Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1230 The Sect Master of the Changchun Sect took action and captured the cultivator of the go

A few days later, many great armies of God Transformation cultivators and Nascent Soul cultivators came from the Eastern Territory, and they rode the flying boat at an extremely fast speed.

It was only a few days before they arrived at the location of the Western Regions.

It can be said that this time, the ten major sects in the Eastern Region dispatched a total of eighteen cultivators of God Transformation and thousands of cultivators of Nascent Soul.

Although such a few monks are a bit shabby for the Shushan Sword World and the Gorefiend World, they are already an extremely luxurious lineup for the current Daxuan world.

The dispatch of so many top cultivators can basically destroy any force in the Great Mysterious World.

"Is this the Western Region? Sure enough, seeing is better than seeing it. Now the spiritual energy of this world is stronger than that of our Eastern Region?!"

He had collected relevant information before, but he was still skeptical. After all, the Western Regions was a barren land, and his spiritual energy was extremely thin.

But who could have imagined that in just ten years, the Western Regions had undergone earth-shaking changes, the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth had risen sharply, and it had become a holy place for cultivation.

In this way, the means to change the environment of heaven and earth is simply to seize the creation of heaven and earth.

He couldn't even imagine what the sect master of Changchun Sect had obtained from the ruins of the Daxuan Dynasty, and that he could actually make such an astonishing transformation in the Western Regions.

"This Changchun Sect is indeed a bit capable, the entire Western Region is shrouded in a huge formation, any foreign cultivator will be detected by the Changchun Sect as long as they enter the Western Regions.

Another god-turning cultivator's eyes flickered. He was also a master of formation. He claimed to be the strongest cultivator in the world. However, after seeing this great formation covering the world in front of him, he was completely shocked.

It was like a student with a primary school education who suddenly saw a math problem in a university.

Now his only impression is how such a great formation of heaven and earth is arranged.

It can be said that this is beyond the scope of his cognition.

"It doesn't matter, it is estimated that it is also the knowledge of formations obtained from the ruins of the Daxuan Dynasty. It may even be an ancient formation itself, which was just excavated by the Changchun Sect. As long as we destroy the Changchun Sect, these precious knowledge will naturally belong to us. "A god-turning cultivator was murderous.

"Then what are we waiting for, immediately break through this formation and enter the Changchun Sect.

Many cultivators can't wait.

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in the void, and it was transmitted to the depths of the consciousness of each Eastern Region cultivator: "Interesting, I didn't bother to go to your Eastern Region cultivator, but you came to the door on your own initiative. It's also a good thing, and it saves me a lot of effort. After solving you, there will probably be no one in the entire Eastern Region.


As soon as these words came out, many of the cultivators were shocked, because they didn't know where such a voice came from, and they were like ghosts and ghosts.


Before they could figure out what was going on, a big hand appeared in the sky in an instant, covering the sky and the sun, covering an area of ​​hundreds of kilometers.

Gold, wood, water, fire, soil and other heaven and earth vitality poured into this big hand, just like the palm of a god, filled with terrifying momentum and power, it seems that even the space is shaking at this moment.

The surrounding heaven and earth instantly formed an absolute domain, like a cage of the five elements, binding many cultivators of the Eastern Region.


These cultivators couldn't react at all, this terrifying energy wave bombarded them violently, no matter what their cultivation base was, they were instantly shocked into serious injuries.

A mouthful of blood was sprayed out like this, and the combat power of the whole body was suddenly lost by more than 90%.

They were even more like toads. They were slapped to the ground abruptly, and they didn't know how many ribs were broken, and their internal organs were also severely injured.

A clearly visible giant palm instantly appeared on the earth with a radius of hundreds of miles, and the five fingers seemed to form five terrifying ravines (babg) that stretched for hundreds of miles.

The entire earth was shattered, and dense cracks appeared, like spider webs, with smoke billowing, beacon smoke billowing, and terrifying murderous intent permeated all around.

This is also the reason why Xia Chuan showed mercy.

If they really did kill them, these cultivators would have been wiped out long ago.

Of course, the reason why Xia Chuan didn't kill them, just wanted to enslave these Eastern Region cultivators as slaves, after all, to set up a great formation covering the whole world, I still needed the help of the cultivators.

If it's just him, he's still too tired.


"Which senior actually attacked us?"

"What the hell are you joking? We are god-turning cultivators, and we should be the pinnacle of this world. How could someone hit us completely with one palm?"

"The head of the Changchun Sect must be the head of the Changchun Sect. It is said that he once killed several Nascent Soul cultivators of the Gorefiend Sect with one hand, which is exactly the same as the current situation. 39

"Master, is this kind of power still only for the Yuan Ying cultivator? Blood Demon Sect, are you fucking playing with us, this is already the realm of deity, no, it may even surpass the realm of deity.

"Shit, what do those spies eat? Didn't they say that the Sect Master of Changchun Sect was just a Nascent Soul cultivator? What the heck is going on? How can this guy's strength be so terrifying?"

"Escape, escape quickly, we are not the opponents of Changchun Sect at all. If we continue like this, we will all die."

"Want to escape? How can we escape now, we have no way to escape.

Numerous cultivators were stunned and panicked to the extreme. As cultivators, they should be the top existences in this world, and their strength was invincible.

But now, I was instantly stunned by this palm that fell from the sky.

Under this terrifying giant palm, they were like ants, vulnerable to a single blow.


Before these cultivators of the Eastern Region could think of any way to escape, the infinite spiritual energy of heaven and earth gathered again, forming a terrifying giant palm.

With such a light grasp, eighteen Spirit Transformation cultivators and thousands of Nascent Soul cultivators were caught in the palm of their hands like ants, and they were directly caught.


It didn't take long for these Eastern Region monks to be captured by Xia Chuan and taken to the Changchun Sect, and they fell in front of Xia Chuan like dead dogs.


Many cultivators in the Eastern Region looked at this young and excessive cultivator in horror, and they could feel the abyss-like aura on the other side.

There is no doubt that the young man in front of him must be the legendary Sect Master of Changchun Sect.

They never imagined that the cultivation of the Changchun Sect Master would be so terrifying that they could be caught directly to this place with one palm across thousands of kilometers. What kind of magical power is this?

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