Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1573 Shaking The Immortal Alliance, Changchunzong Is The Ghost Of The Protoss

a day later.

The news of the collapse of the coalition forces of many forces in the fairy world, and the death of three thousand quasi-sages, spread throughout the fairy world like a hurricane, and was known by countless forces, causing a huge shock.

Because this is an unprecedented loss for the Alliance of Ten Thousand Clans. Even if it is a war with the Heavenly Demon Clan and the Protoss Clan, it has not lost so many quasi-sages.

After all, after being promoted to the quasi-sage realm, not only the strength has been greatly improved, but more importantly, the life-saving ability has also been greatly enhanced.

The fall of even one quasi-sage is enough to cause a huge shock, not to mention the death of three thousand quasi-sages. For the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races, it will definitely cause a reshuffle of countless forces.

For those forces that have lost the protection of the quasi-sage, it is undoubtedly a disaster.

"How is it possible? This time the alliance dispatched 3,000 warships, 3,000 quasi-sages, and countless immortals, just to take over a world that ascended from the spirit world. Why did it cause such a loss?"

You Zhunsheng felt incredible, and felt that it was really ridiculous.

Because no immortal could have expected this kind of thing to happen. To everyone, 02, this was just an ordinary action.

No one would have believed this would have happened if it hadn't been for the message coming back.

"It can only be said that we really underestimate Changzong, but this time we are only going to conquer Changchun Realm and want to dominate Changchun Realm, the world that has ascended, but for Changchun Sect, our behavior is no less than an invasion. They just wanted to destroy the Changchun Sect, so Changchun Chong strongly resisted."

Another quasi-sage said quietly: "And our people must also be arrogant and domineering. If the Changchun Realm is occupied by us, the fate of those Changchun sect people will definitely not be so good. It is only natural for conflicts to break out.

It's a pity that we all underestimated the Changchun sect, and completely regarded this sect as an ant, which can be disposed of at will. Who knows that the other party has grown into a colossus long ago, and even a quasi-sage can kill it. "


Many immortals are silent, they naturally know the thoughts of those quasi-sages and immortals, even if they passed by themselves, there is a high probability that they will think so.

They are mere immortals who have ascended from the spirit world, and their cultivation is only a million years, and their cultivation base is at most a fairyland, and it is impossible for them to be their opponents.

According to their estimates, the Changchun Sect will definitely be destroyed, and the Changchun Realm will not be occupied by them, or changed to another name, obliterating the history and achievements of the Changchun Sect

Who would have imagined that the strength of the Changchun Sect was terribly messed up. Not only was it not destroyed, but it fought back and killed three thousand quasi-sages.

Even the immortals who were dispatched there were arrested, reduced to slaves, and mined in the mine.

In short, those disciples who went to the Changchun Sect will be as miserable as they are now, and they will be as miserable as they are.

Many immortals were still secretly glad that they did not go to the Changchun Sect, otherwise they would definitely be the ones who were unlucky.

"Then what should we do now? Killing the three thousand quasi-sages is simply an enemy of our alliance. This matter must not be left alone. Changchunzong must pay the price

Youzhun Sheng let out a cry of anger, gnashing his teeth, extremely resentful.

Because among the three thousand quasi-sages who died, there were his best friends. Now that his best friend has died, he feels extremely sad and wants his best friend to take revenge.

"That's right, Changchun Sect is really too arrogant. Even if we did something wrong, we shouldn't be beheading our three thousand quasi-sages. These guys just did it. It's obvious that they want to ally with us For the enemy."

Some immortals roared, wanting to maintain the dignity of the alliance, indicating that this matter must not be tolerated.

Otherwise, what is the dignity of the alliance? No race will value the alliance in the future.

"To be honest, now I wonder if this Changchun sect is a spy sent by the gods. Is the demon barrier surrounding the spirit world really that easy to break through? Could it be that the demons released water to let them pass through?"

Some immortals doubted the origin of the Changchun sect, and even felt that the Changchun sect betrayed the human race, joined the gods, and became the inner ghost of the alliance, so they were able to ascend to the fairy world.

Otherwise, he didn't think of any way to make the world of the spirit world ascend to the fairy world.

Coupled with the demise of the three thousand quasi-sages, it confirmed his guess that there must be something wrong with the Changchun sect, maybe it is the inner ghost of the gods, and the purpose is to destroy the alliance and help the gods dominate the fairy world.

"It's not impossible. In short, there is indeed a big problem with the Changchun School. The reason why it was able to kill three thousand quasi-sages may be that there are many quasi-sage-level protoss hidden in the world. When we pass by, Just kill the killer, there is no doubt that Changchun Realm may be a trap targeting the alliance."

A fairy said firmly.

Now he feels more and more that the Changchun sect may be a traitor to the alliance, because only this explanation can explain why only the Changchun sect has been able to soar for countless years.

There is basically no other explanation for why the three thousand quasi-sages can't defeat the disciples of the Changchun sect who have only practiced for a million years, except that the Changchun sect is the inner ghost of the gods.

"But all of this is just our speculation. If the Changchun Sect is not the inner ghost of the Protoss, but also a member of our alliance, if it attacks the Changchun Realm, wouldn't it push Changchun Chong to the Protoss?"

"Hehe, whether Changchunzong 513 is a ghost or not, we will know when we attack Changchun Realm. If they are captured without a fight, let us conduct a soul search and hand over all the treasures on us, maybe we can prove their innocence."

"Having been searched by us? You have to hand over your treasures? Isn't this putting life and death on us? It is impossible for the Changchun Sect to agree to such a thing."

"If you don't agree, we will start a war. There is nothing to say. The death of three thousand quasi-sages and the deaths of many immortals are absolutely impossible. Even if we agree, many quasi-sages in the alliance will not agree."

"The problem is that Changchunzong's strength is unfathomable. Since the opponent can kill three thousand quasi-sages, it means that the opponent's strength is not trivial. If the alliance is careless, more elites and even quasi-sages may die."

"So this time our alliance has to come out with all its strength and defeat the Changchun Sect with a thunderbolt, and not give them any chance to resist. This is the best policy.

"This matter is too important, and it is not something we can decide. We must convene an alliance meeting, let the quasi-sages attend, and let the quasi-sages decide what to do next.

Many alliance elders talked a lot, and their faces were dignified.

They knew that after this battle, the entire fairy world would undergo earth-shaking changes, and countless forces would be reshuffled because of this. This must be an unprecedented battle. .

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