Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1476 The fusion of the wild races, the body and mind are in the shape of the human race

"Isn't there any aliens who refuse to promote humanization?"

Xiong Batian, the patriarch of the bear clan, couldn't help but ask, even they were aware of the horror of human transformation.

"Of course there were alien rejections, so they died. 35

The tour guide Huang Yong said solemnly.


Hearing this, many elders of the bear clan fell silent. Obviously, Emperor Xuanyuan not only has the heart of a bodhisattva, but also has the means of thunder. Those who obey me will live, and those who go against me will die.

It is true that there are races who will definitely be unhappy, but daring to jump out is a dead end.

Obviously, this is a method that Emperor Xuanyuan will definitely promote. Whoever dares to stop it will be the enemy of the human race, and whoever will be eradicated from the nine clans will not be able to give any favors.

Emperor Xuanyuan, who was killed, was definitely not the kind of softhearted person.

As long as you kill a lot, even if you don't agree, you have to agree.

"I'm afraid this will be another brutal fight.

The patriarch Xiong Batian said quietly.

"That's not true. It was only one or two races who came out to oppose it. It didn't cause too much trouble. Almost the vast majority of races agreed, so the history books didn't record much about it."

The tour guide Huang Yongdao.


Many elders of the bear clan were stunned. They thought that the resistance would definitely be fierce. After all, this was a desperate plan to destroy their bloodline. How could they not object.

"The devil's disaster, I'm afraid it's the result of the devil's disaster, but Emperor Xuanyuan chose a good time.

The patriarch of the bear clan, Xiong Batian, immediately knew the reason. The reason why the various clans in the wild world did not object strongly was naturally because of the demonic disaster.

Due to their heavy losses in the demonic disaster, they were almost about to be exterminated. Under such circumstances, facing the oppression of the human race, if they did not want to die or extinction, they had to agree to the requirements of the human race.

To be honest, few people would be willing to die if they could.

Even if such a person really exists, there is a high probability that they will die tragically in the calamity.

If all races are still in their prime, there will naturally be countless races to stand up against it, and it is impossible to perform this kind of human transformation. Isn't this nonsense?

However, when the Human Transformation Technique was promoted, it was just at the end of the demonic disaster, when the human race was in full swing, and all races lost all the strength to resist.

At this moment, they are extremely disgusted with war and yearn for peace, so they all surrendered to the human race and obtained the protection of the human race.

Even if they knew that this might destroy the future autonomy of the race, they had no choice but to do so.

Compared with life and death, these are actually nothing.

"I'm afraid this is also something that Emperor Xuanyuan had planned at the very beginning.

One of the elders said quietly, filled with emotion.

It can only be said that the human race has become the overlord of the wild world. It can be said that it deserves its name. It is not only luck, but also strength.

To blame can only blame their race for the absence of such existence as Emperor Xuanyuan.

"After 10,000 years of assimilation, I am afraid that now all ethnic groups have integrated into the blood of the human race, and each race has learned the art of human transformation. Patriarch Xiong Batian continued to ask.

"That's right.

The tour guide Huang Yong nodded: "Because all the tribes have left the caves where they originally lived, and their residences, they have settled in the cities of the human race, and they have completely integrated into the economic circle of the human race.

At the same time, each city has opened a large number of human race Taoist temples, and children of all ethnic groups need to enter Taoist temples to study, learn the corresponding cultural knowledge, and various magical techniques and so on.

It is precisely because of this that this is also an era of unprecedented integration of various ethnic groups. The gap between ethnic groups has basically disappeared, because everyone is a member of the human race.

He said that throughout the wild world, every city has a Taoist temple built by the human race, and the descendants of each race must go to the Taoist temple to study, otherwise there will be no graduation certificate.

At that time, even if you want to find a job in the society, no one will ask for it, which is equivalent to social death.

This also led to the fact that children of each race had to enter the Taoist academy to study.


Many elders of the bear clan were very stunned. This Emperor Xuanyuan not only assimilated all races by blood, but also assimilated all races in terms of education.

Because after the education and brainwashing of the human race teachers, I am afraid that the thoughts of all ethnic groups are exactly the same as those of the human race. It can be said that the body and mind of all ethnic groups have become the shape of the human race.

As for the bear clan, as a hidden race, unless they stay in the cave all their lives and cannot come out, as long as they want to come out to the outside world, they must integrate into the human race.

·0 for flowers ·.....

This is the general trend of the wild world, and it cannot be stopped at all.

The same is true of the mere bear clan.

Even if Emperor Xuanyuan is dead now, and the human race has no Dinghai Divine Needle, the human race is still the overlord of the wild world, unifying the world.

The bloodlines, thoughts, exercises and systems left by the other party have been integrated into all aspects of the wild world.

There is no doubt that even if the bear clan is born now, there is a high probability that it will not be able to shake the current human clan. It is like hitting a stone with an egg.

To be honest, now they all want to return to the Heavenly Paradise and continue to hide for millions of years, or even come out after tens of millions of years.

But Xiong Batian didn't think so.


Because the speed of the development of the human race is too fast, the strength of the wild tribes has also improved too fast.

If they continue to hide in this way and avoid the development of the general trend, then the bear clan will be eliminated by the times.

Don't look at the fact that Xuanxian seems to be the most powerful person in the wild world now.

But after a while, I am afraid that Xuanxian is nothing at all, it can only be ants. When that time comes, Jinxian, even Daluojinxian will be born.

Next, if the bear clan does not integrate into this era, any golden immortal is born, and the entire bear clan can be crushed to death.

"Fellow Daoist Huang, I would like to ask why the human race has developed so fast in these ten thousand years, but it has only been a mere ten thousand years. Why have so many immortals, even mysterious immortals, been born?"

Xiong Batian, the chief of the bear clan, was very curious about this.

After all, a person's growth also takes time. If there is not enough time to grow, how can one quickly improve one's own cultivation? Isn't this nonsense?

But now, the speed of the birth of immortals from the human race is simply beyond imagination.

"Well, naturally it has a great relationship with Xuanyuan City, the holy city of my human race. Perhaps you have long known the power of Xuanyuan City. It is called the City of Time by the world. 99

Fellow Daoist Huang Yong smiled slightly: "Staying in Xuanyuan City, a year has passed from the outside world, and a hundred years will have passed inside, and even in the last ten thousand years, the speed of time in Xuanyuan City has further accelerated. In the past ten thousand years, the flow of time has reached ten thousand times." Enter.

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