Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1315: The Great Harvest Technique Shows Its Power, All Made into Puppets

"Do you still want to work hard?"

Perceiving the aura of the remaining group of demons, Xia Chuan raised her eyebrows, and immediately knew what the group of demons were thinking.

It's a pity that these monsters really think too highly of their own strength, they don't even know who they are fighting against, and what kind of existence they are facing.

Immortality - The Great Harvest!

This is Xia Chuan's insight from the world of Daqin, and thus created a supreme immortal art, which contains the supreme power of harvesting, killing unparalleled and invincible.


I saw Xia Chuan waved his hand, and a terrifying black light burst out from his body, which seemed to form a black sickle, like the sickle of ghosts and gods.

This black sickle has dense dark runes, twisted, dark, evil, slaughter, swallowed, and sharp, as if it is the sharpest sickle in the world.


In the next second, the black sickle swept out, spreading across an area of ​​hundreds of millions of kilometers, silently, and all the warriors of the Gorefiend were hit by this blow.


Many demons, including the Mahayana demons, just felt a slight chill on their necks, as if something was passing through their bodies.

Immediately afterwards, they felt a sharp pain, as if their souls had been harvested in an instant, even if they were wearing defensive magic weapons, it was useless.

Because the speed is so fast, they don't realize that they are dead until they have died for a period of time.

"What's the matter? Why is it suddenly so painful?"

"Wait a minute, why did our consciousness suddenly fall into the boundless darkness?"

"It turns out that, no wonder the consciousness gradually blurred, it turns out that we are already dead. 35

"Impossible, this kind of thing is impossible, we are the great blood demon clan, how could we just die like this? What a joke to be killed by this mere human being.

"This human being is a monster. It is definitely an alien in the spiritual world. Maybe it is really an immortal."

"Anyway, we are finished, completely finished, and no one in our blood demon family can resist this human being."

"How can this happen, obviously this is an act of revenge, how can we let our blood demon clan perish?

When many demons were dying, they were extremely regretful, shocked and unbelievable. They couldn't believe that they were killed by this human in just an instant, and there was no way to even struggle.

Now they can be considered to know how the three transcending tribulation realm monsters died just now, and the human beings in front of them are terrifying monsters that they can't resist at all.

Sadly, even knowing this, it doesn't really do anything because they're dead.

"Is it all dead?

Xia Chuan's heart moved, and he felt that all the demons in the fleet of the Gorefiend were dead. They died cleanly, leaving no armor, and no one could survive under the power of the Great Harvest Technique.

There is no doubt that this is an unparalleled terrifying immortal art of mowing grass, especially for a being lower than one's own cultivation base, it is a super killer.

It ignores any defenses, targets the soul, lives if it can, or dies if it cannot.

This is like a sickle harvesting straw, invincible and invincible.

With just one blow, the souls of those demons were harvested completely, leaving nothing left.

In the entire void, only the battleships of the Gorefiend clan were left, as well as the corpses of many demon beasts.

It is estimated that no one knows that there was an earth-shattering war in this void just now.

"Not bad, these are all high-quality puppet materials, and they can all be refined and become the guardian puppets of my Changchun Sect." Xia Chuan touched her chin and felt that the corpses of monsters still contained plenty of energy. vitality.

Since they have just died, their vitality has not completely dissipated for the time being.


Supreme Immortal Technique - Great Puppet Technique!

Immediately, he performed another supreme immortal technique, and the black rays of light disappeared into the corpses of these monsters in an instant, transforming the bodies of these corpses at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In just an instant of time, the corpses of the demons that had died were now alive again, and they were instantly refined into powerful puppets, with the strength of their lives.

It's just that they have lost their souls and memories before they were alive, leaving only the instinct to fight.

"I didn't expect the Gorefiends to take it so much. There are so many spaceships, and now they are all mine."

With a big wave of Xia Chuan's hand, he immediately put all the spaceships into the system space. After all, these spaceships, as well as the many magical treasures and materials left by the demon, are of great value, and they cannot be wasted in this place.


After doing all this, Xia Chuan manipulated the celestial device to set the astrolabe and returned to the Changchun world in an instant.

"My lord.

At this moment, many elders of the Changchun Sect have received the decree from the sect master and rushed over. They felt that something very important must have happened, so the sect master called them over.

One by one did not dare to neglect, no matter what they were doing, they all came over.


With a wave of Xia Chuan's hand, a dense number of powerful demon puppets appeared on the ground, instantly bursting out with a terrifying demon aura, which covered the sky and made the surrounding elders almost urinate.

Because these random demon puppets are stronger than them.

Even though Changchun Sect has ascended to the spiritual world for more than 600 years, the strongest elders are only in the virtual realm, and even a cultivator in the integration realm has not yet been born.

In fact, this is the normal cultivation speed of ordinary immortal cultivators. Like Xia Chuan, it should be unique.

"Sect Master, what is this?"

Many elders widened their eyes and couldn't help swallowing a saliva. They were shocked to see these demon puppets that suddenly appeared. They didn't know how these demon puppets appeared.

"Oh, these are the high-ranking members of the Gorefiend clan. They sent a fleet over before, presumably to deal with our Changchun Sect, so I went out just now, destroyed them all, and refined them into puppets.

Xia Chuan said lightly.


As soon as these words came out, many Changchun Sect elders were stunned and speechless, and they didn't know what to say.

To be honest, they can perceive the terrifying power of these demon puppets, and they can imagine how terrifying their existence was in their lifetime, not to mention the Void Refinement Realm, there are actually many monsters in the Body Realm Realm.

What terrified them even more was that even the Great Vehicle Realm and even the demons who crossed the Tribulation Realm had them.

To be honest, with so many high-level demons appearing, any world seems to be facing extinction.

I dare not say that this world is over, but it will inevitably encounter unprecedented heavy losses.

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