Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1467 Immortal cemetery in ancient times, innate magic weapon Kongtong seal

At this moment, many demons hiding in a secret realm also noticed this change for the first time, and all of them were furious and furious.

On weekdays, they are the only ones who plot against the enemy, and there is no reason why the enemy plots against themselves.

For the encounters of many demons, they are simply extremely angry. It is unbelievable that the undead demons will be killed today.

"Damn human race, they dare to set up a big formation to plot against us, they are simply seeking their own death.

"How many years have passed, and there are creatures who can calculate our existence, and how did they do it?"

"This formation is called Hunyuan Heluo Great Formation. It is a formation that can manipulate time. Its power is unfathomable. As long as it does not reach the quasi-sacred realm, it is basically certain to die. They will be imprisoned in the formation, and "Three Three Zeros" cannot escape."

"It's just a mere human race, it's incredible to be able to create such a formation. 99

"It is said that this great formation was learned by the human race emperor Xuanyuan from the innate magic weapon Hetu Luoshu, and it can only be said that this human race emperor Xuanyuan is simply a genius.

"This is also a very normal thing, there will always be such a monster that can lead the era between heaven and earth.

"It is absolutely impossible to let this human race emperor Xuanyuan survive, otherwise it will be my death."

"But this Hunyuan Heluo great formation is not simple, it is not a formation that we can break, unless it is Lord Luohu who makes a move. 39

"It doesn't matter if we don't deal with the Eastern Desolation, anyway, the Western Desolation, Southern Desolation, and Northern Desolation are all within our jurisdiction. After destroying the creatures of the other three continents, it is not too late to deal with the Eastern Desolation creatures. 35

Numerous devils are talking about it, but they are helpless about such a situation. After all, the enemy's formation is too powerful, it is simply beyond imagination.

However, this time, the demonic disaster swept the entire wild world, and the four wild continents were affected by the demonic disaster. Donghuang was only one of the continents. Even if Donghuang could stop it, the other three continents could not.

In terms of the situation, they still have a huge advantage.

"Interesting, but I didn't expect such a monster to appear in the world. This is also a kind of pleasure in a long life. Let's see how strong this guy is first. If you can't resist it, then die." 5

Luohu Jie, the king of demons, said with a grin, his eyes showing a hint of coldness.


At this moment, the entire secret world suddenly vibrated, buzzing, and a terrifying and tyrannical force attacked, instantly shattering the world barriers here, and an amazing void crack appeared directly.

"Finally found your group of mice, but I didn't expect you to hide in such a place. 99

A voice rang out and passed on to every devil, and the person who spoke was Xia Chuan.

Just now, his spiritual sense has been monitoring the entire wild world, and at the same time using the power of the book of wisdom to monitor every corner of the wild world, trying to find the base camp of the devils.

After all, these demons are so arrogant, aren't they hiding with their own bodies, and no one can find them?

As long as their bodies are fine, they will be reborn no matter how many times they die.

It is because of this that if you want to completely solve this group of demons, you need to find where their bodies are.

Xia Chuan had been searching for the bodies of these demons before, and just now, these demons finally revealed their legs and were monitored by the power of the Book of Wisdom.

Therefore, Xia Chuan did not say a word, and flew directly towards the base camp of the devil.

The place where the devil is located is an ordinary island above the sea. There is a huge secret world hidden here. The immortal civilization of the ancient times is buried in it, and a large number of immortal corpses are buried in this place.

This place is simply a huge civilized cemetery, with huge immortal tombstones everywhere, filled with the breath of death, annihilation, resentment, darkness, curse and so on.

It seems that just stepping into it, it will be eroded by this dark power. If the power is not enough, it will be demonized in an instant and become a monster without any reason.

"Impossible, damn human, how did you find where we are, how on earth did you do it?"

"Damn, is the previous plan all about finding where our body is? Deliberately showing us flaws?""

"Human Race Great Emperor Xuanyuan, you really want to exterminate us, you are really bold."

Many demons were shocked and angry, they really did not expect such a thing to happen, this is the first time in the history of the wild world, it is really unexpected.

To be honest, they think that their whereabouts are extremely secret, and no one can find their headquarters except themselves. As long as their own body is not found by others, they are invincible and can show their power unscrupulously, no matter what. It doesn't matter how many times you die.

But now, they were actually found by Xuanyuan, the great emperor of the human race.

It's like the keyboard warriors who are talking on the Internet, and now they are actually found by the Internet police along the network cable. They are all panicked, and they can hardly speak.

Because his own body was hurt, he really died when he died, and he could never be resurrected again.

They couldn't be as reckless as they were just now.

In essence, they are also similar to other creatures, and they also know what fear is.


Xia Chuan was condescending and looked at these frightened demons lightly. He took out an innate magic weapon - Kongtong Seal from his body, and then smashed it towards the ground.

This innate magic weapon, Kongtong Yin, burst out with terrifying human power, which contained inescapable power. Many innate restrictions were engraved in it, as if it contained worlds.

The next second, the Kongtong seal smashed down, as if hundreds of Great Thousand World 1.6 worlds fell at the same time, producing unparalleled destructive power, even if it was a blow from Jinxian.

The entire immortal cemetery suffered a terrifying blow, and ripples appeared in the surrounding void.

"Ahhhh!!! 35

Immediately, all the demons let out shrill screams, unable to withstand this power that was enough to shatter the void, and many immortal corpses were instantly destroyed under this power.

There was a huge pothole in the earth, which could be called destroying the sky and destroying the earth. Terrible void fluctuations swept through in all directions, enough to shock a Xuanxian, or even a golden immortal.

The secret world of this immortal cemetery seemed to be unable to withstand this power, and bursts of cracks appeared.

There is no doubt that under the urging of Xia Chuan, the innate magic weapon Kongtong Seal has increased its power countless times, like a golden immortal alive.

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