Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1528 Imprisoning the mountain god, the book of six reincarnations once again

On the other side, in the depths of the Xia clan city, many elders are also strictly monitoring the mountain gods in the distance, and the other party flew towards the Wu clan city at an extremely fast speed.

Everywhere along the way, all the vitality of the earth has been swallowed up, and many plants have withered quickly, as if they have been swallowed up with endless vitality, which can be called destroying everything.

This is the horror of falling into the evil spirit of the mountain god. Originally, this is the mountain god who regulates mountains, rivers, and spiritual veins, and can promote the development of a huge mountain range.

But now, the mountain god has instead become an evil god who devours the vitality of the mountain range. It kills chickens and retrieves eggs, constantly extracting the vitality from the depths of the earth, turning this area into a desert.

Any ferocious beast near this mountain god will be swallowed up and turned into a mummified corpse.

This scene made countless souls tremble with fear and trembling.

"What did the patriarch say? Another mountain god is flying towards us? Do we need to retreat? 35

An elder of the Wu clan asked nervously, to be honest, any race would be frightened when faced with a saint-level 10th mountain god, and if they were not careful, they would exterminate their clan.

If it was the Xia clan from ten thousand years ago, there is a high probability that the aftermath would shock them to death.

Of course, if there is no support from the patriarch, now at most it can support a few breaths.

"Don't worry, the patriarch discovered this mountain god from the beginning, and the patriarch warned in advance. The patriarch said that there was no need to retreat, and a mere mountain god was nothing. 39

Another elder opened his mouth and said the order from the patriarch Xia Chuan.

"So it turns out, it seems that the patriarch has a plan."

"What is the strength of the patriarch? Is it not even the Heretic God?"

"Could it be that the patriarch has become a saint? So why is he not afraid of mountain gods?"

"How can it be so fast, in a mere ten thousand years, even if the patriarch contains the blood of the ancestors, it is impossible to progress so fast, and it still takes a lot of time to cultivate in order to improve the cultivation base. 55

"If this is the case, what means will the patriarch use?"

"I don't know, we'll just have to wait and see, this is not a battle we can mix.

Many elders of the Xia clan had a lot of discussions. Although they were all a little panicked when they heard about the mountain god’s attack, they were relieved after hearing the order from the patriarch.

In their eyes, the patriarch is an omnipotent existence, and the mere mountain god is nothing at all.

Of course, if even the patriarch couldn't resist it, not to mention the others.

At this moment, Xia Chuan, who was sitting in Wucheng, also felt that the mountain god was flying fast.

I saw that the depths of the opponent's pupils were filled with endless black, which had been completely eroded by the power of huge resentment and evil thoughts, and obviously completely lost his reason.

This mountain god only has pure instinct left. To act by instinct, it senses that Wucheng contains a huge breath of life, so it rushes over, trying to swallow up the entire Wuzu billions of people and take it for itself. .

"Master, how are you going to deal with this mountain god?"

The Book of Omniscience asked curiously.

"Well, if you use the Pangu scriptures and combine the power of five billion witch warriors, you might be able to fight against one, but the damage and movement caused are too great, and it may attract the attention of other saints. The situation of the clan may fall into the eyes of the caring people, so it is better to make a quick decision."

Xia Chuan touched her chin.

He knows that the prehistoric world is a world where saints are rampant. With his current strength, he is still unable to run rampant, nor can he push the entire prehistoric world horizontally. He still has to be a low-key person.

Therefore, he intends to solve this sage-level mountain god as soon as possible, so as not to expose the situation of the Wu clan, thus provoke unpredictable danger.

"Could it be that you plan to use the Heavenly Venerate spell, Master?"

Hearing this, the Book of Omniscient immediately knew Xia Chuan's plan, knowing that for the safety of the avatar, the main body gave the avatar three Heavenly Venerate-level spells as the trump card of the avatar.

When I was in the wild world, I used it once, imprisoned hundreds of millions of demons, and saved the wild world. Of course, the harvest is also very huge.

However, the power of this Heavenly Venerate spell has not been completely consumed, and it can be used fifty times.

"That's right, the hole card must be used when it should be used, and it cannot be left in the hand.

Xia Chuan nodded, anyway, he can communicate with the body at any time, and with the help of the power of the body, to a certain extent, he has Tianzun as his backing, why should he be on an equal footing with these guys.


Thinking of this, he did not hesitate, and a Heavenly Venerate technique was displayed in an instant.

The Book of Six Paths of Reincarnation!

In an instant, a huge book of reincarnation appeared in the air, filled with endless power of reincarnation, forming a huge dark vortex, which produced an unparalleled suction.


This sage-level mountain god was originally extremely arrogant, attacking and killing the Wuzu city, wanting to swallow five billion Wuzu warriors to satisfy his appetite.

But in the next second, its huge body was unable to even struggle.


In an instant, this mountain god was swallowed into the book by the book of reincarnation, and it was also imprisoned on one of the pages, turning into a pattern.

I saw a black boar roaring, eyes full of madness and terrifying evil thoughts.

But no matter how 410 it struggles, it cannot break free from this book of reincarnation, and can only be imprisoned in this book of six reincarnations forever.


Immediately afterwards, the book returned to Xia Chuan's hands, and many demons and five evil gods were already imprisoned in it.

In fact, after ten thousand years, it was not only the mountain god who tried to destroy the Wuzu city, but also other evil gods, but they were all secretly sealed by him and imprisoned in the Book of Six Paths of Reincarnation.

Without this Heavenly Venerate technique, I am afraid that he would not be able to resist the danger of the flooded world.

In a word, the prehistoric world is a high-level map, and I am just a big Luo Jinxian who has just left the novice village. How can I compete with these saint-level gods?

Fortunately, he has the body as a backer and has the means of Tianzun, which is also a dimensionality reduction blow.

But even so, this spell can only be used fifty times. Once it ends, the power of this spell will naturally collapse, and these evil gods can no longer be imprisoned.

But for Xia Chuan, it's nothing, if the magic power really disappears, then these evil gods can be thrown into the Xuanhuang universe.

Once the Heretic God came to other universes, he would completely lose his power, turn into a mortal, and be instantly suppressed by the huge cosmic power, and in the end he would only turn into some crazy animals, unable to set off any storms.

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