Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1389 Saints who stay in the universe, saints who are bound

Immortal universe, nine days away.

This is above the barrier of the Immortal Universe, this is a boundless land, it is almost endless, there is no end at all, and there is an endless void in the distance, where nothing exists.

On this piece of land, there are vast cities and ancient palaces, and this is where the saints live and practice.

At this time, in a certain palace, a saint appeared in this place.

"I don't know if you have heard of it? A reincarnation suddenly appeared in the lower realm. He was obviously a Mahayana monk, but he solved the mystery of the immortality of the demons and created a river of immortal blood."

"As long as the creatures that enter the river of undead blood, unless their life essence is exhausted, they will have the power of undead. To some extent, the river of undead blood seems to be more powerful and incredible than the world of demons."

"To be honest, I don't really believe that this river of undead blood can be created by a mere mortal. 35

A saint opened his mouth and said his thoughts.

Because this matter is too important, enough to affect the future situation of the entire universe, not only the Protoss attaches great importance to it, but even the saints have begun to attach importance to it.

Even though Xia Chuan is only a Mahayana monk now, the river of undead blood he created has indeed shocked the saints, and it contains unimaginable mysteries.

"The river of undead blood? This kind of thing really doesn't look like something mortals can create. Maybe it's a special river nurtured by nature itself, and it just happened to be discovered by the reincarnator. 35

A saint nodded.

He also felt that the fact that someone created a river of undead blood was too nonsense, let alone mortals, even if they were saints, they could not do this, nor could they create a river of undead blood.

It is because of this that he is more inclined to the natural formation of the river of undead blood.

After all, the universe is really too big, there are countless secret realms in it, and the occasional appearance of special rivers like the River of Undead Blood is actually not too exaggerated.

Because the universe has always been a place of miracles.

"No, no, it's not that simple. If that's the case, then the Protoss won't be so shaken, and even a little panicked." "

Another saint shook his head, expressing his disapproval of this.

Because he obtained some key information among the Protoss, the appearance of the river of undead blood shook the Protoss, and also made the Protoss saints attach great importance to it, and may even issue a kill order.

Therefore, he instinctively felt that this matter was not as simple as he imagined, and that it might contain incredible secrets.

Otherwise, it is impossible for the Protoss to have such a strange behavior.

"What do you mean? Could it be that even the saints of the God Race are disturbed? Could it be that this reincarnation is really worthy of their attention? Even if he is truly a genius, he is only a mortal after all. It is hard to say whether he can become a saint." "

A saint squinted his eyes, feeling very puzzled.

To tell the truth, the geniuses in the universe are always emerging one after another, and in every era, there will be some dazzling geniuses, and many of them are geniuses with the appearance of saints.

But not every genius can become a saint in the future.

If you want to become a saint, talent, understanding, chance, etc. are all indispensable. If you are unlucky, you may die under the attack of the enemy halfway.

Or fall into a dangerous secret realm.

In short, before becoming a saint, it is not enough to be looked at by them.

If you don't become a saint, you're just ants in the cage after all, not worth mentioning at all.

"No, no, it's not that simple. There are rumors from members of the Protoss that the reincarnator may be the reincarnation of a great existence, so he can create the river of undead blood."

A saint suddenly said a surprising news.


As soon as these words came out, the saints who were present immediately exploded, and they couldn't believe what they heard, even if their Taoism was stable, they were shaken at this moment.

They know what the concept of a great existence is. It is a great existence that surpasses saints, and it is the true master of this universe, an existence that transcends everything.

"Impossible. Countless years ago, two great beings fought each other, and they were torn apart. They should have perished long ago. How could they be resurrected?"5

Some saints find it unbelievable.

"Hehe, is such a great being really so easy to die? Even if it were to die, wouldn't it be possible for him to be resurrected at some point in the future?"

"That's right, that kind of existence is beyond imagination, unbelievable, the other party has already reached the end of the universe, how could it be so easy to die, to be honest, I don't think those two existences are necessarily dead, they just fell into a deep sleep. ."

"True or false, if that great being is really resurrected, what should it be?

The faces of many saints were extremely solemn.

To be honest, they have the same concerns as the saints of the Protoss. As saints, they are already at the pinnacle of this universe and have supreme authority.

No one wants to have a Supreme Emperor suddenly appear on their head.

Nor do they want to be slaves to some existence.

And if that existence is really resurrected, will it really benefit every saint?

To be honest, they didn't see the advantages, and there were a lot of disadvantages.

It is because of this that they are unwilling to let such a great existence revive again. This is also the only consensus between them and the Protoss saints.

'It can't be said that, it's just a guess after all, who can be sure that the reincarnation is the reincarnation of that existence?" Some sages think that it can't be so arbitrary, after all, it's just a guess.

"So we need evidence to prove this, we must find out what the true identity of this reincarnation is, so that we can be completely at ease.

"If that guy is a reincarnator, can you use the power of the reincarnation space to find out the information about that person?"

"No, the reincarnation space itself is not our treasure, but controlled by that great being. Even if the other party doesn't know how long it has disappeared, we can't shake the reincarnation space itself, because the reincarnation space has long been integrated into this space. The square universe has become part of the law of this side universe's operation.""

"Damn, although we are saints, our power cannot touch the situation inside the universe. Even because of the laws set by that existence, our saints can't enter the universe and can only stay in the universe. 99

"Only beyond the universe can we truly be free, and there is no other way.

"It seems that we can only use the forces we left in the universe and rely on their power to find the reincarnator."

Many saints gritted their teeth and were very unwilling.

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