Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1331 The human holy land in the spiritual world appears, and the Changchun world is finally

On the other hand, many tribulation-transcending monks and Mahayana monks from many human holy places in the spiritual world gathered together. After more than two thousand years of exploration, they finally found the trace of Changchun Sect.

Of course, the Changchun Sect wanted to start a plane war, constantly annexing one world after another, without any intention of hiding his whereabouts, which also made it easier for other forces to find the whereabouts of the Changchun Sect.

"After three thousand years of searching, we finally found the Changchun Sect. They are in a remote world in the southern region of the spiritual world. No wonder we searched for so long to find them."9

A Mahayana monk said with emotion.

In order to find the specific location of Changchun Realm, they spent a lot of time and sent countless monks to various places in the spiritual realm to find~.

For the past three thousand years, most of the time it was a needle in a haystack, and there was no way to find it.

But recently, they finally got good news. A cultivator accidentally discovered the traces of Changchun Sect, so he immediately sent back the news.

This also made many Holy Land forces in the spiritual world overjoyed.

To a certain extent, this is also considered to be unintentionally inserting willows and willows to form a shade, traveling all over the world to find nowhere, and it takes no effort to get it.

"Oh, I finally found Changchun Realm. Where are they? I'm very interested in the person who made Changchun Realm soar. Presumably this person must be a rare genius in the human world. , I'm afraid it's not a beautiful thing in vain." A cultivator of Transcending Tribulation Realm said with great joy as he stroked his white beard.

Originally, he thought that even if he had risen through the calamity, he might not be able to find the location of Changchun Realm, but he did not expect to find them in just three thousand years, which made him overjoyed.

He can't wait to go to Changchun Realm immediately to find the Changchun Sect Sect Master to talk about it.

"Haha, the sect master of the Changchun sect has only ascended for three thousand years, and no matter how fast his cultivation speed is, he is probably only a cultivator in the state of integration. If you want to discuss the Tao with us, I don't know how far it is. 35

Another Tribulation Realm cultivator laughed.

He didn't underestimate that Changchun Sect Sect Master, but the other party was the first evildoer who brought the world of the human world to the spiritual world in countless years.

The problem is that the other party is always a cultivator from the human world. If there is no spiritual inheritance, it is basically impossible to cultivate to a higher realm with the inheritance of the human world.

He felt that if the other party stayed in Changchun Realm and did not leave, the speed at which his cultivation could improve during this period would be limited.

"You're wrong about this. The Sect Master of Changchun Sect is now a complete monk in the Mahayana realm. If it wasn't for a certain purpose, I'm afraid he would have already crossed the catastrophe realm and began to transcend the catastrophe and ascend to the immortal realm. 99"

A certain Holy Land Holy Master said with a strange expression, he was the one who got the news about Changchun Realm for the first time, so he was very clear about the current Changchun Realm.

But the clearer he became, the more he felt that the Sect Master of Changchun Sect was inconceivable. He felt that the other party was simply a monster, and should not have been born from the human world at all.

"What? Impossible, could it be that after this Changchun Sect Sect Master ascended to the spiritual world, he obtained some ancient Taoism, and then quickly cultivated all the way?

The Tribulation Realm cultivator asked curiously.

Although he was surprised, he didn't feel too surprised. It was only natural for a genius like this to obtain adventures in the spiritual world.

If the other party really acquires an ancient inheritance, then it is not surprising that the cultivation base is progressing rapidly.

"I don't know, although I don't know if this Changchun Sect Master has secretly acquired an ancient inheritance, but one thing we can know is that the Changchun Sect Master cultivates all the exercises created by himself. Maybe this guy learns from it. Other cultivation techniques, thus creating their own exercises, so they can break through so smoothly and become a monk who is complete in the Mahayana realm.

"It's not just that, this Changchun Sect Sect Master is simply a genius of the sky, and even the use of the world-renowned evildoer is not enough to describe his aptitude. This guy has brought forth new ideas and even created many immortal techniques, each of which directly points to the essence of the Great Dao. , far beyond our many human race holy places.

"Isn't it? If I hadn't confirmed it again and again, I would have thought that this guy was an immortal who descended from the immortal world, not an immortal who flew up from the human world."

"It is said that after three thousand years of development, the Changchun Realm has long been different from what it used to be. It has integrated 80 great worlds, and the origin of the world has reached an unprecedented level. It is estimated that it will soon reach the standard of ascending to the Immortal Realm. It can be said that even the many holy places in the spiritual world are not worth mentioning.55

"Moreover, the Changchun Sect has also given birth to a large number of Fusion Realms, and even the monks of the Mahayana Realm, in terms of strength, will not be inferior to those of us Human Race Holy Lands.

·0 for flowers ·......

"That's right, it is precisely because of its strength that the Changchun Sect is now attacking the world everywhere and conducting plane wars, and many worlds have completely fallen under the iron hoof of the Changchun Sect. 35

Many monks in the Tribulation Realm were talking about it, saying that the Changchun Realm, which had just ascended to the spiritual realm for three thousand years, had now become a behemoth in the spiritual realm, and its strength was terrifyingly messed up.

Even those sacred places in the spiritual realm that have been developed for countless years are far inferior to the current Changchun realm.

"No way, it's true, it's only been three thousand years, and the Changchun Sect has actually developed to this level? What a joke. 39 The remaining cultivators in the Tribulation Realm were shocked and almost couldn't believe the information.

They have also received these intelligence information.


After they read these contents, all of them were silent, their eyes showed extremely shocked expressions, it seemed that they could not return to their senses for a long time, and they felt extremely incredible.

After all, the content of the information is really incredible.

"I didn't expect that we still underestimate the Changchun Sect. The current Changchun Sect is not as simple as a small fish, it is already a whale, the kind that can make waves in the ocean.

A tribulation cultivator said quietly.

"No, it's not just that, don't you see anything tricky in the information? It is said that the sect master of the Changchun Sect was a monk who was a complete Mahayana monk more than two thousand years ago, and he is still a monk who is a complete Mahayana monk now. In order to not get the slightest improvement, if it is an ordinary person, he will think that he has fallen into a bottleneck and cannot break through.

But this guy is an ancient and unparalleled evildoer who brought Changchun Realm from the Human Realm to the Spirit Realm. He is a bottleneck in the Mahayana Realm. He can't help him at all.

"No way, why does this guy do this? If he can ascend to the Immortal Realm, why not soar as soon as possible and stay in the Spiritual Realm for nothing? It's totally unnecessary."

"Stupid, haven't you seen the various actions of Changchun Realm? They are attacking other worlds, integrating other worlds, and enhancing the source power of Changchun Realm. This Changchun Sect Master wants to repeat his old skills, and he wants to bring Changchun Realm to Immortal Realm. what.

As soon as these words came out, many Tribulation Transcendence Realm cultivators widened their eyes and looked at each other in dismay, all of them seeing each other's extremely shocked expressions.

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