Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1554 The Catastrophe Affecting All Ethnic Groups In The Prehistoric And Desolate, The War Th

At this moment, the shock caused by the fall of many saints is not just that. In addition to the saints knowing this, the elders of many races also know this.

They are more nervous than saints. After all, this is closely related to themselves and is the key to life and death.

Every time the calamity of heaven and earth occurs, saints may not die, but as ordinary people, at least 90% of them die, and no one knows whether they are among the 90% of casualties.

"According to what the ancestor said, the fall of the sage and the arrival of the catastrophe will affect every race and every corner of the prehistoric world without exception, and the Wu clan is one of the protagonists of this catastrophe. "

A patriarch said in a deep voice: "That is to say, at present we only have two choices. One is to fight against the Wu Clan and stand on the opposite side of the Wu Clan. The other is to ally with the Wu Clan. How should we choose?"

It looked at many elders, and wanted to hand over the right to choose to many elders in the clan. After all, this was related to the future of the clan, and the responsibility was heavy, so no one dared to make a decision lightly.

"Fight against the Wu Clan? The current Wu Clan is covered by the luck of heaven and earth. Before hundreds of saints killed the Wu Clan, they were all killed, and they couldn't escape. How can our strength win the Wu Clan? "

"That's right, this is the clan of Yingjie. Before the luck disappears, any race that dares to destroy the Wu clan will encounter all kinds of bad luck."

"That is to say, in the early stage, we absolutely can't compete with the Wu Clan who are in full swing, we must avoid their edge, otherwise, we may become a stepping stone for the Wu Clan, and be killed by the Wu Clan."

"It's true. If you want to fight against the Wu Clan, you must consume as much luck as possible. When the Wu Clan's luck is exhausted, the Wu Clan will not be afraid."

"Hehe, it sounds nice to say that the current Wu Clan is in full swing, and their luck is constantly accumulating. If you want to kill all the luck of the Wu Clan, it will be easier said than done and how long it will take."

"Stupid, this is a catastrophe that affects the entire prehistoric world. The duration must be extremely long, and it may exceed hundreds of millions of years. Of course, we cannot rush

We need to think long term. "

Many elders discussed one after another, and their faces were very dignified.

After they heard the news about the Wu Clan, they immediately discussed countermeasures. Even if the Wu Clan did not have a saint, the power possessed by the other party was enough to protect the Wu Clan's safety, so that the Wu Clan would not be wiped out by the saint.

It is because of this that with their strength, they don't want to shake the rule of the Wu Clan, and even need to avoid their edge, otherwise they will definitely become the stepping stones of the Wu Clan, and they will be killed by the Wu Clan.

"If this is the case, then we might as well seek refuge with the Wu tribe and use the luck of the Wu tribe to develop our race. In this way, we can hitch a ride and develop rapidly

"Hehe, there is no such cheap thing in the world. Don't look at the fact that we enjoy the luck of the Wu Clan now, but if the involvement gets deeper, once it reaches the later stage, we will no longer be able to get rid of it. When the Wu Clan perishes, we will also Then it perishes, and it is impossible to avoid it."

"That's right, don't look at the witch clan is now in full swing, no one dares to provoke them, but if they can't survive the calamity of the world, they will disappear in this world sooner or later."

"Indeed, the more terrifying the luck you get now, the more terrifying the catastrophe that will erupt after the calamity is over. At that time, the witch clan will definitely not be able to resist it, and will be entangled in evil forces

"We can take refuge in the Wu Clan, but we must not take refuge too deeply, otherwise, when the catastrophe breaks out, we, as a vassal race of the Wu Clan, will definitely not be able to please.

Many elders feel that it is not a good thing to take refuge in the Wu Clan. After all, every time the Tribulation Clan is fierce at the beginning, it is invincible and invincible.

But after the equivalent calamity is over, it will be wiped out in an instant, with heavy losses, and even genocide.

In short, this kind of family that should be robbed is like Chen Sheng and Wu Guang, who are the pioneers of the king.

The opponent is equivalent to setting off the prelude to the calamity of the world, but it is not the power that will finally win the world.

It is because of this that they are hesitant and do not want to bet their race on the Wu Clan.

"I think that instead of relying on this or that, it's better for us to do it ourselves. Why can the witch clan become a clan that should be tribulated, but we can't be a clan that should be tribulated?"

An elder said: "If we also become the clan of Yingjie, we will also be enveloped by the luck of heaven and earth, and then we can compete with the witch clan for hegemony in the world and obtain infinite resources.

It squeezed its fists, and its eyes showed raging ambition.

As one of the countless prehistoric races, they naturally want to unify the prehistoric world and become the protagonists of the world. In this way, the luck of the entire world will be gathered, and the race will develop to an unimaginable level.

The problem is, this opportunity never existed before.

After all, this is a world where gods and demons are rampant, and saints are rampant. What is a mere race? It is those saints who can really determine the future fate of the prehistoric world.

Therefore, no race was qualified to unify the prehistoric world before.

But now it is different, the calamity of heaven and earth broke out, causing the chaos of the heavens, the saints retreated from the world one after another, no longer appearing in the world, so that all kinds of ambitious people can be born out of nowhere

In the era when the saints did not appear, the quasi-sages were the absolute overlords, and they were qualified to fight for hegemony in the world.

"Becoming a tribulation clan? Is such a thing possible?"

"It must be possible. After all, the Wu Clan can do it, why can't we do it?"

"That's right, we can also occupy a large number of sites, build altars, pray to heaven, and gather luck."

"The problem is that it may not be a good thing to become a family of the tribulation, and we may be unlucky in the end.

"Stupid, don't we become a clan that should meet the calamity, and don't gather the luck of the heavens and the earth, can we avoid the calamity of the heaven (King Zhao) and the earth? Anyone who does so will be beaten and reformed.

"That's true. Before, it was the era when the princes were fighting for hegemony, and the major races each occupied their own area. But now, it is estimated that a race that will unify the world will really be born.

"If this is the case, it's no wonder that this calamity of heaven and earth will be so terrifying, sweeping every saint. It seems that the saints also know the violence of this catastrophe, so they flee from the world one after another. "Don't dare to be contaminated by the power of calamity."

There was a gleam of coldness in the eyes of many elders. They seemed to see the vast general trend and the turmoil in the prehistoric world for countless years in the future. Unbelievable wars were about to break out

This war will last for hundreds of millions of years, and no one can avoid it.

At the same time, all major races in the prehistoric world, no matter they are strong or weak, are discussing this matter one after another, and they also began to go to the gambling table and place their own chips. .

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