Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1333 The promotion of many immortal weapons, the fifth reincarnation mission

"However, the biggest gain during this period is the improvement of the power of the fairy."

Xia Chuan touched her chin.

After two or three thousand years of tempering and upgrading, the many immortal artifacts on his body have also grown further. Compared with the previous ones, the power of each immortal artifact has been greatly improved.

For example, the Immortal Artifact Human Emperor Ding.

Due to the continuous improvement of the power of the human race in the spiritual world, the luck is shrouded, and the incense is at its peak, resulting in the power of the Human Emperor Cauldron increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The inexhaustible power of incense and faith converged on the Human Emperor Ding, and vaguely, there seemed to be countless souls pouring into the inner depths of the Human Emperor Ding.

These souls are all devout followers of the Emperor.

Because of their extreme belief in the Emperor during their lifetimes, after their death, they were picked up by the Emperor Ding, and they all fell into the Emperor Ding and became part of the Emperor Ding.

Vaguely, it seemed that a map of Jiangshan and Jiji appeared on the surface of the Human Emperor Ding, and there were dense figures living on it, as if they had come alive.

In fact, the same is true 10. These are all human souls from all over the spiritual world. They have entered this country, and they think they have entered into heaven.

It can be said that the power of the current Human Emperor Ding's blow is enough to destroy an ordinary world.

With the passage of time, the power of the Human Emperor Ding will surely become more terrifying.

"But when it comes to the most powerful immortal weapon, there is no doubt that it is the Great Thousand World Mirror."

Xia Chuan's eyes showed a gleam of light, and a huge mirror immediately appeared in front of him, with dense immortal runes appearing on it, filled with terrifying aura and power.

It sits in the void, as if it contains the power to reflect the heavens.

As long as his thoughts move, he can control the power of the Great Thousand World Mirror and monitor the entire Changchun Realm.

No, it's not just as simple as monitoring the Changchun Realm. In short, as long as any creature in the Changchun Realm has a token, the Daqian World Mirror can monitor every corner through the token.

It can be said that every creature in Changchun Realm is equivalent to the monitor of the Great Thousand World Mirror.

After three thousand years of development, the Great Thousand World Mirror has become the core fairy weapon of the Changchun world. Basically, the financial system, contact system, etc. of the Changchun world are all tied to it.

If the Great Thousand World Mirror is lost, it will probably cause a fatal blow to the Changchun Realm, and the entire net worth of many Changchun Sect disciples will be destroyed in one fell swoop.

To a certain extent, the Immortal Artifact Great Thousand World Mirror is a super server that stores countless data.

Of course, in this way, the Great Thousand World Mirror can also devour countless information all the time, which also makes it evolve at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Compared with three thousand years ago, its computing power has increased more than a thousand times.

There is no doubt that after Xia Chuan's tempering and refining, the Immortal Artifact Great Thousand World Mirror is more powerful than before, even more terrifying than it was in its heyday.

"But speaking of the strongest immortal weapon on my body, apart from the Four Swords of Zhuxian and the horoscope, it is estimated that it is my natal magic weapon, the Ball of Life." Xia Chuan touched his chin.

Different from other immortal tools, the natal magic weapon, the ball of life, is a magic weapon that he has truly refined himself, and it grows and evolves with his own cultivation.

I have to say that after thousands of years of growth, the power of the sphere of life is more terrifying than ordinary fairy weapons.

It is also one of the core immortal artifacts of Changchun Sect.

Because it contains the power of the life contract, basically all the disciples of the Changchun Sect need to sign a contract with it, and cannot reveal any information of the Changchun Sect.

Once it is leaked, it is equivalent to breaking the contract. At that time, the soul and life of the other party will be swallowed up by the sphere of life and become part of the sphere of life.

Therefore, the sphere of life at this moment has become extremely heavy, and it has gathered countless life wills and souls. If a sphere falls, it is no less than a star explosion, which can be called destroying the sky and destroying the earth.

"If you want the Changchun Realm to ascend to the Immortal Realm, with the power of these Immortal Artifacts, I am afraid that there is already a 70-80% certainty, but it is not enough, you must have a 100% certainty before you can try.

Xia Chuan's eyes showed a hint of coldness, constantly deducing the possibility of Changchun Sect passing the calamity.

After all, as an immortal existence, he has some time, even if it takes tens of thousands of years, or even millions of years, it doesn't matter, as long as the success rate is 100%.

drip ∼∼

At this time, the voice from the reincarnation space passed over: "Xia Chuan, the reincarnation, three thousand years have passed, you are about to participate in the task of the fifth reincarnation, please be prepared."

"Fifth reincarnation?"

Hearing this, Xia Chuan raised his eyebrows. In fact, he also knew that it was almost time. After all, he had been in Changchun Realm for three thousand years, which was long enough.

If it was another reincarnator, he would have known how many reincarnation missions he had participated in.

After all, other reincarnations need to experience reincarnation again and again, and then continue to become stronger and improve their strength. In this way, they naturally need to experience countless calamities and hardships.

But Xia Chuan is different, he doesn't need to go through any calamities and hardships at all, he has experienced a lot, he just needs to get more knowledge of this universe and that's enough.

Even if he stayed at home and did not experience any adventures, his strength was improving exponentially.

So so far, he has only participated in four 160 reincarnation missions, which is a unique existence among many reincarnators.


But at this moment, the voice of the reincarnation space sounded again: "Since the reincarnator Xia Chuan is already a sixth-order authority, the faction war is automatically triggered, this reincarnation is about to face the threat of hostile forces, please pay attention to the reincarnation.


Hearing this, Xia Chuan's eyes gleamed. Faction war? Hostile forces?!

In other words, the reincarnation space itself has enemies, and it may be stronger than the reincarnation space, but he was too weak before and did not trigger the faction war.

But now it's different, he is not only a complete monk in the Mahayana realm, but also a sixth-order authority.

To a certain extent, he can already be regarded as a senior reincarnator.

It can be said that the task of the new Xinsheng Village before is almost over, and it is necessary to truly begin to enter the deep-level power and mysteries of the reincarnation space.


Xia Chuan touched his chin, and he felt more and more excited. After practicing for so long, it seemed that he could finally come into contact with the real secret of the reincarnation space.


It didn't take long for his figure to flash, and he was instantly teleported to another place by a certain force. Obviously, he had entered the reincarnation space again.

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