Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1272 Killing Xianyang City, the decisive battle between the Daqin Dynasty and the five major

Three days later.

Xianyang City, the capital of the Qin Dynasty.

When Fusu ascended the throne, Xianyang City was prosperous, tax reduction, corvée service was reduced, countless people cheered and cheered to celebrate the new emperor's enthronement, and luck was also rising.

"His Majesty.

At this moment, in the palace, General Meng Tian was reporting the news to Xia Chuan: "According to His Majesty's request, we have been monitoring the Five Immortal Sects and found that their movements are very unusual, and maybe they are planning to attack us.

His face was very serious.

After all, the five immortal gates are not easy to mess with, the other party is the true ruler of this land, and he has mastered the power of immortals, which is basically beyond the reach of mortals.

If it is surrounded by the five immortal gates, then the Great Qin Dynasty will probably be in jeopardy.

As the general of the Great Qin Dynasty, he naturally felt extremely worried and cautious about this matter, but he couldn't solve "097".

"It's not that they plan to do something to us, but they have already made a decision. Now the elders of the Five Great Immortal Sects are above Xianyang City." Xia Chuan said lightly.


As soon as these words came out, the generals present were instantly stunned. They didn't expect the people from the Five Immortal Sect to arrive so soon, and they didn't seem to plan to give them a chance to prepare.

"Haha, as expected of Emperor Qin, he is truly extraordinary. I didn't expect that we had just arrived, and you were actually discovered by you." At this moment, a voice sounded, ethereal, like a magic voice.

It's as if people talking are everywhere.

And the person who spoke was the Sect Master of the Demon Sect, an almighty in the late stage of fusion, whose strength was earth-shattering.

Whoosh whoosh!!!

As soon as the voice fell, a powerful cultivator immediately appeared in the sky, and there were nine cultivators in the fit state, hundreds of cultivators in the virtual state, and tens of thousands of cultivators in the gods.

As for the monks under Nascent Soul, they are basically not qualified to participate in this war.

In fact, the war in the world of immortals is like this. High-level monks often make decisions. Once the winner is determined, the only thing that low-level monks can do is to obey orders.

This is the cruelty of the world of immortal cultivation, and high-end combat power decides everything.


When Meng Tian and the others saw this scene, their hairs stood on end and their bodies trembled.

As mortals, they have never seen such a powerful immortal cultivator. In front of these people, it seems that no matter how many troops appear, they are like ants, vulnerable to a single blow.

Don't look at the fact that they are in the palace at the moment, surrounded by many guards, but in the face of these powerful monks, no matter how many soldiers there are, it is actually useless.

It seems that as long as the other party has a thought, they can be wiped out and completely disappeared from this world.

Now they also know why the dynasties in the world are constantly changing, but the five immortal gates are still high above, overlooking the world, and have remained unchanged for thousands of years.

It is because the power mastered by these five immortal gates is beyond the reach of mortals.

"Interesting, Puppet Sect, Yin-Yang Sect, Demon Sect, Five Poison Sect, Shennong Sect and other five major sects have come together to deal with me. Is this my honor?"

Xia Chuan looked at the practitioners of the five sects indifferently, unmoved.

To be honest, in the face of such a lineup, even if he was only a cultivator in the Void Refinement Realm before, he would not be much afraid.

Not to mention, now that his cultivation has gone a step further, he is already a great power in the integration realm, and his strength has increased by dozens of times compared to before, and he is so tyrannical.

In his eyes, the cultivators of these five sects are just a bunch of dead people, and they are simply not worth mentioning.

"Honor? Who is the person behind your kid? Who taught you to cultivate immortals, and who is behind you? Make you have such confidence to compete with our five sects?

The Sect Master of Yin Yang Sect shouted and stared at Xia Chuan.

He sensed the entire Xianyang City, but found that in Xianyang City, apart from some loose cultivators, there were no more powerful immortal cultivators ambushing here.

It seems that apart from the monks of the five major sects, there are no other immortal cultivators in ambush in this city.

To be honest, this kind of scene was very unusual, and he couldn't understand why it happened.

Moreover, this Fusu in front of him did not show the slightest fear, and he still had a confident look. Such an abnormal expression made the cultivators present feel incomparably fearful.

After all, they are all old monsters who have survived for thousands of years. The so-called old people will naturally not be as impulsive as those stunned youths, and there will often be many considerations.

The more abnormal it is, the more cautious they need to be.

Often many powerful cultivators capsize their ships like this and die, and they don't want their fate to be the same as those of the martyrs.0

They have been monitoring the situation in the entire Xianyang City, trying to find out what is hidden in this place.

"Who is behind me? 35

Hearing this, Xia Chuan laughed and looked at the group of cultivators: "You guys really misunderstood something, no one has supported me all the time, and it was purely my personal ability to get to this point.

The reason why I want to destroy your five major sects is also because of my personal will. You can rest assured that apart from me, there is no other ambush in Xianyang City. "

He explained it very seriously.

"Haha, it's a joke, it's a joke, do you think we really believe what we say? Do you really think of us as three-year-old children?

The puppet sect master sneered: "With your mortal power, how could it be possible to kill so many cultivators from our five major sects, this is not nonsense or something.

Now that it has reached this level, open the skylight and speak eloquently, and directly say the forces behind you, are you colluding with the demon clan outside the Great Wall, or those who are left behind?!"

He never felt that the Fusu in front of him could do this with his own strength. He must have colluded with other forces to kill so many illusory refining elders from the five major sects silently.

It can be said that he did not believe any punctuation in this kid's words.

"That's right, you are still stubborn here when death 1.6 is imminent. Who do you think you are, and you want to overthrow our five major sects with your own strength, it is nonsense. 35

The eyes of the Sect Master of the Five Poison Sect showed a hint of coldness: "It seems that this kid won't shed tears without seeing the coffin, we don't need to be polite to this kid, we will directly capture him and torture him, I see if he can continue to speak hard. down.""

"It's a good idea. My Shennongmen is the best at this method of extorting confessions."

The head of Shennongmen was murderous and looked at Xia Chuan with malicious intent.

"It seems that you won't believe it no matter what, let you see my power. Xia Chuan sighed and looked at the group of monks.


A terrifying field spread instantly, covering a radius of one million kilometers.

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