Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1529 The Wu clan has the fighting power of the ancestors, and the Wu clan has risen complete

At this moment, many race elders are also paying attention to the dynamics of this matter, and immediately they saw that the mountain god who had fallen into madness was captured in an instant and disappeared without a trace, and there was no war.

This scene is beyond everyone's expectations, it is simply stunned.

"What the hell is going on here? Where is the mountain god? Where did the mountain god go?

You Quansheng couldn't believe it. Originally, he wanted to see how the Wu clan fought against the mountain god, and wanted to know what the current strength of the Wu clan was and whether they could resist the power of the evil god.

But in the next second, a mysterious book appeared, grabbed the mountain god in an instant, and disappeared from everyone's sight.

They had never seen a heretic god who lost his mind. It was incredible that he could be captured so easily.

"I don't know, it seems that a mysterious force suddenly appeared just now and captured this mountain god. 99

"What a joke, who took the sage and took the saint? Could it be that a certain sage failed?"

"The luck of the witches is too good, they actually met a saint who shot and saved them. 99

"Hehe, don't be stupid, how could there be such a coincidence in the world? The saint didn't act late, and he didn't act late, but it was only at this time that he made it clear that he planned to protect the Wu clan."

"True or false, what kind of saint protects the Wu clan? Could it be that the Wu clan really gave birth to the ancestral witch?

Numerous quasi-sages were talking about it and felt unbelievable.

They are not idiots either. If they can resist the existence of mountain gods, they must be saints. Except for saints, no one can resist the power of evil gods.

Even a quasi-sage is just an ant in front of the Heretic God, not worth mentioning at all.

But they also couldn't believe that the witch clan, who had always been incomparably weak, actually gave birth to a saint-level ancestral witch at this moment, which was really incredible.

If the Wu clan really gave birth to the ancestral witch, how could such a tragic situation occur?

"It seems that the Wu clan has really risen. No matter whether this mysterious saint is an ancestor witch, or has obtained the protection of other saints, I am afraid that the Wu clan is already qualified to survive in the wild land.

A quasi-sage said quietly.

To be honest, without the protection of saints in the prehistoric world, it is simply impossible to move an inch, and any disaster may lead to the annihilation of the dead.

The problem is that it is not easy to obtain the protection of saints. After all, the number of saints is not particularly large. They will only protect their own race and will not pay attention to other races at all.

Unless you voluntarily become a vassal race and enslave other saint races, you don't even want to get the protection of saints.

It is because of this that many weak races do not want to lose their freedom, nor are they willing to be enslaved by other races, and would rather die under natural disasters and evil gods.

Of course, there is a price to be paid for such rebelliousness. If there is a disaster, no saint will come to protect them from the disaster.

Every year, it is unknown how many tribes, how many races are killed and injured, or even genocide.

"Yes, this land is really going to be turned upside down, and there is one more saint-level race. 35

"In any case, the witch clan also has a background, the former saint race also had ancestor witches, and it is simply incomparable with other races.

"That's right, if it wasn't for the war in the ancient times, maybe the Wu clan was also a powerful race in the prehistoric world and wouldn't be reduced to the level it is today.

"It can only be said that time is also fate. It seems that the Wu clan has also risen again and regained its former glory."

Many quasi-sages were discussing one after another, and their faces were very complicated.

Because if there is one more saint-level race and power in this area, it will definitely cause a huge problem of distribution of benefits, which will also compress the living space of other races.

But even so, facing the power of saints, they are helpless, this is no longer a terrorist force that they can stop, and the two sides are not at the same level for a long time.

One by one, they quickly dispelled their bad thoughts about the Wu clan.

On the other hand, within the Wu clan, many elders were ecstatic when they saw the mountain god being captured, because this eliminated an unimaginable catastrophe and saved the lives of countless Wu clan warriors.

"That's great, the patriarch took action and solved the mountain god.

Some elders laughed and were very happy.

"What kind of magical power did you use just now? You actually captured the mountain god in an instant, and you don't need us to contribute any power?" Some elders were stunned and felt incredible.

He originally thought that the patriarch would need to use his real body Pangu to integrate the power of more than five billion people, but he didn't expect that the patriarch did not intend to use his real body.

No one would have believed such absurd things could happen if they hadn't seen it with their own eyes.

". `Do you still need to ask? The patriarch must have used the divine power of his own destiny, a technique involving the law of time, otherwise it would not be so terrifying and could easily capture a mountain god.

"True or false, the patriarch seems to be nothing more than Daluo Jinxian, can he be able to compete with the saint?"

"Just kidding, the patriarch has the blood of the ancestral witch, and it is a matter of course to become the ancestral witch in the future. Don't look at the patriarch's current status as a big Luo Jinxian, but his combat power is comparable to that of a quasi-sage."

"It can only be compared to a quasi-sage, not necessarily a saint. What kind of tactics did the patriarch use?"

"Who knows, this is the trump card of the patriarch, we have no way of knowing what the patriarch is unwilling to say, but the stronger the patriarch, the more benefits it will bring to us. 35

"That's right, with the patriarch here, even if we are as safe as a mountain, we don't need to fear these evil gods at all.

"In fact, similar things have happened before. In recent years, it is not only the mountain gods who attacked our Wu clan, but there are many other evil gods, but the patriarch secretly took action and solved these evil gods. "

"No way, isn't this mountain god the first evil god to attack our witch clan? Other evil gods came to attack before, why didn't we find it?

"Well, it's naturally the patriarch's credit, the patriarch didn't want these things to affect the development of the Wu clan, nor did he want to affect your cultivation, so he solved the evil gods alone.

"My God, is the patriarch really just Da Luo Jinxian? Shouldn't he have become a saint long ago?"

"I don't know, but there is no doubt about the strength of the patriarch. He must be the strongest of our Wu tribe. With the protection of the patriarch, we don't need to fear those evil gods."

Many elders of the Wu clan were talking about it, and they were simply ecstatic.

They felt an endless sense of security, and with the protection of the patriarch Xia Chuan, the city of the witch tribe was the best safe place.

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