Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1454 Xuanyuan City, the city of time, a human race with a population of 14 trillion

"Ancestor, I know you don't believe it, but this matter is indeed true, absolutely true."

Hearing this, the patriarch Lu Yiming sighed, and it also understood that its ancestors were unbelievable. In fact, if it hadn't experienced it personally, it wouldn't have believed such absurd things.

A weak and small race, a race like dust, has risen rapidly in a thousand years, and then became the absolute overlord of the Eastern Wilderness.

Few people would believe this kind of thing, but it did happen.

It can be said that this kind of thing is as absurd as it is absurd.

"What the hell happened? You tell me carefully."

After all, the Antlers Immortal is an Earth Immortal with a stable Dao Heart. Although it was very shocking at the beginning, after a period of time, it began to calm down.

It wants to know what happened to Donghuang during this time.

"This matter must start with Xuanyuan, the great emperor of the human race. It is precisely because of the appearance of the great emperor Xuanyuan that the human race has undergone earth-shaking changes and has risen rapidly. 99

The patriarch Lu Yiming said solemnly: "I have to say, Emperor Xuanyuan is indeed a genius in the sky, he can be called the number one powerhouse in the Eastern Desolation, his cultivation base is earth-shattering, and in just a thousand years, he is already a powerhouse at the level of perfection of heavenly immortals. .

And what's even more terrifying is that he also created a supreme supernatural power of the five elements of divine light, which can directly deprive others of the magic weapon, even if others have innate magic weapons.

It is precisely because of this immortal technique that even if other heavenly immortals possess the innate magic weapon, it is useless, and the innate magic weapon is taken away by Emperor Xuanyuan as soon as they meet each other.

So the results can be imagined, their combat power is not as strong as Emperor Xuanyuan, and now that they have lost the innate magic weapon, they are even less the opponents of Emperor Xuanyuan.

With the absolute power of Emperor Xuanyuan, the countless races in the Eastern Wilderness were overwhelmed, and even the races with innate magic weapons were all wiped out.

So far, the entire Eastern Wilderness major races have surrendered to the rule of the human race. Without exception, they really do not want to be ruled by the human race, so they can only escape overseas and go to the endless ocean.

The reason why we didn't wake up the old ancestor's retreat is because it is not necessary. After all, the old ancestor wants to retreat and break through to the fairyland. Even if the old ancestor is awakened, it will not be of great help to the battle situation, so it is better to let the old ancestor continue. Retreat practice.


Hearing this, the corner of Lujiao Xian's mouth twitched, and she was very speechless. Although this kid's words were very euphemistic, he was not a fool, and he could immediately hear the meaning of the other party's words.

That is, according to its cultivation level, even if it really breaks through, it is just an earth immortal. Facing the terrifying human race, it is like an ant.

It is because of this that even if it is awakened, it will not help, and it will not help the deer clan very much.

"I didn't expect such a great emperor to suddenly appear in the human race, it's really incredible. 35

The deer horn fairy's face is very complicated, how can it think that there is such an invincible emperor in Donghuang, and it is impossible for all races to fight.

To be honest, this is something no one could have predicted.

"But even if the human race really becomes the overlord of the Eastern Wasteland, it may not be able to occupy every corner of the Eastern Wasteland. After all, the population of the human race does not seem to be very large."

Antlers moved in her heart and couldn't help but ask.

It remembered that when it was in retreat, the weak human race seemed to have only a population of several hundred thousand, which was similar to those wild beasts in the forest, and it might become extinct at any time.

Even if three thousand years have passed now, the population will probably not increase much, at most one or two hundred million.

But a population of one or two hundred million is nothing to the Eastern Wilderness of Connaught, but it is just a drop in the ocean.

"Ancestor, I'm afraid you are thinking wrong."

The patriarch Lu Yiming shook his head: "Currently, the population of the human race is the largest in the Eastern Wasteland. Although it has only been in the past thousand years, the population is said to have exceeded 14 trillion and spread all over the Eastern Wasteland.

"What a joke, in just a thousand years, the population has grown from hundreds of thousands to 14 trillion. Even pigs can't live like this, right? The Antlers is stunned.

To be honest, it is not incomprehensible that a certain great emperor suddenly rises.

After all, no matter how weak the race is, there may be a descendant of a great emperor. This is a matter of probability.

But for the population, this needs to conform to natural probability. It is not possible to have as many as you want.

"To be honest, at the beginning, we also thought it was strange, where did the population of the human race come from, and why the population of the human race suddenly increased by so much, it is extremely strange, so many human beings cannot appear out of thin air.

The patriarch Lu Yiming said solemnly: "But we found out later, or the human race no longer need to hide it, all because of the relationship between the first city of the human race, Xuanyuan City.

This city contains a time formation, which can speed up the time within the area, a year outside, but a hundred years will pass in Xuanyuan City.

It is because of this that, regardless of the outside world, only a thousand years have passed, but inside Xuanyuan City, a hundred thousand years have passed.

It can be said that the population of 14 trillion is the result of their madness in Xuanyuan City, using one hundred thousand years of time, to multiply wildly, and this is how the population of the human race increased rapidly.

.`The city of time, Xuanyuan City?!

Hearing this, Lujiao Xian was shocked, and immediately felt an unfathomable feeling towards Xuanyuan City, because this is a city involving the law of time, so one can imagine how terrifying it is.

Time has always been the biggest enemy of countless creatures.

Even quasi-sages are afraid of the power of time.

But Xuanyuan, the great emperor of the human race, has the power to manipulate time, what an incredible punishment.

But I have to say, if Xuanyuan City is really so terrifying, it is no wonder that so many human beings can be bred in a short period of time, making the population of the human race rapidly expand to this level.

Accelerating the time, for immortals, actually does not make much sense, at most it can speed up the speed of their own cultivation.

But for mortals, if 100,000 years and 20 years are a generation, it is already possible to iterate for 5,000 generations. What a terrifying number of iterations, it is simply beyond imagination.

"And the power of Xuanyuan City, the city of time, is more than that. Accelerating time also accelerates the growth rate of the human race, so that the human race can grow up quickly, and no longer need to worry about their weak period being too long. 35

The patriarch Lu Yiming said solemnly: "It is said that many human beings have chosen to enter Xuanyuan City for further studies, and within a year of outsiders, they can practice in it for a hundred years, so that they can quickly pass through the weak period, and madly improve their cultivation, so that they can quickly become Fairy."

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