Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1388 The Millennium Development of Changchun Realm, Unprecedented Formation

Whoosh whoosh!!!

In an instant, Xia Chuan gave an order, and many elders of the Changchun Sect came to the main peak one after another. This is also the place where Xia Chuan usually retreats and practices.

"Sect Master, you are finally back.

Many elders looked at Xia Chuan excitedly. They also knew that Xia Chuan would temporarily disappear from the Changchun Sect after a while, and no one knew where the Sect Master went.

Although the Changchun Sect has always been running well, and there has been no danger, but if there is a suzerain guarding the Changchun Realm, then the Changchun Realm will be more foolproof.

After all, no one can guarantee that nothing will happen.

Well now, the Sect Master finally returned from the long journey, which also made every elder excited.

"In the past thousand years, has anything major happened to the Changchun Sect?"

Xia Chuan asked bluntly, wanting to know the development of Changchun Sect in the past thousand years, the best way is to ask these elders, after all, they have also experienced the thousand-year development of Changchun Sect.

"Reporting to the Sect Master, the development of the Changchun realm has been very smooth for the past thousand years. 35

An elder in black immediately said: "There have been more than 3,000 worlds discovered by our Changchun Sect 10, and hundreds of them have been successfully conquered. It can be said that the Changchun world is now approaching the limit of the spiritual world.39

He was very excited.

Because he also knew that the goal of the Changchun Sect was to make the Changchun Realm ascend to the Immortal Realm and let the whole world soar together, which was an unprecedented feat.

If it succeeds, it will definitely leave a splendid name in the Three Realms.

Every disciple of Changchun Sect was extremely proud of participating in this plan.

"In addition to this, the number of immortal cultivators in our Changchun Sect has more than tenfolded compared to the previous one. At the same time, the number of cultivators in the integration realm and the Mahayana realm has also increased tenfold compared with the previous one, and the number is still increasing at an astonishing rate."

An elder in white also said excitedly: "Even compared with those holy places in the spiritual world, the number of monks in our Changchun Sect is no worse than them, or even better. 39

To be honest, he had no idea at all that the Changchun Realm had only ascended for thousands of years, but the accumulated information had surpassed many holy places in the spiritual realm.

If it was before the ascension, he would not have thought that there would be such a day in the Changchun world.

But it was different now. Because the Changchun Realm was developing madly at an alarming rate, there was absolutely no way other Holy Lands in the spiritual realm could compare to them.

Even with the passage of time, the power of Changchun Realm will far surpass those of the Holy Land of the Spirit Realm.

Originally, those cultivators who had ascended from the human world wanted to join the Holy Land of the Spirit World to obtain many resources and cultivation secrets, but their Changchun Sect did not need to join other holy places at all.

They themselves are supreme holy places.

"Lord Sect Master, and due to the rapid expansion of our Changchun Sect, we also have a certain degree of connection with other holy places. They have also sent elders over to meet Master Sect Master.""

An elder in red said.

He said that the development of Changchun Sect was too fast, and its power spread over a distance of tens of thousands of light-years, and it grew into a giant elephant, which could no longer be concealed.

As a result, many sects began to notice the existence of the Changchun Realm, and they also sent people over to establish contact with the Changchun Sect and establish diplomatic and trade relations.

"It's unnecessary to meet. I'm not interested in meeting these people. We will be very busy in the next ten thousand years, because after ten thousand years, we will fly to the Immortal Realm."

Xia Chuan said.


As soon as these words came out, the eyes of many elders showed a terrifying light. Although they had long known that the goal of Changchun Realm was to ascend to the Immortal Realm, they did not know the specific time of soaring.

After all, it may take a long time to be fully prepared.

Fortunately, the Changchun Sect has such a treasure as the Time House. Even if they are Mahayana monks with a lifespan of only 20,000 years, they can completely hide in the Time House and smuggle into the future millions of years later.

But looking at it now, they don't need to wait for millions of years at all, just 10,000 years is enough.

"Lord Sect Master, do you already have enough confidence?"

"That's right, it's not that simple to want to escape the calamity and ascend to the Immortal Realm. It is said that you will encounter various disasters.

"Indeed, it is said that ascending to the Immortal Realm will not only encounter a calamity, but may also encounter a calamity, so since ancient times, no world can ascend to the Immortal Realm.

"Yes, in fact, we don't need to be so anxious, it doesn't matter even if we wait a million years, we must be foolproof."

Many elders looked at Xia Chuan excitedly.

Although they all have incomparable trust in Xia Chuan, it is precisely because of Xia Chuan's wisdom and strength that the Changchun world has been brought to the point where it is today.

According to their talents, it is estimated that the God Transformation Realm is the limit. Where, as it is now, everyone can be promoted to the Mahayana Realm, which is beyond all their previous imaginations.

But even so, they also know how difficult it is to ascend to the fairyland.

"Don't worry, I already knew about this kind of thing. I went out for so long this time to find a way to overcome the calamity, and now I have finally found it. 35

Xia Chuan said indifferently: "There is no need to wait for millions of years, and I don't have the time to wait. You will be very busy next time, because I will set up an unprecedented formation in Changchun. 220 Once this formation If it is formed, then the Changchun world can survive any dangers it encounters.


When many elders heard these words, they looked at each other with incomparable excitement.

You must know that the sect master has never said such a thing before, but now he actually said that this is an unprecedented formation, one can imagine the tyranny of this formation.

After all, the Xumi cutting life formation, Xumi Five Elements Void Formation, Five Elements Gathering Formation, Five Elements Time Formation, Nine Dragons Yellow River Formation, etc., which appeared before, have opened their eyes to them, and they feel that even the Immortal Rank Formation is nothing more than this. .

Now, the Sect Master, who is the master of the formation, actually said that this is an unprecedented formation. It is conceivable that the power of this mysterious formation is absolutely extraordinary.

"Sect Master, please rest assured and leave the task to us."

"That's right, it is because of the power of the sect master that I have reached the point where I am today. I am willing to go through fire and water for the sect master."

"No matter what the task is, we will do our best to complete it.

Many elders shouted one after another, they felt that it was an absolute honor to be able to participate in this vast project.

"Very well, let's get started."

Xia Chuan nodded with satisfaction and looked at everyone.

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