Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1394 Immortals commit the same crime as mortals, the absolute ban in Changchun world

"Preparation is perfect? ​​Could it be said that the Changchun Sect cultivated millions of Mahayana monks to prepare for ascending to the Immortal Realm?"

"That is the Heavenly Demon Tribulation. There will definitely be countless Heavenly Demons. Although there are many millions of Mahayana cultivators, can they really resist the Heavenly Demon Tribulation?"

"I still don't think it's particularly reliable. After all, the power of the demon is too terrifying and completely irresistible. 99

Many monks in the Holy Land were talking about it.

They have dealt with Heavenly Demons many times, and naturally they know the difficulty of those Heavenly Demons. These Heavenly Demons are not only simple in their power, but they are not afraid of death, and even possess the ability of immortality.

Therefore, the cultivators of all ethnic groups do not know how far they are compared to them.

Often they killed and injured a large number of monks, but they were unable to kill one of the demons.

"You still underestimate the role of immortal cultivators. Don't think that low-level immortal cultivators cannot play a role in war, and only high-level immortal cultivators are useful. Your view is simply wrong. 35

Taoist Tieguan suddenly smiled: "To be honest, your concept is completely behind the Changchun Sect. Do you know why the Changchun Sect has to vigorously cultivate immortal practitioners? Anyone with spiritual roots can embark on the path of immortal cultivation. , You must know that the Changchun Sect did not open a shantang, and he also had his own purpose."

"For what purpose?"

Everyone was curious.

"I believe that after you come to Changchun Realm, you will immediately notice one thing, and that is safety. Changchun Realm is far safer than other places, and even cultivators of Transcending Tribulation Realm will not be able to run wild in Changchun Realm.

Taoist Tieguan looked at the crowd. He didn't answer everyone's questions at first, but instead asked a question.

"Yes, about this, we do feel that the Changchun world is safer than any other world."

"Yes, when I first came to Changchun Realm, I also felt a great sense of disobedience, that is, the mortals here have no fear of immortal cultivators, which is very unusual. 99

"That's right, when I was shopping here before, when I was shopping on the street, there were mortals who dared to yell at me. It's unbelievable. I don't see such a scene in any world."

Many Holy Land disciples also spoke.

To be honest, when they came to Changchun World, they were shocked and felt a great sense of disobedience. Changchun World was completely different from any other world.

You must know that immortal cultivators like them, such holy land disciples, no matter how approachable they are, they will not think that ordinary people and immortal cultivators are on the same level.

And the mortals of other worlds, when facing immortal cultivators, are also respectful, like slaves, how dare they blow their noses and stare at immortal cultivators.

Even if it is only a monk in the Qi training period, it is not something that ordinary people can provoke.

But the mortals in Changchun Realm are actually not afraid of their immortal cultivators, as if they are the same as each other, which makes them feel very unaccustomed, when mortals can be equal to immortal cultivators, it is really incredible.

More importantly, they have been in Changchun Realm for so long, and they have not seen many immortal cultivators fighting.

You must know that even in the world ruled by the Holy Land, immortal cultivators will often fight for revenge for resources and so on.

Rules can't bind immortal cultivators at all, because immortal cultivators are originally existences who go against the sky, how can they be bound by some mere rules.

Especially the Xuanwu city of Changchun Realm, not only the local monks in Changchun Realm, but also the monks from all over the spiritual world, the powerhouses of various races, and the magic monks, etc.

So many monks of different races and different sects gathered together, and there was no conflict, no vendetta, it was unbelievable.

They have no idea how this is done.

If they hadn't experienced it themselves, they would never have believed that such a safe city existed in the world.

"It seems that you have also noticed that safety is the biggest feature of the Changchun world.

Taoist Iron Crown said faintly: "Safety, these two words seem very simple, but how difficult it is to do it, looking at the entire spiritual world, there are countless worlds, but how many worlds, how many A city can achieve the word safety. So far, apart from Changchun, I have not seen any world that can achieve this.

The so-called hero violates the ban by martial arts, and the same is true for cultivators. After mastering a powerful force, they will naturally not be bound by any rules.

But it is precisely such a happy revenge that led to the constant vendetta and chaos in the world of immortal cultivation.

"But Elder Iron Crown, why can Changchun Realm do this, and why is Changchun Realm so safe?"

Everyone was puzzled.

"Naturally because of the formation. 35

Taoist Tieguan said bluntly: "Changchun Sect has a formation that covers the entire world, its name is Wanlong Guihai Formation, and this formation is integrated into every spiritual vein in the world.

It can be said that each Qi meridian is a dragon of spiritual meridians. Like countless dragons, they are integrated into every corner of the world, and every city is the source of spiritual meridians.

This formation is not only as simple as the spirit gathering formation, it also incorporates the luck of the human and the heaven, and it is connected with every sentient being in this world.

Anyone born in this world will be sheltered by this formation, and outsiders will also be suppressed by the formation, so even mortals in this world, cultivators cannot kill He.

Once the mortals in this world were killed by mistake, they would kill and pay for their lives, even if they were cultivators in the Tribulation Realm, they would be taken away, go to the Dragon Slashing Platform, and show their heads directly to the public.

Before, there was a demonic monk who was arrogant and domineering, accidentally killed a mortal who collided with him, and was arrested by the law enforcement team.


When the people heard this, they were shocked. They couldn't believe it. The Tribulation Transcendence cultivator accidentally killed a mortal, but he was sentenced to death, and the owl's head was displayed to the public.

In other places, this would be unprecedented, but it really happened in Changchun.

". `Didn't that tribulation cultivator escape?"

The Taoist priest in white couldn't help but ask, after all, if a tribulation cultivator wanted to run away, it would be difficult for others to stop him.

"Escape? How to escape? The whole world is shrouded in the Wanlong Guihai Formation. Once you are locked, it is equivalent to being locked by the heavens of the whole world. Even a tribulation cultivator is like an ant.

Taoist Tieguan laughed immediately: "At that time, the cultivator really wanted to escape, but his cultivation was sealed in an instant, just like a mortal person, even ordinary people can capture him. He wants to spread wild in Changchun world. , that's just an idiot talking in a dream, probably the immortals will suffer too when they go down to earth."

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