Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1332 The reason why the spiritual world cannot soar

"Crazy, completely crazy, that Changchun Sect Sect Master is still not satisfied with himself, and wants to bring Changchun Realm to Immortal Realm, so that he can pass through Tribulation and Ascension together?"

A Tribulation Realm cultivator's eyes widened in disbelief.

He felt that even the shocking news was not as shocking as it is now, which is really incredible.

Even after killing him, he never thought that such a terrifying figure would appear in the spiritual world, and he actually wanted to bring all the creatures of the world to the fairy world.

"What is this guy trying to do? He thinks that it is easy to ascend from the human world to the spiritual world, and he thinks that it is also easy to ascend from the spiritual world to the immortal world? The difficulty of the two is completely different.

"That's right, if you say that you ascend from the human world to the spiritual world, every hundreds of millions of years, there is a world that can succeed, but those who want to soar from the spiritual world to the fairy world have been innumerable years from the ancient "one sixty" to the present. , no spiritual world can succeed."

"Isn't it? Before our human race, the demon race, the dragon race, the phoenix race, the fox race, and so on, they all wanted to fly directly into the fairyland, but they all failed and died. Under the Heavenly Tribulation, even the Holy Land was completely destroyed, so they were also helpless and completely lost the hegemonic right to speak in the spiritual world.

"Indeed, since then, no spiritual race has dared to do such a thing anymore, because it is impossible to succeed. Even with the help of immortals from the immortal world, it cannot be successful."

"The catastrophe that made the world soar is really terrifying. It is countless times more terrifying than the catastrophe of an individual. It is difficult to survive even the catastrophe of an individual, let alone the catastrophe of the whole world. 99

"It seems that this Changchun sect master thinks that he can fly to the spiritual world, and that he can take the Changchun realm to the immortal world.

"No way, this Changchun Sect Sect Master is a cultivator in the human world, and at the same time he is an unseen evildoer. It is normal to have such confidence."

Many monks in the Tribulation Realm were shocked and felt that the Sect Master of Changchun Sect was completely insane.

From ancient times to the present, the spiritual world does not know how many heroes, how many powerful forces and races have been born, including the help of immortals from the upper world, but none of them can succeed.

It is conceivable how difficult this thing is, and the chance of success is zero.

"Can you stop the Changchun Sect Sect Master?"

A Tribulation Realm cultivator asked.

After all, another Human Race Holy Land finally appeared in the spiritual world. He felt that the human race could not lose such a profound place. The loss to the Human Race forces was too great.

If Changchun Realm also becomes one of the holy places of the human race, then for the human race in the spiritual world, the benefits are simply unimaginable, and the human race will almost certainly become the pinnacle race in this world.

"I'm afraid it won't work at all, let's not say that the sect master of the Changchun sect is already a complete monk in the Mahayana realm, just because the power of the Changchun world is stronger than each of our human race holy places, do you think that the sect master of the Changchun sect will listen to us. words?"

"That's right, but any cultivator who can cultivate to this level has his own opinions, and it is absolutely impossible to listen to our opinions."

"To be honest, the reason why it is difficult for the spiritual world to appear in a world that can ascend to the immortal world is not just because of the difficulty of the calamity, but more importantly, the calamity, which is the biggest difficulty.

"Isn't it? About 10 billion years ago, there was a dragon world that successfully survived the catastrophe, thinking that this world would inevitably ascend to the fairyland.

But who could have imagined that, on the way to ascension, he was suddenly attacked by countless demons, and as a result, all the creatures in this world died, died unintentionally, and were killed by the demons. ""

"There is no doubt that these demons will never allow any world to ascend to the Immortal Realm. This is why there is no world in the Spiritual Realm that can ascend to the Immortal Realm."

Many Tribulation Transcendence Realm cultivators talked a lot, and their faces were very solemn. As Human Race tribulation Transcendence Realm cultivators, they naturally knew all kinds of hidden news that appeared in the spiritual world.

This is not something that Changchun Sect, who has just ascended to the spiritual world for a short time, can know.

"There's no other way, let's do our best to listen to the destiny, or send someone over to inform the Changchun Sect Master of this matter, hoping that the other party can listen to the lecture. In this case, our spirit world human race can be regarded as an extra holy place, otherwise, the Changchun world will really be a flash in the pan. already."

A Holy Land Holy Master said solemnly.

Many monks in the tribulation realm also nodded their heads in unison, and they also did not want a human holy land to appear in the spiritual world, and then be destroyed under the calamity.0

At this moment, the headquarters of Changchun Sect, this is also the place where Xia Chuan retreated and practiced.

After nearly three thousand years of cultivation, Xia Chuan's cultivation has also reached the perfect state of the Mahayana realm. If he hadn't suppressed his cultivation, he would have been a monk in the transcending tribulation realm long ago, and he would have begun to ascend.

Since he could not practice, he turned his attention to other areas.

Such as refining, alchemy, formation and so on.

Therefore, during this period of time, he also created the Great Refining Technique, the Great Alchemy Technique, the Great Formation Spell, the Great Transformation Technique, the Great Five Elements Technique, the Great Sealing Technique, the Great Body Protection Technique, the Great Deduction Technique and so on. .

This also gave him a better understanding of the way of cultivation in this world.

It can be said that he has basically reached the pinnacle of the spiritual world. Throughout the ages, no matter how many monks were born in the spiritual world, I am afraid it is difficult to compare his current achievements.

To a certain extent, even ordinary immortals in the fairy world cannot compare to the current Xia Chuan.

"Not bad, if this continues, within 10,000 years, the Changchun Realm will accumulate enough world origins, and then you can try to ascend to the Immortal Realm. 35

Xia Chuan touched her chin.

As soon as his thoughts moved, he sensed the endless stream of information rushing in like a tidal wave, submerging into the depths of his consciousness, and he instantly understood the development of the Changchun Sect during this period of time.

Obviously, due to the development of three thousand years, the Changchun Sect has long been different from what it used to be. Even the supreme holy place in the spiritual world may not be able to compare to the current Changchun Sect.

Even without Xia Chuan's personal action, Changchun Sect is enough to defeat any holy place in the spiritual world.

After all, the background of the Changchun Sect is too deep. Whenever a world is broken, a large number of Fusion Realm, Mahayana cultivator puppets, and even Tribulation Realm cultivators are refined.

This also led to Changchun Zong becoming stronger in Vietnam.

Up to now, no one knows how many Mahayana puppets are stored within the Changchun Sect. Even if all the monks of the Changchun Sect die, with these puppets, they can crush countless worlds.

This is the terror of the big puppet technique.

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