Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1393 The vast heritage of the Changchun world has been prepared for ten thousand years

"You guys should be very surprised, why can Changchun Realm integrate so many worlds?

Taoist Tieguan smiled slightly, and he could see everyone's doubts at a glance.

"That's right, normally, if you integrate more than a hundred worlds of the same level, you can be promoted to the limit of the origin of the spiritual world, but it seems that the limit of the Changchun world far exceeds other worlds? 39

The Taoist man in white asked curiously.

"It's normal, that's because the limits of the Changchun world are far beyond other worlds.

Taoist Iron Crown said solemnly: "It seems that the limits of the human race are different from those of the dragon race. Even if everyone is a tribulation-traveling cultivator, the dragon tribulation cultivator is far more powerful than the human race. Unless you use magic weapons, otherwise If it is just the power of the body, it is difficult for the human race to compete with the dragon race.

In the same way, because the Changchun Realm came up from the human realm and was baptized by the laws of the spiritual realm, and this world has been specially transformed by the suzerain, this has also led to the Changchun Realm's limits far exceeding other worlds.

It is because of this that the Changchun Realm has fully integrated one thousand and twenty-four worlds to reach the limit of this realm. Therefore, the origin of the Changchun Realm is incomparably rich and can breed more Mahayana monks. "

He was very emotional.

10 Because in the past ten thousand years, the Changchun realm has been constantly changing, and due to the continuous integration of new worlds, the territory of the Changchun realm has been expanding at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Basically every month, no, even if it is a week or even a day, the entire Changchun world will undergo earth-shaking changes.

It is because of this that the map of Changchun Realm needs to be updated every once in a while, otherwise, even the natives of Changchun Realm will easily get lost.

Of course, this also has great benefits.

Due to the continuous expansion of the territory of Changchun Realm, a large number of land and islands have been born, so Changchun Realm can also breed a large number of resources and a large number of creatures.

After all, land and living beings complement each other, and each piece of land has a limit that can be accommodated by living beings.

Once the limit is exceeded, the source of the world will be damaged.

This will also reduce the population appropriately.

Fortunately, even though the population of Changchun Realm has been increasing for thousands of years, the territory of Changchun Realm has increased more, so at present, Changchun Realm is far from reaching the limit of population accommodation.

"So that's the case, does the elder Tieguan think that the origin of the Changchun Realm is strong, so there is hope to survive the catastrophe and ascend to the Immortal Realm?" The Taoist in white suddenly realized that he understood a little why the Daoist Tieguan and other Mahayana monks would be willing to join the Changchun Realm.

After all, the stronger the source, the greater the success rate of surviving the catastrophe.

In this way, they can stay in Changchun Realm and take the opportunity to fly to Immortal Realm together.

To be honest, this is a great thing for all immortal cultivators who are not qualified enough.

Even a arrogant like him is a little bit eager to move.

Because he stayed in the Holy Land to cultivate and worked hard, but just to ascend to the Immortal Realm and gain longevity, and now there is such a shortcut, even a fool will be moved.

"No no no, of course it's not just that, do you know that there have been many worlds that have tried to ascend to the Immortal Realm over the years, but there is no reason why any of the worlds can soar successfully?

Taoist Tieguan smiled slightly and asked a question.

"Isn't it because I can't survive the catastrophe?"

Daoist in white and others felt very puzzled, because if you can survive the catastrophe, you will be able to ascend to the Immortal Realm, but if you can't get through it, you will die and disappear. This is the common sense of immortal cultivators in the spiritual realm. Is there any doubt?

"No no no, you are still too naive. 35

Daoist Iron Crown laughed immediately: "Even if the robbery is terrifying, after so many years, it is not impossible for a world to ascend to the Immortal Realm, which is unreasonable in itself.

The reason why no world has successfully ascended for such a long period of time is that there is only one reason, that is, some people are interfering in the process of ascending.

"Could it be that the demons prevented the spiritual world from ascending to the fairy world?

In an instant, the white-robed Taoist and the others immediately thought of this.

After all, the demons are the enemies of the heavens and all races. Now the spiritual world has also been eroded by the demons. I don't know how many worlds have been destroyed in the hands of the demons.

Basically, the major holy places and the major races all share an inexorable hatred with the demons.

In addition to the demon, he could not think of a second enemy.

"That's right. 99

Taoist Tieguan nodded: "In history, there have been some worlds that have successfully survived the catastrophe. Just when they were about to ascend to the fairyland, they did not expect that the army of demons suddenly killed them during the ascension process.

The result can be imagined, in order to survive the catastrophe, they have spent all their knowledge, and in the face of these demons' attacks, there is no room for them to fight back.

It is because of this that no world in history has ever been able to ascend to the Immortal Realm. "5

His face was very serious, and he explained the reason why the success rate of ascending from the spiritual world to the immortal world was zero, which was because there was a demon clan in it.

"No way, if that's the case, then you're flying up with the Changchun Realm, isn't that just killing yourself?"

The Taoist man in white and the others suddenly felt a chill.

They took a closer look. If they worked hard to survive the catastrophe and were beaten by the power of the catastrophe, 237 suffered heavy losses, and at this time, the army of demons would come out again.

Then this is no less than a disaster for the people of the whole world.

It is no wonder that after countless years, no world has been able to soar. It has encountered a calamity, and it has encountered a calamity. I wonder if this is the case, which one can succeed in ascension.

In fact, many holy places in the spiritual world have also reached the conditions for ascension to the spiritual world, but they are also aware of this and know the existence of the calamity, so they do not dare to induce the calamity to ascend.

It is precisely because of this that many worlds that have reached the limit of the spiritual world are still obediently staying in the spiritual world.

After all, they didn't want to be killed by the demons during their ascension.

"Yes, normally, that's true, but do you think the monks in Changchun didn't think of this?"

Taoist Iron Crown smiled slightly: "In fact, thousands of years ago, the Changchun Realm had basically reached the limit of the Spirit Realm, but at that time, the Changchun Realm still did not plan to ascend to the Immortal Realm, because they were not ready.

But after thousands of years, the Changchun Sect continued to develop, cultivated top cultivators one by one, prepared countless means and backgrounds, and it can be said that they were fully prepared.

If even Changchun Realm cannot successfully ascend to Immortal Realm, then I am afraid that no one will be able to successfully ascend to Immortal Realm in the future, so why can't I bet once. "

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