Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1316 The world of Changchun is boiling, and there is no shortage of high-end combat power

But now, these powerful and terrifying demons have been exterminated by the Sect Master, as if it were as easy as going out on an outing, which is really incredible.

To be honest, they couldn't imagine what kind of battle they went through to exterminate so many demons.

Wouldn't this mean exterminating the entire Gorefiend clan?

Thinking of this, many Changchun Sect elders trembled all over. They originally felt that the Sect Master's cultivation was unfathomable and terrifying, but now it has become even more terrifying.

They felt that they couldn't understand the upper limit of the Sect Master's strength at all. Even if someone told them that the Sect Master actually had the strength of a fairy, they didn't think it was strange.

However, Xia Chuan did not intend to explain anything to them, and said bluntly: "These puppets will be handed over to you. After having these puppets, I believe that conquering other worlds will be much easier. If there are any problems that cannot be solved, please contact us again. Me." He directly handed these puppets to these elders.

After all, these puppets are actually of little use to him.

But for Changchun Zong it was completely different.

With these high-level puppets, Changchun Sect will not lack high-end combat power in the future. Even if it encounters the top world in the spiritual world, it can still compete with the opponent~.


After saying these words, Xia Chuan left, leaving only the group of Changchun Sect elders.

"Unbelievable, the Sect Master went out just now and destroyed a fleet of blood-demon races?""

"Looking at the number of these demon puppets, I'm afraid it's not just a fleet of Gorefiends. I'm afraid the main force of the entire Gorefiends has been wiped out."

"To be honest, when we were still in the human world, we offended the Gorefiends badly, and when we ascended to the spiritual world, I was also worried about the revenge of the Gorefiends, and always worried about their attacks.

Well now, the attack of the Gorefiends is indeed coming, but unfortunately it has not yet approached our Changchun Realm, and it was destroyed by the Sect Master alone. "

"The Gorefiends are too useless."

"Hehe, how can you say that the blood demons are useless, haven't you seen these demon puppets? There are three demon beasts in the transcendence realm, and there are even a dozen demon beasts in the Mahayana realm. They are absolutely powerful when placed anywhere in the spiritual world. But even so, it is not the opponent of the sect master. It can only be said that the strength of the sect master is too perverted. One person can match a world.

"Haha, to be honest, this is really good. With these demon puppets, it will be much easier for us to conquer other worlds. We don't need the suzerain to take action at all. With these puppets, we can be invincible.

"And when conquering other worlds, you can also capture all those monks who are stubbornly resisting and refine them into puppets. Our Changchun Sect will only become stronger and stronger with more wars.

Many Changchun Sect elders were extremely happy.

There is no doubt that the appearance of these demon puppets has greatly increased the combat power of the Changchun Sect, basically improving the background of the Changchun Sect several times.

Originally, they conquered other worlds, and they were somewhat lacking in confidence. After all, they lacked high-end combat power.

But it's different now, because the Gorefiend clan came to die, instantly boosting most of the Changchun Sect's power.

"To be honest, according to my qualifications, I have no hope of becoming an immortal in this life, but if I follow the Sect Master and ascend to the Immortal Realm together, then I still have the possibility of becoming an immortal.

"Isn't it? There are countless geniuses in the spiritual world, but very few of them can rise through calamity. Our aptitude is not bad, but compared with other geniuses, I don't know how far it is."

"It's alright now, with the help of the Sect Master, we will let the Changchun Realm ascend to the Immortal Realm. At that time, it will really be one person who attains the Tao and ascends to the sky."

"We should conquer other worlds as soon as possible, integrate the origin of each world, and let Changchun Realm reach the standard of ascending to the Immortal Realm. Otherwise, it will take too long, and maybe the Sect Master will ascend alone."

"That's right, the Sect Master has at least 20,000 years of lifespan. We can make the Changchun Realm reach the standard of soaring within this period of time."

"Whether we can fly to the Immortal Realm depends on whether we can help this time. 99

Many Changchun Sect elders are full of fighting spirit. They feel that with such a great help, if they can't fly to the Immortal Realm, then they don't need to practice, they just find a piece of tofu and kill them.

It didn't take long for the news of the Changchun Sect's Sect Master to exterminate the Gorefiend fleet and forge many Gorefiends into puppets, and the news quickly spread throughout the Changchun Realm.

·0 for flowers......

In fact, Changchun Sect did not intend to conceal this matter, but instead increased the propaganda to enhance the self-confidence of Changchun Sect cultivators and prepare for future plane wars.

"Have you heard? The main force of the Gorefiend clan attacked before, leading a large number of demons to attack, three of the tribulation realm, forty-eight monks of the Mahayana realm, three thousand and fifty-six monks of the integration realm, and tens of thousands of virtual refining realms. Cultivator, there are countless monsters under the gods, and they can be described as menacing. 35

"Isn't it? But the Sect Master noticed this, and he ambushed all the way to destroy all these demons and made them into puppets. Now these demon puppets are being placed in the headquarters for a tour. It is said that some demon puppets have begun to travel around Changchun. The patrol is over, and you can see many videos on the Internet.

"I saw it a long time ago. Someone went to the headquarters to broadcast live. I saw those demon puppets. They were very scary. They were natural killing weapons."

"Fortunately, the Sect Master took action in time to deal with those monsters, otherwise, if they were approached by those monsters, it would definitely cause a huge disaster to our Changchun Realm.

"Hehe, what are the mere monsters, how could they be the opponents of our Changchun Sect? Even if these monsters really arrive at the Changchun Sect, they are just a group of scumbags, and they are not worth mentioning at all."5

"That's right, the so-called Gorefiend clan may be a big problem for other monks and a great enemy in their lives, but for our Changchun Sect, it is only the material for refining.

Many netizens were talking about it.

Many of them were born after the spiritual world, so many people didn't know exactly what the so-called demons looked like, and it was the first time they saw the real appearance of the demons.

So when they saw those demon puppets, they were all in awe. I didn't expect such terrifying creatures to exist in the world, which was terrifying.

"No way, it's true or false, it actually destroyed a Gorefiend fleet? No, where is a Gorefiend fleet so simple, the entire Gorefiend's main force has been wiped out, right?

At this moment, Daoist Huayang, who was on the assembly line of Futu Kang, also knew the news. He was stunned, unable to believe that this matter was actually true for a while.

He didn't even know what to say.

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