Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1553 The World Is The Same, The Rise Of The Witch Clan Is The Arrangement Of Fate

"It's no wonder that I suddenly felt angry in my heart just now, which is very unusual.

A saint's face was ugly: "Even if the witch race really wants to become the overlord of the prehistoric world, so what, which race in the prehistoric world has no similar ideas, why am I so annoyed? It's like a powder keg, just tap it It just exploded, which is incredible.

Looking at it now, we have been confused by the power of calamity just now, causing us to be slightly touched, and we will be angry and do some impulsive things, which will bring us disaster. "

It felt bursts of fear in its heart. After all, it has reached its state, and its Dao heart has long been extremely strong, and ordinary demons cannot shake itself.

But now, when the catastrophe comes, all kinds of demons swarm out, and they can't be suppressed at all.

Obviously, the current threat is not the witch clan, but the ubiquitous Xingzhu Zhili.

"As I said a long time ago, the amount of heaven and earth is terrifying. Even if a saint wants to get through, there is not much. If he can't get through, he will die and return to heaven and earth."

An ancient 02 old saint said faintly: "Don't think that after becoming a saint, you can sit back and relax and gain eternal life. In fact, when all kinds of disasters strike, we will also be wiped out."

It has survived for too long. It has seen several calamities in the world, and even when the two Heavenly Venerables were fighting each other, it still existed. It can be said that it is used to seeing the vicissitudes of life.

However, there are many new saints born in this generation. They have never seen the horror of the world's calamity, and they think that they can sweep everything away when they become saints.

As everyone knows, compared with the general trend of the world, a mere saint is still nothing.

So it always maintains awe of the universe, and does not dare to underestimate it.

"If that's the case, what should we do?"

Some saints frowned, very puzzled.

"Now there are only two ways."

The ancient sage said in a deep voice: "The first method is to join the Measurable Tribulation, compete with the clan that should be robbed, and become a part of the Measuring Tribulation. If you can win, then after the Measuring Tribulation is over, you will get infinite luck and even become a part of the world." Protagonist, when the time comes, your cultivation will go a step further and you will get a huge promotion.

But the shortcomings are also obvious, because in the midst of the catastrophe, all calculations will be invalid, and even the mind will be confused. Even if a saint enters the game, he will die and disappear, which is extremely dangerous.

The second method is to hide from the world, hide immediately, cut off all cause and effect, even if it is one's relatives and friends, ignore the demise of one's own race, cut off all cause and effect

Unfeeling wins.

In this way, all kinds of causes and effects will not be added to the body, and the calamity will not be added to the body. After the calamity of heaven and earth is over, you will be born again to clean up the mess.

Of course, if this happens, your race, and even your relatives and friends may be wiped out, completely disappeared in this universe, and will no longer exist.

It looked at the saints around it, and gave two ways to get through the world star survey.


Hearing this, many saints were silent. There is no doubt that no matter which of these two methods is used, there will be huge side effects, especially the second method.

Although they can cut off all causes and effects by avoiding them, although they are saints, they are still human beings, and they still have the seven emotions and six desires.

The most important thing is that there are still many descendants of their own in the race, and it is impossible for them to watch their bloodlines cut off, and it is impossible for them to watch their descendants die.

So it seems that cutting off cause and effect is very simple, but it is extremely difficult. If it is really that easy, then everyone can be ruthless. "It is a pity that there are very few people who can really do this.

Of course, it is not that no saint can do it.

For example, those ancient sages, because they lived for too long, caused their race, and the people they knew had long since died in the calamity of heaven and earth.

It is because of this that the cause and effect on them have been cut off long ago, and there is not much left. For such an ancient saint, it is not difficult to avoid this calamity.

However, the first method is not so simple.

Seeing the situation just now, you will know that hundreds of saints were killed in the city of the Wu Clan, but they were killed by the Wu Clan, resulting in the fall of hundreds of saints, which can be called a heavy loss

They didn't even test out where the limit of the witch clan was.

They also don't know what means and power the Wu Clan has mastered. There is no doubt that it is basically impossible to exterminate the Wu Clan now.

It is because of this that even if they really join the mass calamity, they are still close to death, and even their race may not be able to survive.

It can be said that these two methods are extremely difficult choices.

"It seems that we have no choice but to get the Wu Clan."

A saint said quietly.

"That's right, I thought that the witch clan hadn't born a saint yet, so it should be relatively simple to solve, but now it seems that our thinking is too simple."

"This is also a matter of course. If it is really so easy to solve the Yingjie clan, then they are not the Yingjie clan. Now the Wu clan has obtained the protection of the infinite luck of the world. Before the luck is completely exhausted, the Wu clan It is impossible for the Wu clan to be wiped out, even if they encounter various crises, the Wu clan will turn danger into good luck and gain huge benefits."

"It's true. Under the protection of heaven and earth's luck, even saints don't want to kill them. Under the influence of luck, if we dare to have the idea of ​​massacring the witch clan, we will definitely suffer disaster. , encounter all kinds of disasters, and even various accidents, preventing us from dealing with the witch clan."

"If that's the case, what are we going to do?"

"It's impossible to destroy the witch clan, at least we have no choice but to let the creatures under the saints take action, so as to avoid the influence of the power of luck."

"In this case, we must unite with other races to agree on a countermeasure against the Wu Clan. We must completely suppress the Wu Clan. Even if we can't destroy the Wu Clan, we can't let the Wu Clan develop so fast. It will be more terrifying than imagined."

"Call more saints to discuss this matter. This is a crisis affecting the entire prehistoric world. If you are a little careless, you don't know how many races will fall and how many saints will die.

Many sages talked one after another, and their faces were incomparably dignified.

They perceive that in the dark, endless calamities are surging, and layers of thick black curtains are spreading, overwhelming, like a big net, covering every corner of the prehistoric world, no one can escape, it is all destiny. Worms in the net. .

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