia Chuan in amazement, and felt that his master had only disappeared for a while, and his cultivation had increased by an unknown number of times.

Due to the improvement of Xia Chuan's cultivation, its power also grew.

However, once this master leaves the Great Mysterious World, then his contract with the other party will be completely terminated.

It suddenly felt helpless for a while, but it didn't expect that not long after waking up, he would fall into a deep sleep again.

"Don't worry, I will not leave this world, I will bring this world into the spiritual world. 99

Xia Chuan sensed the travel cat's thoughts and smiled slightly.

"Meow meow. 35

The travel cat meows a few times, indicating that the previous holders have tried to do this, but they all failed, and the previous holder was the closest to success.

It is a pity that in the face of the siege of the Gorefiend, he still died unexpectedly.

It can be said that wanting to take the whole world ascension is simply even more difficult than transcending tribulation.

People who have been able to do this kind of thing from ancient times to the present are all supported by the forces of the spiritual world, or even the immortal world, and there is absolutely no possibility of success for individuals.

"It's okay, it's just a small thing, and I'm different from them, I'm strong."

Xia Chuan smiled.

Hearing this, the travel cat blinked, and it really felt that its owner was very unusual, completely different from the previous owner.

If the owners of all dynasties were only mortals, then the current owner was filled with immortality from the very beginning, as if it was a special existence with the same longevity as the sky.

It is estimated that even if the master himself does not practice cultivation, he can survive to the end of the world.

It doesn't even know where its owner came from, and it seems to be more mysterious than itself.

"Next, we need to unify the entire Great Mysterious World, after all, we must protect ourselves from the outside world first.

Xia Chuan's eyes showed a hint of coldness.

If you want to deal with the blood demon world, you must unify all the forces in the entire world, so that the forces of the great mysterious world are condensed into one, so that it is possible to defeat the blood demon world.

Of course, unifying the Great Mysterious World was simply an easy task for him, who had already attained the perfection of God Transformation.

Maybe there was still a little bit of difficulty before being promoted to God Transformation, but now it's nothing.

Even if the cultivators of the whole world were tied together, they could not resist his sword.

On the other hand, in the Eastern Region of the Great Mysterious World, the god-turning cultivators from the ten major sects gathered together. This was an unprecedented gathering for them. This time, their purpose was naturally to target the Changchun Sect in the Western Regions.

"I believe everyone knows the purpose of our meeting.

The first person to speak was the Sect Master of the Gorefiend Sect. He looked at the crowd: "Now the Western Regions have undergone earth-shaking changes, and the environment of heaven and earth has even recovered to the ancient times, which is several times better than our cultivation environment in the Eastern Regions. If you can practice in the Western Regions, I am afraid that our sect will give birth to more golden pills, even Nascent Soul elders.

The problem is that the entire Western Regions is currently occupied by the so-called Changchun Sect, and one sect is dominant. I believe you will not give up this huge piece of fat. ""

He could see the greed in the eyes of many cultivators of the gods, even if he was a giant of the magic way, the other party was a cultivator of the right way, and it seemed that their positions were different.

But in fact they are all the same, for the sake of profit, even the righteous cultivator will kill them.

Sometimes these righteous sects do dirty things, even more than their demon sects.

It can be said that this meeting to deal with the Changchun Sect was also proposed by these well-known and decent cultivators.

"That's right, this Changchun Sect just had a bad luck, got the relics of the Great Xuan Dynasty, and obtained the inheritance, so that the land of the Western Regions can be restored to the grand occasion of the ancient times. If we also get that great The ruins of the Xuan Dynasty may be better than the Changchun Sect."

"Indeed, it is true. The so-called treasures are inhabited. Obviously, the Changchun Sect is not such a sect. It is said that the Changchun Sect's sect master is just a Yuan Ying cultivator, not even a god of transformation. What qualifications do they have to occupy the entire Western Regions? Isn't this a joke? When will the Yuanying monks be able to occupy a territory?"

"To be honest, our top ten sects have occupied the land of the Eastern Region for a long time, and basically fell into a bottleneck period. If we continue to develop, we will definitely fight internally. In order to compete for some resources, we will fight to the death. This is very important for our ten sects. Neither is a good thing, and now is an opportunity to expand our power to other regions.35

66 'If you say that, do you all agree to join forces to deal with the Changchun Sect?

"Do you still need to ask? Such fertile land in the Western Regions should be managed by our ten major sects. It is too wasteful to hand it over to the Changchun sect, and it is a waste of money."

"However, wanting to attack Changchun Sect is not so simple. Although the head of Changchun Sect is only a late Nascent Soul cultivator, he is a master of array formation. The power of the law can even compete with the spiritual cultivator."

"I have to say that the sect master of Changchun Sect is really lucky. He has obtained the relics of the Great Xuan Dynasty and obtained great benefits, but even if the opponent uses the power of the formation method, he can barely deal with the cultivator of the gods. The problem is that the Changchun Sect can Is it possible to deal with ten, or even more than a dozen, cultivators when dealing with one cultivator?

"Just (Wang Hao) is that our ten major sects join forces to attack day and night, no matter how sharp the formation of this Changchun sect is, it will not be able to resist the siege of our ten major sects.

"Since there are so many words, when will we set off and take down the Changchun Sect?

"Do you still need to ask? Immediately after three days, it is enough for us spiritual transformation cultivators and Yuan Ying cultivators to take action. No matter how many ordinary cultivators are, it is of no use. We high-ranking monks."

"But after the destruction of the Changchun Sect, how will the benefits be distributed?"

"Don't worry, let's destroy Changchun Sect first.

The cultivators of the ten major sects discussed a lot, and after a few words, they decided to deal with the Changchun Sect, and even began to enter the stage of distributing the interests of the Western Regions.

After all, in their eyes, the mere Changchun Sect was just fish on a chopping board, and it was nothing to be slaughtered at all.

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