Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1597 Unify The Government Of The Fairy World, Civil Servants In Heaven

"My lord, what kind of organization is Heavenly Court? Could it be the power that rules the fairy world?"

Zhao Lin asked curiously.

He had been hearing the term Tianting just now, even when he was in the spirit world, he had heard the name of Tianting, it seemed that this was a huge organization and power in the fairy world.

But what kind of power the Heavenly Court is, he is not very clear yet.

"It's very simple. The Heavenly Court is the only legal government organization that rules the entire fairy world."

The immortal said in a deep voice: "In the entire fairy world, no matter which world or planet it is, it is under the jurisdiction of the Heavenly Court. Except for the Heavenly Court, the rest of the forces are illegal organizations, and it is impossible to have any power.

According to your words, Heavenly Court is an empire, a super empire that rules the fairyland, and its power spans every corner of the entire fairyland. "Seven Nine Zero"

"No way, that means the fairy world has been unified?"

"That's right, according to the ancient records, isn't the Immortal Realm occupied by major forces and full of sects?"

"When did Heavenly Court appear as a super organization?"

As soon as these words came out, Zhao Lin and the others were taken aback. It was unbelievable. After all, even in the spirit world, there is no force that can unify the spirit world.

But in the Immortal World, there is actually a force that unified the Immortal World, how inconceivable it is.

They also obtained a lot of ancient books before, all of which showed that the fairy world in the ancient times was full of forces, each acting in its own way, and the degree of chaos was even worse than that of the spirit world.

But they never expected that the fairy world would be unified by people, which is really unimaginable.

"Well, the fairyland was completely unified, and that was already a hundred million years ago. The news you have received, you don't even know about the Year of the Monkey."

The immortal waved his hand: "A hundred million years ago, there were indeed many forces in the fairy world. It seems that at that time, the alliance and the gods were at war, and the various races were fighting endlessly.

But the Changchun Sect suddenly rose up, and with absolute power, suppressed all the tribes in the fairy world, suppressed the major forces, wiped out all the opposing immortals, and established Weiting to unify the fairy world.

After 100 million years of development, the major forces in the fairy world have long been completely merged together, and the major planets and worlds are all under the rule of the heavens.

You should also be thankful, fortunately, the heavens have unified the fairy world. If it was still 100 million years ago, you immortals who had just ascended would have died in the war long ago, or were killed by powerful immortals passing by. It is not a strange thing, after all, it was indeed so chaotic at that time. "

He said that the fairyland has been completely unified for hundreds of millions of years, and the chaos that happened in the fairyland in the past, and the wars between major races and forces, are already quite far away.

Basically, people born in this era don't have any memory of what happened in that era, and they just discuss it as history in the conversations of those ancient immortals.

"I didn't expect that the fairy world would be unified by the heavens. Obviously, the spiritual world and the mortal world can't be unified."

Someone said with emotion.

"It's a very normal thing."

The immortal said in a deep voice: "If it's in the spirit world and the mortal world, the creatures in these two low-dimensional worlds are too weak, and it's just that they can't walk in this world for a lifetime, let alone explore other worlds.

Even if the creatures in the spirit world are a little stronger, and some monks who transform spirits, monks who refine emptiness, etc. are born, their lifespan is only thousands of years, tens of thousands of years.

With such a short lifespan, coupled with the absence of a teleportation array, they spend their entire lives just exploring a corner of the spirit world, which is not worth mentioning at all.

But the Immortal World is different. The immortals in the Immortal World have a long lifespan. They can survive at least a million years, or even trillions of years.

Coupled with the fact that the immortal controls a powerful force and can jump in space, it is not so difficult to cross the entire fairy world. "

"I see.

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but nod their heads, and it was indeed the case. The biggest difficulty in unifying the entire world was not strength, but distance.

Even the strongest monk in the spirit world can't spend his whole life exploring many places in the spirit world, and his lifespan is short. Even if he really unifies the spirit world, the loss outweighs the gain.

With this kind of kung fu, it's better to fly through the tribulation and become a fairy.

There is no doubt that it is impossible to unify the human world and the spiritual world in the future, which is caused by the properties of the dimensional space..

"If that's the case, then do we ascended immortals need to join the Heavenly Court?"

Zhao Lin asked curiously.

"Do you all need to join the Heavenly Court?"

Hearing this, the immortal suddenly laughed: "What you said, do you think you can join the Heavenly Court if you want? The Heavenly Court is equivalent to the government in the human world. Do you think every mortal can join the government as an official at will? If they hadn't passed the assessment, few people would be able to be officials in the government.

In fact, this is also the same reason. Immortals like you who have just ascended can at most become ordinary residents of the fairy world. They also want to work in the heavenly court. Don't be wishful thinking

You have to know that countless immortals have been born in the entire fairy world, and many immortals want to become officials of the heavenly court. Even if they are just ordinary civil servants, they are enough to make you live comfortably for the rest of your life.

Every year in the civil service examination of the Heavenly Court, thousands of troops and horses cross the single-plank bridge, and only one out of a million immortals will be admitted. Human immortals like you who have ascended from the spirit world "there is a high probability that you will not have the opportunity to become a civil servant in the Heavenly Court in this life."


As soon as these words came out, Zhao Lin and the others twitched the corners of their mouths, with embarrassing expressions on their faces. They had a kind of persecution paranoia, thinking that every immortal after ascension would be forced to join the Heavenly Court.

But who would have imagined 4.8, people don't care about these immortals who have just ascended, even if they lick their faces and want to join the Heavenly Court, no one will want them.

There is no doubt that the threshold for entering the Heavenly Court is higher than imagined. This is not an organization that can be entered if you want to enter.

But it can't blame them.

After all, in the spiritual world, things like killing people and seizing treasures often happen. They can overcome the catastrophe and ascend, which ones are not covered with blood, and which ones have not walked through mountains of corpses and seas of blood.

So for all kinds of things, they are very vigilant and will not trust easily.

Even if the immortals in front of them speak the truth, they only believe part of it. Who knows if the immortals in front of them are deceiving themselves.

As for whether it is true or not, it will not be too late to make a decision after they fully understand the affairs of the fairy world. .

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