Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1317 The heritage of the Changchun sect, the blood demon clan has run away

"Exaggerated, really exaggerated."

Taoist Huayang was shocked.

He knew that in the world he was in before, there were not so many monks in the Mahayana realm. Now, he was annihilated by the sect master of the Changchun Sect.

This feeling is as simple as pinching a bunch of ants to death.

Who would believe such absurd things could happen if they hadn't seen it with their own eyes.

To be honest, if the main force of this Gorefiend clan appeared in his original world, I am afraid that the world he was in could be destroyed several times.

"It seems that the strength of the sect master of Changchun is more terrifying than imagined, even if it is not as good as the fairy in the legend, but it is not far behind." Huayang Taoist was very emotional.

He knows that there are indeed some great beings in this world who gather their mighty powers in one body, like the sect master of the Changchun Sect, I am afraid that such a monster is beyond the "one-two-seven" standard.

Although the other party has not practiced for a long time, he is already a complete monk in the Mahayana realm. He is only one step away from entering the transcending tribulation realm and then ascending.

But even so, according to the strength of the opponent, he has already stood at the peak of this world.

I am afraid that just relying on the strength of the opponent alone is enough to match a world.

"I heard that there are more than one fairy artifact in Changchun Sect before, I'm afraid this is indeed true.

Taoist Huayang touched his chin.

He knew how much the immortal weapon could promote the immortal cultivator himself. Basically, a single immortal weapon could bring a tenfold improvement to the immortal cultivator.

Ordinary sects have an immortal weapon guarding them, which is enough to become a supreme sect and stand on the top of the spiritual world.

But the Changchun Sect, there are at least three immortal artifacts, one can imagine the horror of the Changchun Sect.

Don't look at the Changchun Sect, which has only been flying into the spiritual world for hundreds of years, but its background is no worse than that of ordinary holy places, and it is even more terrifying.

"But this is also a good thing, it means that the Changchun Sect does have a certain degree of certainty that the whole world will be ascended into the Immortal Realm together.

Daoist Huayang was very excited.

He felt that his decision to join the Changchun Sect was right. If he didn't take advantage of this opportunity to join the Changchun Sect, he would probably not know how difficult it would be to join the Changchun Sect in the future.

After this battle, the Changchun Sect basically rose completely.

Even if there is no need for the Changchun Sect Master to take action, with these puppets, they can compete with those top sects.

At this moment, the headquarters of the Gorefiend clan.

Just when Xia Chuan took action and wiped out all these demons, the soul cards that were originally in the headquarters of the Gorefiend clan were instantly shattered.

These soul cards are linked to the lives of the demons, and once they die, the soul cards will also shatter.

Therefore, no matter which monster dies, the Gorefiends will know.

But at this moment, the number of broken soul cards is simply too many, it is simply a house of soul cards broken, which is an unprecedented disaster.

"It's over, our Gorefiend clan is completely over.

A Gorefiend saw this scene, his face turned ashen, as if the sky had completely collapsed. Feel extremely desperate.

"What's going on? What the hell is going on here? Why did so many gorefiends die all of a sudden? And there are still a lot of gorefiends from the Tribulation Realm and the Mahayana Realm. Why is this?"

"These Gorefiends are the main force in the expedition to the Changchun Realm, and their collective dispatch this time is to take revenge, destroy the Changchun Sect, and occupy the Changchun Realm, but why did they suddenly collapse?

"Ambush, there must be other forces in the spiritual world who ambushed them, which led to their annihilation, and they died without a corpse.

"No, no, it's not the work of other forces in the spiritual world. Those Gorefiends also sent back a message before they died. It was the Sect Master of Changchun Sect who killed them."

"What a joke, have these guys lost their minds? It wasn't long before the Changchun Sect's sect master ascended to the spiritual world, how could he kill so many of us monsters? 35

"This matter is true, and the memory image before death has also been passed back. Although the Changchun Sect Sect Master has only ascended to the spiritual world for hundreds of years, his cultivation base is already comparable to that of the Mahayana realm. 35

"My God, how did this human do it, even the speed of the spaceship is not so fast."

"Even if this is true, how can a human in the Mahayana realm kill all the main force of our blood demon clan?"

"It is said that the Sect Master of the Changchun Sect has a powerful immortal weapon, and it is with the power of this immortal weapon that the main force of our Gorefiend clan was wiped out."

"You bastard, didn't our Gorefiends bring the fairy weapon out this time? As for our fairy weapon, the Blood God Spear, can't it compete with the fairy weapon on this guy? 35

"The result is already obvious, it is indeed impossible to compete, otherwise they will not die, and our fairy blood spear is estimated to have been taken by the other party.0"

"Damn, it's over, our Gorefiends not only lost most of their combat power, but also lost the fairy weapon, the Blood God Spear. Now our Gorefiends will definitely become the bereaved dogs."

The faces of many Gorefiends were extremely difficult to see.

They have risen in the spiritual world and have survived for hundreds of millions of years. They have always been one of the peak races. No one dares to provoke them.

Now, after running rampant for such a long time, it has actually kicked the iron plate, causing the Gorefiend clan to suffer unprecedented heavy losses.

It was just a mere thought that actually caused the Gorefiend clan to be wiped out.

How can they accept such absurd facts.

"What's the matter now? We lost most of our main force, and we lost the blood god spear, the immortal weapon. If other races knew about it, our blood demon clan would be doomed.

A Gorefiend elder squeezed his fist, panicking to the extreme.

"To be honest, we should abandon this world and run away. With our strength, it is impossible to continue occupying this blood world. If this news is known to other races and forces, then we will surely die."

"That's right, as long as Castle Peak 1.6 is here, I'm not afraid of running out of firewood. As long as the strength of our Gorefiend clan is still there, sooner or later, we will make a comeback, and sooner or later we will recapture this world. 35

"Indeed, abandon this world, and then wander in the void, waiting for the chance for our blood demon clan to rise again.

"Bastard human beings, the damned Changchun Sect, actually forced our blood demon clan to such a situation, this hatred is unbearable.

"Now is not an opportunity to take revenge, let me hold back for now and wait for the Changchun Sect. Sooner or later, the Changchun Sect will disappear into the long river of history.

Many demons are full of resentment. They did not expect that it was just a wrong decision, which led them to abandon their original world and wander in the endless void to avoid catastrophe.

But now people are bound to be strong, if they want to survive, they must do so, otherwise they will die.

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