Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1598 Immortals Also Need To Work To Make Money, And Civil Servants Are Popular Jobs

"Why do so many people like to take the civil servant exam?"

Zhao Lin couldn't help asking.

After all, if they are in the spirit world, basically no immortal cultivator is willing to become an official of the dynasty. For them, this is simply a kind of restraint, and it will also slow down their own practice speed.

He couldn't understand at all why the immortal liked being a civil servant so much, just like a mortal.

"It's very simple, there are only four words to explain, food and clothing are worry-free.

The fairy smiled slightly.

"No worries about food and clothing? Can't you have no worries about food and clothing if you become a fairy?"

Someone couldn't help asking.

He originally thought that after becoming a fairy, he would be able to be at ease and do whatever he wanted, but now it seems that things are not that simple.

"Haha, how can it be so simple."

Hearing this, the immortal immediately laughed: "You immortals who have ascended from the spirit world, still think of immortals too well. If your cultivation base is placed in the spirit world, you will naturally be invincible. But it's not worth mentioning in the fairyland where there are immortals everywhere.

Because your competitors are not mortals, but immortals of the same level as yours. Only by being better than other immortals can you stand out.

Although once one becomes a human immortal, the need for food is close to none, and even just breathing out the spirit energy can meet the needs of daily life.

But don't you want to be promoted to a higher realm? Don't you want to become an earth immortal, or even a heavenly immortal? These cultivation resources need money to buy. "


Everyone couldn't help but nodded, even in the spirit world, the major cultivators need a lot of spirit stones to buy medicine pills and magic weapons, etc., and the same is likely to be true for the immortals in the fairy world.

Even if they don't need to eat food, they still need money to buy various pills to improve their cultivation, otherwise, even if their lifespan is exhausted, they will not be able to advance to a higher level

At that time, they will probably die of old age, and their lifespan will be completely exhausted.

"Aren't there other ways to earn money other than civil servants in the Heavenly Court?"

Zhao Lin asked curiously.

"Of course there are various ways."

The immortal smiled slightly: "However, the fairyland is already unified and completely ruled by the heavenly court. All kinds of illegal and criminal things cannot be done, otherwise you will be wanted by the whole fairyland. At that time, you will be unable to move an inch, and it will be useless to hide anywhere.

If you were in the human world and the spiritual world, with your high level of cultivation, you could still plunder, or kill people to seize treasures, but in the fairy world, you can't do any of these things


Hearing this, many people's faces turned green. They felt that after ascending to the fairy world, it was like entering a prison, especially those who were born in the magic way, feeling that they were bound everywhere.

They can't kill people to seize treasures, they can't rob houses, they can't kidnap and extort, all kinds of survival skills are useless, it feels like they have lost their hands and feet, it is extremely miserable

"That's why, if you want to earn money in the fairy world, you can only go to work."

The fairy said in a deep voice.

"Part-time job? How to work part-time job?"

Many people immediately asked, after all, they also knew that after entering the fairy world, they must make money immediately, otherwise there is no way to go further.

"Well, it's very simple. Even in the fairy world, there are many jobs."

The immortal explained: "For example, you can be a waiter in a restaurant, and you can get a lot of tips every day; you can also drive a spaceship to transport guests to and from various planets and worlds; you can also deliver express delivery. After all, there are many online shoppers every day. This is also a big industry that has come down over the years and has a lot of demand.

If you have skills, you can also go to some pill companies to refine pills and cultivate immortal medicines, and the salary is not cheap; you can also go to refining companies to refine various magic weapons and fairy weapons; Make all kinds of fairy charms; in short, people with special skills will not starve to death wherever they go.

He briefly talked about some work in the fairy world.

"Aren't there some jobs that are easy and have a lot of money? For example, the guest ministers of a certain sect only need to get money every year, and they can do it at critical moments.

Someone asked very aggrieved.

He felt that after he ascended to the fairyland, he actually needed to do some hard work of serving tea and water to support himself. Isn't this the more you live, the more you go back?

To be honest, he worked so hard to cultivate and ascended to become a fairy, not for doing these things.

"I would like to have such a job, but I have to have it."

Hearing this, the immortal said angrily: "You immortals who have just ascended are the immortals at the bottom of the immortal world. If you can get a part-time job to support yourself, it is considered good, and you still want to be a guest.

If there is really the position of guest elder, it is not your turn. At least you have to be a Da Luo Jinxian to have such a possibility. Mere immortals want to be guest ministers, even if you are a security guard, you will despise your low cultivation level, you know? ?”

He looked at these immortals who had just ascended speechlessly.

Although he also knew that these immortals were very naive, but he didn't expect them to be so ignorant.

If it is in the spirit world, human immortals are indeed invincible existences, but in the fairy world, human immortals are just the most common existence, and they are worthless at all.

Since it is worthless, the wages cannot be too high.

"It's no wonder that so many people in the fairy world want to be a civil servant. Once they become civil servants, they are equivalent to becoming officials of the Heavenly Court. The monthly salary is not small, and they don't need to show their faces outside and bow their knees."

Zhao Lin said with emotion: "Even if you are lucky, if you are assigned to some powerful positions, you will be able to make many immortals fawn on you and get a lot of benefits. This is indeed a position worthy of countless immortals to apply for."

At this moment, he understood why Tianting civil servants became popular positions.

In fact, there is not much difference between the fairy world and the human world, but the power that individuals possess is different. When there are as many immortals as ordinary people, they are actually almost the same as ordinary people.

Ordinary people are eager to become officials, so are immortals.

In essence, this is the pursuit of power and the pursuit of a happy life.

"That's right, once you become a civil servant, unless your lifespan is exhausted, the Heavenly Court will not fire you, but if you join other chambers of commerce, once the chamber of commerce does not perform well, it will lay off employees. Inexhaustible immortals are unemployed and cannot find a suitable job for a long time, which leads to stagnation in their cultivation."

The fairy said with emotion.

To be honest, if it weren't for the fact that civil servants in the Heavenly Court have many benefits and are popular positions in the fairy world, how could so many immortals apply for the exam in person. .

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