Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1284 The Five Daoyuan Academy of the Daqin Dynasty, the times have changed

What made Xiang Chao even more terrified was that this old man was only one of the hundreds of millions of people in the Qin Dynasty, and he was also the most ordinary member, not anything special at all.

In other words, there are not a few people who have Yuan Ying puppets in the entire Qin Dynasty.

If these people stand up, they don't know how much Nascent Soul-level puppet combat power can be used. Such combat power has exceeded the five sects in their heydays by more than a thousand times.

What is even more terrifying is that ordinary people are so powerful, those high-ranking officials and nobles, those aristocratic families, maybe they will have puppets in the refining virtual realm and the fusion realm.

At the same time, these powerful puppets will not die, as long as they are not destroyed, they will continue to survive.

Even if the descendants in the future generations are unworthy, no one can become a fit monk, as long as there is a fit puppet by his side, the prosperity of the entire family can be guaranteed.

From this point, we can see how terrifying the prevalence of puppet technology is. This is definitely a subversion of the entire civilization of immortal cultivation.

Thinking of the previous ambitions of many elders of Yin Yang Sect, Xiang Chao's heart was half cold.

These elders still want to wait for the Emperor to help Su Feisheng to regain control of this world again. Now that they look at it, they are simply wishful thinking.

The current Daqin Dynasty is no longer dominated by the five major sects, and even if the Emperor Fusu is now soaring, it is absolutely impossible for the five major sects to take back the world.

Even as soon as it emerged, it was wiped out by the army of the Qin Dynasty, and even the scum was not left.

Obviously, the times have changed now. It is not the era of the five major sects, but the prosperous era of the Qin Dynasty.

"Looking at your appearance, you should have come to Xianyang City to work and study.

The old man looked at Xiang Chao and the others and asked curiously.

"Yes, the uncle really has good eyesight."

Xiang Chao also nodded: "I heard that the education in Xianyang City is good, so I plan to break my family and bring my son to Xianyang City, hoping to become a part of the Daqin Dynasty and join the Daqin Dynasty.

"Yes, yes, education still has to come to Xianyang City. After all, this is at the foot of the emperor. More importantly, Xianyang City also has the world-famous Five Great Dao Institute. 35

The old man smiled slightly.

"The Fifth Avenue Academy? What is the Fifth Avenue Academy?"

Although Xiang Chao had long known what the Five Dao Academy was, in order to satisfy the hobby of the old man, he also pretended that he was a freshman and didn't know anything.

"The so-called five academies are actually the five schools established by His Majesty. They are Yin and Yang Daoyuan, Puppet Daoyuan, Heart Demon Daoyuan, Xianwu Daoyuan, and Wandu Daoyuan."

The old man explained: "These five avenues are the immortal sects of the Daqin Dynasty, they have their own subordinate institutions in major cities, and are responsible for recruiting disciples with spiritual roots from all over the country.

Anyone with spiritual roots can become a disciple of the Five Great Dao Institutes and enter it to study, but most of them are only outer disciples, and they have only learned a little bit of superficial things.

It can be said that if you want to become an inner sect disciple, you will probably need to go through strict examinations and have a strong talent before you can pass. 35

"But can all disciples with spiritual roots join the Five Great Dao Institutes? No wonder there have been many immortal cultivators in the Qin Dynasty in recent years, and they have expanded hundreds of times in a short period of time.

Xiang Chao was shocked inwardly.

You must know that in the previous era of the five major sects, although a large number of disciples with spiritual roots would be recruited, not all people with spiritual roots would be recruited.

If the talent is not enough, even if the other party has spiritual roots, they will be eliminated and cut off the cultivation path of these people.

But now the Great Qin Dynasty is different, but anyone with spiritual roots can join the Five Great Dao Institute and become a cultivator.

This kind of training scale is many times larger than that of the five major sects.

It can be said that this is the real teaching without distinction.

"That's right, this time I came to Xianyang City, and I also wanted to join the five academies, but I don't know which academy is suitable for dogs. Xiang Chao said.

"Haha, the five academies are schools created by His Majesty, and each Taoyuan represents a supreme immortal art created by His Majesty.

The old man stroked his white beard and said, "Among them, the Yin-Yang Taoist Academy hides the Great Yin-Yang Technique. It is said that this immortal technique contains the supreme mystery of Yin-Yang gossip.

This immortal art alone includes all the spells in the world. If your son becomes a student of the Yin-Yang Taoist Academy, he can become a famous sorcerer, who can subdue demons and eliminate demons, and join the major institutions of the Qin Dynasty.

"Puppet Taoist Academy, this school hides great puppet arts. This school specializes in teaching students how to make puppets and teaches all kinds of puppet knowledge. Basically, the famous puppet masters of the Qin Dynasty came out of this Taoist temple. .

There is no doubt that this Taoist Academy is also the Taoist Academy with the best employment environment, but all immortal cultivators who come out of this Taoist Academy are robbed by major institutions, and there is no worry that they will have no way out after graduation. 99

"`Xianwu Daoyuan, this school has a great harvesting technique. It is said that this immortal technique is the most powerful killing immortal technique.

However, all the techniques in this school are based on the extension of the Great Harvest Technique, and the content taught are all secret techniques of suicide. It trained the major generals and elite soldiers of the Qin Dynasty. Born of Xianwu Daoyuan, if you want to join the army, it would be better to be a student of Xianwu Daoyuan. "5

"Wan Po Dao Institute, this Dao Institute has the Immortal Technique Great Poison Technique, it is said that this is also an extremely terrifying Immortal Technique, which contains the toxins of all things in the world, and contains terrifying power.

However, according to His Majesty's words, poison can also be a good medicine. If you know which poison can kill people, then you will also know which poison can save the world.

It is because of this that after becoming a student of the Wandu Dao (Dode) Academy, he can become a doctor of the Great Qin Dynasty in the future. Basically, doctors in major cities are all from Wandu Dao Academy. "

"Inner Demon Dao Institute, this Dao Institute possesses immortal art big heart magic. It is said that this immortal art can control the inner demons of life, silently, without a trace, mysterious and unpredictable.

However, this is also the most difficult one of the five Taoist academies to join. Only by passing the Inner Demon Test can one join the Inner Demon Dao Institute and master the various Inner Demons and secrets in it.

Therefore, the number of students in Heart Demon Academy is the smallest, and it is mysterious and unpredictable. Ordinary people have basically never seen the students of this Taoist Academy. It is said that after graduation, the students of this Taoist Academy will join the secret organization of the Daqin Dynasty and be responsible for monitoring the world. .

He briefly described the strengths and weaknesses of the Fifth Avenue Academy.

In fact, for an old resident of Xianyang City like him, the origin of the Five Great Daoyuan was already well known.

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