Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1283 The infinitely evolving puppet, the unfathomable Qin Dynasty

"Can ordinary people control it at will?"

Xiang Chao was shocked.

After all, according to his idea, only those immortal cultivators with spiritual roots can control the puppets. This is the privilege of immortal cultivators. When will ordinary people be able to control this magic weapon.

He felt that the cultivators had really undergone earth-shaking changes in the past hundred years, and the knowledge of the past may not be useful now.

"Of course, do you think that there are so many puppets in the entire Qin Dynasty that only immortal cultivators can control them?"

The old man laughed: "The role of puppets is too many, for example, farmers, if they control a few puppets, they can let the puppets help farmers to farm, sow, weed, harvest, etc. Basically, farmers only need to command the side. That's it, all the work will be done by puppets, which is more convenient.

For example, handling, human beings are no longer able to handle all kinds of heavy objects and goods, and they are all handed over to puppets to handle, which saves a lot of effort.

There are also craftsmen, just like the current high-rise buildings, various residential buildings, and even the people who repair bridges and roads, all of which are completed by craftsmen manipulating puppets, and the efficiency has been improved by many times.

At the same time, there are some puppets that have become means of transportation, which can help us to appear more distinguishable, and it is many times faster than the previous horses. "

He said that due to the prevalence of puppets, the whole world has undergone earth-shaking changes, making human life more convenient now, just like the immortals in the past.

"It's no wonder that the life of the Qin Dynasty has improved many times over the years.

Xiang Chao was silent.

To be honest, when the five major sects ruled this land, none of them would think about improving the lives of ordinary people.

For immortal cultivators, ordinary people are nothing but weeds on the roadside. Ordinary people are just fuel, helping immortal cultivators to become immortals. Kill them if they want, bury them if they want, who cares the lives of ordinary people.

However, the Qin Dynasty completely improved the lives of ordinary people, allowing the magic weapon and technology of immortal cultivators to enter thousands of households, which also greatly improved the national strength of the Qin Dynasty.

If it was a hundred years ago, he could still see the beggars on the street, and the tragic situation of starving and dying.

But now, such a scene has basically disappeared, and it seems to have become a legend.

Such a change is truly incredible.

"But doesn't it mean that only His Majesty can perform the Great Puppet Art? Are all these puppets made by His Majesty alone?" asked his son Xiang Yu curiously.

"Of course not, how could so many puppets be refined by His Majesty."

Hearing this, the old man suddenly laughed: "In fact, in order to solve this problem, His Majesty personally refined some magic weapons, which are called Puppet Balls, which contain an immortal technique—the Great Puppet Technique.

Basically, every city has a lot of puppet balls. As long as we put the materials into the puppet balls, this magic weapon can refine our materials into all kinds of puppets we want.

Therefore, even if His Majesty does not need to take action in person, we can make all kinds of puppets with this puppet ball, so puppets will be popular all over the world. "

"Magic Puppet Ball? To be able to automatically refine all kinds of puppets is an incredible magic weapon."

Xiang Yu was shocked.

Even though he was born in Yin-Yang Sect, received education from traditional sects, and knew many secrets about the world of immortal cultivation, he had never seen such a magic weapon before, which was really incredible.

There is no doubt that this is another invention of the Emperor Fusu.

"Wait, just now you said that the refined puppets can still evolve, what the hell is going on?"

Xiang Chao suddenly thought of this.

Because the puppets that were originally refined seem to be unable to evolve, could it be that after a hundred years of development, those puppets that were refined began to evolve?

If that's the case, then this is an incredible change.

"It literally means that puppets can naturally evolve.

The old man said as a matter of course: "For example, a puppet in the Qi training stage, if there are enough resources, it can be promoted to a puppet in the Foundation Establishment Stage, Jindan Stage, Nascent Soul Stage, and Spirit Transformation Stage. In theory, it is completely The puppet's cultivation base can be upgraded to the integration state, or even the Mahayana period.

The problem is that if you want to improve to such a terrifying realm of cultivation, the resources that need to be consumed are simply not what ordinary people can afford, not many even those aristocratic clans can do. The families of ordinary people like us are probably only able to refine some puppets in the Nascent Soul period.

Of course, since puppets are immortal and immortal, and their lifespans are longer than our human beings, puppets can also become family heirlooms for our ordinary families, which can be passed down from generation to generation.

If we can accumulate countless generations, after the efforts of generations, maybe our inheritance puppets will have the opportunity to be promoted to the puppets of the Mahayana period.

There was a look of anticipation on his face.

"What?! You also have a puppet from the Yuan Ying period? 35

As soon as these words came out, Xiang Chao was instantly blinded, and he looked at the old man in disbelief.

"Of course there is, this is just for pediatrics. Which family in Xianyang City doesn't have one? After all, this world is still very dangerous. Not only are there all kinds of monsters hiding in the dark, but there are also many evil cultivators. We ordinary people naturally need powerful puppets. Protect yourself, or you won't know when you will be caught.

The old man stroked his gray beard and was very proud: "There was an evil cultivator before, who wanted to do something to us ordinary 110 people, and it seemed that he wanted to catch us practicing some sorcery. The puppet was hammered to death with one move, and finally his corpse was taken to the government to receive a reward.

At that time, what the old man did not expect was that this guy seemed to be the remnant of Shennongmen, so that the old man and I won a large amount of reward, which can be regarded as a small fortune. "

He felt very proud, and even wanted to meet some evil cultivators again and become rich overnight.


Although the old man was very proud, Xiang Chao shuddered, as if a basin of cold water had been poured over his head, making him cold from head to toe.

Of course he also knew that Shennongmen was a sect that was as famous as Yinyangmen, and because of the madness of the Qin Dynasty, the population was now withered, and there were countless casualties.

He never imagined that even the disciples of Shennongmen would be planted in the hands of ordinary people.

If he died in the hands of the minions of the Great Qin Dynasty, he would feel a little better, but now, even ordinary people can't beat him, is there any reason for this?

You must know that he spent at least hundreds of years in order to be promoted to Nascent Soul Realm.

But this old man is only in his 60s or 70s, and he actually has a Nascent Soul puppet to back him up.

Just ask how ordinary immortal cultivators are the opponents of this old man, I am afraid that before they get close, they will be instantly blown up by the Nascent Soul puppet hidden beside him.

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