Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1475 Immortal transformation of human beings

"However, there is one more thing that I find very strange, and that is why the alien creatures with you have all turned into human beings. Is this some kind of magical technique?"

Xiong Batian, the chief of the bear clan, asked curiously.

In fact, when it saw the group of tourists today, it immediately felt a strong sense of disobedience, because other races other than the human race were also transformed into human appearances.

Generally speaking, before the rise of the human race, no one will take the shape of a human.

The bear clan is what the bear clan looks like.

The tiger clan is what the tiger clan looks like.

This is their most normal form, unless they are spies and want to invade other races to inquire about information, otherwise they cannot be transformed into other races.

Just like humans don't deliberately change into ants, insects and other creatures.

But now, it seems to be a common situation for other races to become humanoids.

"That's right, this is a kind of supreme immortal technique created by Emperor Xuanyuan—human transformation technique."

The tour guide Huang Yong said solemnly: "The ability of this immortal art is very simple, that is, it transforms the living beings of all ethnic groups into the appearance of human beings, with the characteristics and shapes of human beings.

Once transformed into human beings, the reproductive isolation of various ethnic groups will be completely broken, and all ethnic groups can intermarry freely and give birth to the next generation.


As soon as these words came out, the elders of the bear clan were shocked, and they simply did not dare to believe what their ears heard. It was unbelievable that this immortal technique could actually break the reproductive isolation.

You must know that before this, it was basically impossible for other ethnic groups to intermarry. Tiger, leopard, sheep, deer, horse, fish, etc., all had different bloodlines and different forms.

Even if they are combined with each other, it is impossible to produce offspring.

In the entire immortal world, there are very few creatures who can intermarry with ten thousand clans and give birth to offspring. Except for the dragon clan, there are basically not many.

Reproductive isolation is the norm for most races.

It is because of this that there are often conflicts between races and races, and they are almost irreconcilable. This is a genetic difference, which also creates discord among all ethnic groups.

But now, this immortal art can actually solve reproductive isolation and allow all races to intermarry. It is really incredible, beyond imagination.

"Why did Emperor Xuanyuan create such an immortal art?"

An elder of the bear clan couldn't help but ask, after all, how difficult it is to create a brand-new immortal technique, and he doesn't know how much effort and effort it will take.

What's more, this (babg) sect immortal technique does not have any offensive power, it is purely to transform the life of other races into human form, it is really incredible.

"It's very simple, the emperor is for the harmony of all races."

The tour guide Huang Yong explained: "Emperor Xuanyuan believed that the reason why thousands of tribes in the wild world have been fighting non-stop wars for countless years, and many races have become enemies of life and death, which cannot be resolved forever, is because of their different forms, reproductive and reproductive. The isolation leads to the isolation of the soul, and they can never understand each other.

If he was still alive, the Ten Thousand Races might still maintain the apparent peace, but once the Great Emperor passed away, the Ten Thousand Races would definitely fall apart, and the Ten Thousand Races War would happen again.

"Indeed. 39

Many elders of the bear clan couldn't help but nod in agreement. The peace of the ten thousand clans is only a short period of time. If the human clan does not have absolute strength to suppress the ten thousand clans, they will definitely be resisted by the ten thousand clans, and there will be tragic wars one after another.

Everyone wants to be the overlord of this world and occupy eternal interests.

"That's how the Immortal Humanization Technique was born?"

Xiong Batian, the chief of the bear clan, said solemnly.

"That's right.

The tour guide Huang Yong nodded: "Since the birth of the human transformation technique, the Great Emperor has forced every alien creature to learn this technique, starting from a young age, and is not allowed to walk on the streets in other forms.

As long as alien creatures want to appear on the streets, they must transform into human form, otherwise, they will violate the laws of the human race. The first time they are only criticized and educated, the second time they will be imprisoned. "

"Domineering, it is too domineering. Where does Emperor Xuanyuan want all races to coexist peacefully? He clearly wants to transform all races into human beings, so that there is only one race in this world, and that is the human race."

A bear clan elder couldn't help crying.

It immediately sensed Emperor Xuanyuan's sinister intentions. Every alien creature had to learn the art of human transformation. As long as it appeared in a public place, it needed to be transformed into a human form and transformed into a human form.

This is clearly intended to transform all races in the world into human races.

In the long run, there will be no other races in the entire wild world, only the human race.

Even if Emperor Xuanyuan dies in the future, there will only be human race left in the wild world. Even if a war really breaks out, it will only be an internal war, and no race can challenge the human race.

This is an extremely sinister plan, which is to use the blood of the human race to completely assimilate and integrate other races.

"Yes, this is the emperor's plan."

The tour guide Huang Yong nodded: "Since this plan appeared, the entire wild world has undergone earth-shaking changes, all alien races have been transformed into human races, and intermarriage with human races has produced a large number of mixed descendants.

They have transformed into bear people, tiger people, fox people, leopard people, fish people, rabbit people, etc. Although they still have the bloodline of the original race, they also began to have the bloodline of the human race, so these races naturally became the human race a part of. "5


The pupils of the elders of the bear clan shrank, they sensed Emperor Xuanyuan's terrifying means, and created an immortal technique, which disintegrated the resistance of the ten thousand clans without a fight.

Originally, there were countless races in the wild world. If the human race wanted to kill them all, it would be almost impossible. On the contrary, it might lead to huge hatred, which would outweigh the gains.

But now, using the power of human transformation, all races in the world have been transformed into human forms. Over time, every creature in the world has become a human race.

This silently integrates all races.

And at this moment, they truly felt the terror of Emperor Xuanyuan.

"It's amazing, it's really amazing. I heard that he used his own strength to bring the human race to the status of the overlord of the East Desolate, but he eliminated the devil. The disputes that the clan has had for countless years is really terrifying.

A great elder of the bear clan was shocked in his heart. He felt that his life was a waste of life. Compared with the great emperor Xuanyuan of the human clan, he was simply a scum.

People not only possess invincible strength, but also possess superior wisdom, which can unite countless people and destroy all enemies.

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