Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1455 Tens of thousands of immortals, the power of time, the heritage of the human race

"Could it be that the human race not only owns the human race's great emperor Xuanyuan, but also other earth immortals and human immortals?"

Antlers couldn't help swallowing a saliva.

It naturally knows that the city of time, Xuanyuan City, is not so simple. It has the power to speed up time and is only used to multiply the population. Isn't that a waste of time?

There is no doubt that the biggest function of this city is to rapidly improve the strength of the human race, so that the human race can quickly pass through the weak period and madly improve the cultivation of human beings.

"That's right.

The patriarch Lu Yiming nodded: "Although only the past thousand years have passed, a large number of human race powerhouses, staying in Xuanyuan City, have been cultivating for 100,000 years. There are hundreds of thousands of Earth Immortals, and as for Heaven Immortals, there is only one Emperor Xuanyuan for the time being.

After all, it is not that simple to become an angel. A mere 100,000 years is still too short, at least millions of years are needed before a heavenly immortal can be born.

"Enough is enough, it is enough, the human race has only risen for a thousand years, and there have been tens of thousands of human immortals and hundreds of thousands of earth immortals. Human race.""

The Antlers Fairy was stunned, it didn't even know what to say.

When it just left the customs, he thought that the Earth Immortal was able to traverse the Eastern Wilderness. As long as the Heavenly Immortal did not appear, wouldn't he be the strongest Demon Immortal in the Eastern Wilderness?

At that time, it can completely lead the deer clan to walk sideways and lay a huge territory.

But now, the human race has given birth to hundreds of thousands of earth immortals, and the earth immortals are actually worthless at the beginning.

It is a mere deer clan and earth immortal, I am afraid that in the eyes of the human race, it is not enough to see.

Thinking of this, it was so depressed that it didn't even know what to say. It could only be said that the changes in this world were too fast, to the point of being overwhelmed.

"It's really hard to beat. When the human race conquered the Eastern Wasteland at the beginning, the major races still refused to accept it. They hid in the dark and tried to take revenge. Unfortunately, as time passed, they were completely desperate."

The patriarch Lu Yiming sighed with emotion: "Because they discovered that the immortals of the current human race alone surpassed all immortals they added up, and now they have only developed for a thousand years.

If it is further developed by the human race for 10,000 years, or even a hundred thousand years, the human race will develop to an astonishing level. I am afraid that the combined strength of the human race will not be one ten thousandth of the human race.


Hearing this, the Antlers was also silent, not knowing what to say. The horror of the human race (babg) is not only about having a strong heritage and strength, but more importantly, its potential.

The current human race alone has cultivated tens of millions of human beings and immortals. If ten thousand years pass, how many human immortals, how many earth immortals, and how many heavenly immortals will be born from the human race.

This is simply unimaginable.

More importantly, Xuanyuan, the great emperor of the human race, is now in his prime, and can survive for at least 100 million years, which means he can protect the human race for at least 100 million years.

If he can become a Xuanxian, his lifespan will be as high as one billion years.

In other words, at least the human race does not need to worry about the challenges of other races for 100 million years.

In the next 100 million years, no race will be able to gain the human race.

It is no wonder that those races are desperate and completely surrendered to the human race, because they know that if they do not surrender now, in a few thousand years, ordinary humans alone can crush them, just like crushing ants.

After all, the immortals who can achieve this cultivation level are not fools. After a little thought, they know how to do this kind of thing next.

"But even if Xuanyuan City, the city of time, can cultivate a large population, the problem is that if you want to become an immortal, you also need a lot of resources. Where did the human race get so many resources?"

Antlers was very puzzled.

Because each immortal represents the consumption of a lot of resources, no one can become immortal casually, without resources, there is no immortal, this is the law.

After all, energy is conserved and transferred from one place to another.

A population of 14 trillion means that amazing resources are being consumed all the time, which is frightening.

"Naturally, it also has a great relationship with Xuanyuan City.

The patriarch Lu Yiming said solemnly: "The power of the City of Time is not only used to produce population, it can also be used to grow food and all kinds of elixir.

Originally, it might take ten thousand years, or even a million years, for an elixir to grow. Even if an immortal wants to wait for an elixir to mature, it must be a waste of time.

However, due to the acceleration of time power, one day can accelerate ten thousand years of time, which means that even a million-year-old elixir can mature within a hundred days.

It is because of this that the human race can plant a large number of elixir in batches through the power of the City of Time, and no longer need to go to the wild to find it as before. "

"How could there be such a thing? But each kind of elixir has a different living environment, and it may not be possible to grow it alive, right? 99

Antlers asked.

"This is the strength of the human race. Due to the birth of a large number of human immortals, these human race immortals study day and night, and each plant of immortal medicine creates a special environment and creates a unique medicine field, which enables large-scale cultivation of immortals. Medicine became possible.35

Lu Yiming, the patriarch of the deer clan, said with emotion: "Perhaps you still don't know that the second city of the human race is Yancheng, where a large number of human alchemists have been born. The method of medicine, many medicinal pills flow out from Yancheng, and the powerhouses of many races need to go to Yancheng to buy medicinal pills.

There are even medicinal pills suitable for Earth Immortals and Heavenly Immortals. If you go to Yancheng, Old Ancestor, if you get an elixir, you may be able to save millions of years of cultivation. 35


As soon as these words came out, the heart of the deer antlers moved, and it was like a storm. After all, the earth immortal can only survive for thousands of years. If it can save millions of years of practice, then it will greatly increase his ability to break through to become an immortal. probability.

This is an irresistible youhuo for every earth immortal.

It is no wonder that the human race alchemist is famous in the East, making countless races of immortals coveted.

It can be said that this is also one of the reasons why the human race is quickly recognized by all races. The absolute power, coupled with the huge benefits, the iron stick in one hand and the sweet date in the other hand, anyone has to be obedient.

"Human race? It's really terrifying after birth.

The deer horn fairy said quietly.

At this moment, it is even more curious about the human race emperor Xuanyuan, the supreme emperor who led the rise of the human race, the first existence in history to unify the Eastern Wilderness, is simply a legendary tycoon.

Even if he is older than the other party, but in terms of achievements, he does not know how far behind.

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