Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1466 One second is a billion years, the fear of the devils

rumbling ∼∼

With the death of many magical beasts and monsters, those demons who were exposed to the outside instantly felt the terror of the power of time. One second was the flow of time for hundreds of millions of years, which was a terrifying mess.

Often they don't notice anything, and the lifespan goes madly.

The devils who were not strong enough died instantly because their lifespan was exhausted.

Originally, they were all demons that would not die. Even if they did die, they would be reborn on the corpse of the immortal.

But now, due to the exhaustion of life essence and death, it is impossible to be reborn at all. This is because the power of the soul is completely exhausted, and their existence is essentially erased.

At this moment, many immortals who stayed in the city naturally also saw this scene, and all of them had their pupils contracted and felt extremely shocked, because it was the first time they saw the effect of the Hunyuan Heluo Great Array.

"Is this the Hunyuan Heluo Grand Formation arranged by Lord Xuanyuan? It's actually a time-manipulating formation? It's really terrifying." A human immortal couldn't help swallowing a saliva, feeling incomparably shocked.

"Isn't it? One second is 100 million years, what a terrifying flow of time. Even an immortal can only support one second, and then he will die of old age. If it were other creatures, wouldn't it be even a second? Will it be ashes before it's gone?"

The other immortal was also stunned.

Although he had long known the horror of the power of time, Xuanyuan City had already proved it, one year was a hundred years, so the human race developed in Xuanyuan City for 100,000 years, which also led to the rapid progress of the human race's strength.

But such a time flow rate is only a hundred times that, and it is still within the scope of his understanding.

Now one second is a billion years, which is really exaggerated to the extent of scaring people to death.

He didn't even know how such a terrifying flow of time came about.

"No wonder Lord Xuanyuan said that after the formation of this formation is successful, then the human race will have no worries. No matter how big the difficulty is, the human race can be guaranteed not to die. This is more than a guarantee that the human race will not die, no matter how much it comes. Enemies, how many enemies can be annihilated."

"It is said that those demons are undead creatures. No matter how many times they are killed, they can be reborn in the corpse of immortals. This is also the reason why countless races have been killed by demons in previous eras, even if they die together with demons, The devil can also be reborn again, and it is impossible to be the opponent of the devil.

But now it's different. Entering the Hunyuan Heluo Great Array, one second is a hundred million years, madly consuming the devil's lifespan, and letting the devil die, even if it is resurrected, it doesn't make any sense.

"There is no doubt that the Hunyuan Heluo Great Array is the best formation to deal with those undead creatures. Stepping into the formation is the death stage of those undead creatures."

"Probably the only ones who can resist the Hunyuan Heluo Great Array are quasi-sages, or even saint-level existences. The question is how many such existences exist in the entire universe. At present, our wild world does not have such a large group. can."

Many human race immortals are extremely happy.

They have seen the horror of the Hunyuan Heluo Great Array. As long as they are in the great array, no matter how many enemies there are, they will instantly exhaust their lifespan and die.

This is the mighty power from the time level, which is already beyond imagination.

The creatures under the quasi-sage are basically mortal upon touch.

With such a large mountain protection formation, the human race can simply walk sideways in the wild world.

Of course, what is more shocking is naturally the major vassal races of the human race. They are all powerful races in the Eastern Wilderness. They are only forced to surrender to the human race.

In fact, how could they be willing to submit to others? If they had the chance, they would definitely want to turn over, overthrow the mountain of human race, and turn themselves into masters.

But now after seeing the Hunyuan Heluo Great Array, everyone is speechless.

"This, this is the Hunyuan Heluo Great Array built by Xuanyuan, the great emperor of the human race? How can it be so terrifying?" A demon couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

If they had hoped to overthrow the human race and let their race rise again before, then after seeing this great formation, it felt that their race had no hope.

Not only his own race, but also other races in the Eastern Wilderness. As long as this great formation exists in the Eastern Wilderness for a second, no race will dare to resist the rule of the human race.

This is absolute power, overwhelming violence.

"Hey, I already said that there is no hope, but you still don't believe it. Now you can see that Xuanyuan, the great emperor of the human race, is a terrifying mess. He has already figured out the way forward for the human race."

·0 for flowers..

"Isn't it? Emperor Xuanyuan also knows that the hopes of the human race are now pinned on him, and he cannot have any accidents, otherwise the human race will definitely be finished and die without a place to be buried.

It is precisely because of this that Emperor Xuanyuan built the Hunyuan Heluo Great Array, leaving a huge hole card for the people. Even if he has fallen, no one can challenge the status of the people. 39

"That's true. Even immortals have a lifespan limit, but there is no formation. As long as they can be continuously repaired, they can continue to last until they grow old."

"Emperor Xuanyuan is really a terrifying existence. It's almost a no-brainer. As long as he exists, no one can challenge the status of the human race."


"Originally, I thought that this demonic disaster, or a lot of power, could severely damage the human race, but now it seems that the so-called demonic disaster is not worth mentioning at all in the eyes of the Great Emperor Xuanyuan, it is just a dead bone in the well.

Many alien immortals are extremely emotional.

The corners of their mouths showed a bitter look, and it was considered that they had completely given up hope of re-emergence, because the human race was so powerful that it was beyond imagination, and it was simply not comparable to other races.

At this time, with the death of all the devils, they finally had endless panic.

"It's over, it's over, we've been fooled, this is a trap of the human race, it's a trap that wants to surround us with evil spirits."

"You bastard, you actually want to ambush our demons. Humans are so bold."

"Break this formation immediately and let us escape.

"There is no way to break it, because this formation is too big, covering the entire Eastern Wilderness, such a huge area, we can't escape in an instant, this is a long-planned conspiracy. 99

"Lord, Lord, save us, save us, if we don't save us, we're dead."

Many demons screamed in horror.

They sensed that their lifespan was rapidly depleting at an alarming rate. If they continued like this, in another minute, they might run out of lifespan and die.

So they don't care about anything else, and immediately call their master to enter.

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