Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1271 The five immortal gates join forces to let Qin Huang Fusu abdicate

On the other hand, the heads and elders of the five sects, including Demon Sect, Yin Yang Sect, Puppet Sect, Five Poison Sect, and Shennong Sect, all gathered together to discuss the drastic changes that occurred in the Qin Dynasty.

It can be said that this is also the first time in the past thousand years that the five major sects have gathered to hold a meeting.

So one can imagine how much trouble and shock it has brought to them due to Prince Fusu's ascension to the throne.

"I believe you all know that the three elders of my Yin-Yang Sect have all died under Fusu's hands, and now my Yin-Yang Sect has been listed as a cult by the Qin Dynasty, wanted by the whole country, and my luck has plummeted. A total of days.

Yin-Yang Sect-Sect Master's face was very ugly.

To be honest, they relied on the luck of the Great Qin Dynasty to make every immortal cultivator in the Yin-Yang Sect make rapid progress, absorb the nourishment of the Great Qin Dynasty, and continue to grow themselves.

The problem is that success is also Xiao He and Xiao He is also Xiao He.

After losing the fortune protection of the Daqin Dynasty, they were immediately beaten back to their original shape, and even suffered heavy losses.

It is estimated that in a short period of time, they will not be able to recover their vitality.

One can imagine how angry the disciples of Yin Yang Clan were towards the newly appointed Emperor Qin.

"This Fusu is too arrogant. My two elders of the puppet door just happened to pass by, and they were killed unexpectedly. This Fusu simply doesn't take our five immortal doors in the eye. 99

The puppet door master gritted his teeth and was very angry.

Originally, the two Elder Lianxu of the puppet gate were just watching the fun, and by the way, they wanted to know if there was anything cheap to pick up.

Just a face-to-face meeting, the two Elder Lianxu didn't know what happened, they were captured, and now they have been killed, and the bodies are nowhere to be seen.

This is an unprecedented heavy loss for the puppet door.

After all, every elder of the Void Refinement Realm occupies a pivotal position in their respective sects.

Now two dead at once, it can be said that two pillars have collapsed.

"That's right, this world has always been controlled by our five great immortals in turn, and when it's the emperor's turn to be a mortal dynasty, this is simply wanting to turn the sky upside down.

The Sect Master of the Five Poison Sect is murderous and malicious.

During this time, the Five Poison Sect also killed two illusory refining elders.

Originally, they wanted to sneak around Fusu, and then use poison to control Prince Fusu, the generals and important officials around him, and slowly refine them into puppets of the Five Poison Sect.

But who could have imagined that Fusu immediately saw through the tricks of the two elders of the Five Poisons Sect, and immediately arrested them.

Only their Five Poison Sects have always been able to kill people. When is it the turn of an emperor of a mortal dynasty to run wild, this is simply a great shame for the Five Poison Sect.

"Hehe, you all say that this Fusu is the spokesperson for the support of my Demon Sect, but this is not the case. Even a few elders of my Demon Sect have died under this Fusu's hands. It seems that the secret behind this Fusu is indeed very deep. It's amazing, who helped Fusu, and even allowed Fusu to obtain such an earth-shattering cultivation."

There was a hint of coldness in the eyes of the Demon Sect Master.

He is very interested in the powerful cultivation that Fusu has shown. Obviously, this Fusu is only a young man in his twenties, how could he suddenly obtain the power comparable to the cultivation in the Void Refinement Realm?!

No matter how he thought about it, he didn't know how this thing was done, which was really incredible.

"I don't know, before my Shennongmen went to investigate the details of this Fusu, but unfortunately I couldn't find anything. There is no sign that this Fusu has practiced, it can only be said that this Fusu is really hidden. It's too deep, even the people around him, no one knows that he is a cultivator."

The head of Shennongmen opened his mouth and said.

He once went to investigate the details of Fusu, trying to find out how Fusu got on the path of immortal cultivation, but unfortunately, no matter how he investigated, he could not find any clues.

It also made him feel extremely embarrassed.

"Is it possible that this Fusu has already been ripped off? Some old monster took over and reborn?

The puppet sect master expressed his guess.

"This is impossible. 35

The Sect Master of Yin-Yang Sect shook his head: "As the prince of the Daqin Dynasty, he is shrouded by the luck of the dynasty, even if he is in a state of integration, or even a great power in the Mahayana period, he cannot succeed in winning the house, and will only be counterattacked by luck.

In addition, the cause and effect of this Fusu is very heavy, and no one can succeed in winning the body. If it was really so easy to do this, the emperor of the dynasty would have been replaced many times.

·0 for flowers......

He once calculated the cause and effect of this prince Fusu, no matter how he did it, the other party was the real prince Fusu.

"Forget it, it's actually just a little thing. 35

The Demon Gate Sect Master's eyes showed a hint of coldness: "No matter what secrets this Fusu has, when we capture this beast, and then use the soul search technique, we can know what is hidden in this Fusu. .

His body was filled with terrifying killing intent and malice, and he couldn't wait to attack Fusu.

"That is to say, you are all in favor of the five immortal sects joining forces to deal with this Fusu?"


The Sect Master of Yin and Yang Sect swept a glance at everyone.

"Isn't this a matter of course? A mere mortal wants to punch our Five Great Immortal Sect in the face, isn't this a joke? It's really ridiculous.

"If you dare to do some things, you need to pay the corresponding price. It's time for Fusu to know how terrifying the power of our Five Immortal Sects really is. It's not something mere mortals can provoke."

"This world is always the pasture of our Five Immortal Sects. We must not allow a mortal emperor to mess around. This will greatly reduce the interests of our Five Immortal Sects."

"Jie Jie, I am very interested in the secrets of Fusu's body. It is incredible to know how he concealed his cultivation for so long."

The sect masters of the Five Immortal Sects had a lot of discussions, and they all agreed to the battle plan this time, and they would dispatch most of the troops of the Five Great Immortal Sects to kill the newly appointed Qin Emperor Fusu with the momentum of thunder.

They want to use this incident to tell all the forces and mortals in the world, but all emperors who are not recognized by the five immortal gates will all die, even if they sit in that position, they will die.

If the emperor is recognized by the Five Immortal Sects, even if the emperor is a pig, no one would dare to usurp the throne.

"Very good, then we will set off in three days, unite the power of the five immortal sects, and destroy this Fusu. 99

The yin and yang sect master nodded, and was immediately satisfied with the results of this meeting.

If the Five Immortal Sects join forces, Fusu is nothing but ants.

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