Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1572 Changchunzong's Plan Is To Ascend To The Prehistoric World Again

It didn't take long for this group of immortals from the fairy world to be quickly arrested under the suppression of Zhou Tianxing's formation.

Although some immortals would rather die than submit, most of them are discouraged. The higher the cultivation base, the more afraid of death.

After all, it took them such a long time to cultivate to the point where they are today, and to obtain a long lifespan, how could they be willing to die silently like this.

The so-called death is worse than life, they also surrendered to the people of Changchun Sect, they were put in shackles, their cultivation base was sealed, and then they were suppressed by the disciples of Changchun Sect, and they were imprisoned in the sky prison, and they would be dealt with later.

And Lin Wanxi, the God of Reincarnation, and the Taoist Kunyang were also among them, and they also changed their appearance and became members of the elders of the Changchun Sect. Naturally, they also saw this scene.

"My lord, I really didn't expect that in a million years, the Changchun sect has grown to the "five-three-three" state it is today, and many allied forces of the fairy world have been easily defeated.

Even the master of the Changchun sect has surpassed me in cultivation. "

Taoist Kunyang's expression was very complicated.

I remember that when he first arrived at the Changchun Sect, the Changchun Sect's lord was only a Golden Immortal Realm cultivator. At this level of cultivation, he could poke him to death with a single finger.

But now, 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi, on the contrary, the cultivation base of the Changchun Sect Master is the latecomer. The current Changchun Sect Master does not need to use any magic weapon, and any formation can stab himself to death with one finger.

He could sense the terrifying cultivation and aura of the Changchun Sect Master, who was almost one step away from a saint.

Such a junior, who has practiced for only a million years, has grown so rapidly.

In contrast, I have lived for such a long time, as if I lived in vain.

At this moment, he didn't know what kind of feeling he was feeling, and his heart was extremely complicated.

"This is the Son of Destiny. He has been protected by the luck of the universe and has grown extremely fast. It is not comparable to ordinary people. You don't need to compare with him. The other party is a rare talent in the universe for countless years. It's not just that you can't compare. There are not many in the universe who can match him.

Lin Wanxi, the God of Reincarnation, said.


Hearing this, Taoist Kunyang twitched the corners of his mouth. He didn't know what to say. Although he knew that his master was trying to comfort him, why did it sound so unpleasant?

However, he is not an ordinary quasi-sage, he has lived for countless years, and his Taoist heart has long been stable. It was just a sigh of relief just now, and he quickly returned to his original state.

"However, my lord, your cultivation has almost recovered to that of a quasi-sage, and you are not far from a saint. Are you planning to ascend to the prehistoric realm?" Taoist Kunyang asked curiously.

He knew that his master used to be Tianzun, and for her, becoming a saint was just a matter of course, not a hurdle at all.

If his master wanted to become a saint, he would probably be able to fly happily today.

"Not in a hurry."

Lin Wanxi, the God of Reincarnation, waved his hand: "Ascension to the Primordial Realm is a simple matter, but it will inevitably expose your whereabouts. If I guessed correctly, the Supreme Being of Life has already ascended to the Primordial Realm, and the other party is waiting for me to ascend to the Primordial Realm Woolen cloth.

There is no doubt that once I plan to ascend, my whereabouts will be exposed immediately, and the life god will directly kill me at that time, so I can't ascend now, I must choose the right time. "

She knows how fierce her old opponent is, and although the opponent can't find her whereabouts now, as long as she really ascends through the tribulation, she will definitely not be able to hide it.

Because the promotion of each saint will trigger a catastrophe, and there is no way to hide it. When the time comes, the entire fairy world, and even the universe, will know her whereabouts.

If his traces are exposed, then he may be attacked by the enemy at any time.

Obviously, the life god is waiting for the moment when she ascends to the prehistoric world, she will not be fooled so easily.

"The right time? When is the right time?"

Taoist Kunyang asked curiously.

"Originally, my plan was to cultivate a group of saints who can ascend to the prehistoric world, and everyone ascends collectively. In this way, I can mix in it. No matter how powerful the life god is, I can't lock so many saints who ascend, but I didn't expect to be born Such an outlier in the Changchun Realm may be able to hang out in the Changchun Sect and wait for Changchun Song Fei to ascend to the Honghuang Realm."

Lin Wanxi, the God of Reincarnation, touched her chin.

"My lord, no way, is the lord of the Changchun Sect really planning to bring the Changchun Realm to the Primordial Realm? This is too exaggerated. Since ancient times, no immortal has been able to do this. 11

Taoist Kunyang obviously also knew the next plan of Xia Chuan, the suzerain of Changchun Sect, which is to bring the entire Changchun Realm to the prehistoric realm, and realize the collective ascension of Changchun Sect once again..

The problem is that after countless years since the birth of the fairy world, a quasi-sage once survived the catastrophe, ascended to the prehistoric world, and became a saint.

But there is no world that can survive the catastrophe and ascend to the prehistoric world.

Because the difficulty of bringing a world to the prehistoric world and ascending through the tribulation is completely different from the difficulty of personally ascending through the tribulation.

After all, it is extremely difficult for an individual to become a saint. It is simply impossible for countless people to ascend to the prehistoric world.

There has never been any immortal in history who can do this, even with the assistance of a saint, it is impossible.

When he heard about such a plan, he immediately felt that the Changchun Sect Master was simply a lunatic, and he often did such whimsical things, which was unbelievable.

However, this is just his personal thought. For the disciples of Changchun Sect, they feel that this is a matter of course, and it is not a big deal.

Because from the time of the human world, the Changchun sect has soared all the way. From the human world to the spiritual world, and then from the spiritual world to the fairy world, it has experienced two ascensions.

Basically, many disciples and elders of the Changchun Sect have long respected the suzerain like a god. No matter what kind of plan they propose, they all feel that it will definitely be successful.

In short, they have never seen the suzerain fail, so they 5.6 naturally support without hesitation.

"Haha, so this is the difference between ordinary people and geniuses. Ordinary people are always afraid of many difficulties. Before they have done something, they begin to think that it is impossible to complete. But geniuses, although they have many whimsical ideas, are often This kind of thinking and this kind of action can create miracles. Every saint, even Tianzun, who is not an evildoer who can break through the routine. If you stick to the rules and follow the old ways, there is no way to go further. This is what you lack. "

Lin Wanxi, the God of Reincarnation, said quietly.


Hearing this, Taoist Kunyang faintly throbbed in his heart, as if he had fallen into a state of epiphany. He felt that the bottleneck that had troubled him for many years began to loosen at this moment.

Perhaps once you realize it, it is time for you to be sanctified. .

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