"Huo Xiu?" Qi Ji was really surprised, "When did it happen?"

If it was very early, it would be useless.

"Not too early, just a year ago." Jade Raksha clearly understood the meaning of the trick.

"He is still alive?"

When Qi Ji reached the six doors, the embroidery thieves were committing crimes frantically. The plot of the Jinpeng Dynasty was over. After Huo Xiu's evil deeds were exposed, the Tsing Yi Tower was eroded by all major forces in the rivers and lakes, and was quickly destroyed. .

Thinking about it now, it seems that Huo Xiu’s final ending is to cocoon himself, trapped in an iron cage, and it’s not surprising to live, but it’s a bit surprising to be able to escape.

In the original world, Huo Xiu was one of the six masters on the bright side, and his strength was at least in the later stage of the grandmaster. He could not get out of the iron cage because he was trapped in an iron cage. That cage was not a simple thing.

With his evil deeds, who would take such a big risk to rescue him?

If Huo Xiu was the hall master of the Azure Dragon Society, then there was no doubt that Qinglong would have this strength and would not care about fame.

Or, they could rescue Huo Xiu silently, and the six doors didn't receive news of Huo Xiu's escape.

"Why is he going to see you for?" Qi Ji felt that things were unusual.

"Naturally, I won my Raksha Sect to serve them!" Jade Raksha's voice was full of mockery, "He thought it was before!"

"So, have you been in contact with the Azure Dragon Club earlier?" Qi Ji heard the strange tone in his tone.

"The Blue Dragon Club is three hundred and sixty-five points rudder, do you think this is bragging?" said Jade Raksha. "The Happy King of the year was farther from the Central Plains than I Raksha Sect. It was not the same as a branch of the Blue Dragon Club."

"To elaborate, what is the situation?" Qi Ji asked.

"Well, anyway, I have completely offended the Azure Dragon Association." Yu Luosha said, "My lord thought, how did my Raksha Sect dominate the Western Regions in this short 20 years?"

"Thirty years ago, I was just an ordinary Jianghu person in the Western Regions. Later, I was lucky enough to get a little demon sect inheritance, and then I gradually emerged. But under the circumstances at the time, it was impossible to become a hero."

"Then, the people from the Blue Dragon Club appeared. They found all kinds of treasures for me to practice qigong, gave me huge financial resources, and sent a group of capable personnel. With their support, I established my own power. , And gradually developed into the current Raksha Sect."

"Are you also a member of the Blue Dragon Club?" Qi Ji asked, "Why would the Blue Dragon Club support you?"

"Although the Raksha Sect was established with their support, I am not a member of the Blue Dragon Society," Yu Raksha said, "but they are not at ease. The establishment of Raksha Sect has only one purpose, and that is to weaken happiness. The power of the king."

"Huh? It has something to do with Happy King?" Qi Ji became even more strange, "Why?"

"Because the power of the Happy King is too strong, even so strong that it threatens the leader of the Blue Dragon Association." Yuluosha also sighed, "When the power of the Happy King was at its peak, the three halls of the Blue Dragon Association were in charge, from the northwest to the Western Regions. It's all under its control."

"Because he is far away from the Central Plains, away from the headquarters of the Blue Dragon Association, and unconstrained, the Happy King's ambition has gradually grown. He is dissatisfied with the Western Regions and wants to enter the Central Plains again and regain the lost glory.

"But the Blue Dragon Society disagrees. He was originally the pawn of the Blue Dragon Society to control the Western Regions. The contradiction became more and more fierce. So the Happy King wanted to compete for the position of the Dragon Head of the Blue Dragon Society and wanted to re-enter the Central Plains."

"This violated the great taboo of the Blue Dragon Society, so various methods against the Happy King appeared, and Raksha Sect was one of them."

"Under their plan, Shen Lang, Bai Feifei, Wang Lianhua and others overthrew the rule of Happy King and were admired by the world."

"But who knows how much Qinglong will pay in the dark in order to subvert the power of the Happy King and destroy the rebellion, even the boss of Qinglong is not lightly injured."

"Shen Lang may have discovered the truth in the end, otherwise, he would not rush out to sea. Because he knew that he had destroyed the forces of the Blue Dragon Society, and with the behavior of the Blue Dragon Society, he would trouble him no matter what the truth is."

"He didn't have the courage to practice fighting again, because he didn't know who would stab him in the back at that time."

"There are members of the Blue Dragon Association among his teammates?" Qi Ji was curious.

"I only know that at least Wang Lianhua belongs to the Blue Dragon Club." Yuluosha said, "If his parents are both members of the Blue Dragon Club, whether he wants it or not, he must be from the Blue Dragon Club."

"But even if he goes to sea, Shen Lang's troubles will not be less, and it is said that Qinglong will not be too powerful at sea."

"Then, you are not a member of the Azure Dragon Club, why do you know so much inside information?" Qi Ji asked.

"Part of it was said by the leader of the Blue Dragon Association, and part of it was found out by myself."

"After the power of the Happy King fell, the Azure Dragon boss came to Raksha Sect and invited me to join the Azure Dragon Association as the Hall Master. So I told me frankly, I was very confident that I would join the powerful Azure Dragon Association. After all, they helped it up. Well!" he mocked.

"But he was wrong. I was unwilling to be a puppet of the Blue Dragon Society, let alone the lessons of the Happy King, so I rejected him. At that time, my martial arts were so successful, and my subordinates recruited a group of forces loyal to me, so I fought a battle. , And eventually drive them back."

"It is precisely because of this that I discovered that the Azure Dragon boss was injured, otherwise, even if it is the late master stage, I won't be able to survive."

"The Blue Dragon Society just suffered a heavy loss, and they were unwilling to fight harder, so they had to retreat. But in the time that followed, they never gave up their penetration of Raksha Sect.

"Why do you think Shi Guanyin became the master of the Qinglonghui is to curb the development of the Jade Raksha. But unfortunately, I don't know if they were dizzy and chose Shi Guanyin."

"At that time, Shi Guanyin first arrived in the northwest, and he was single and lonely. So he joined the Blue Dragon Association. At the beginning, he worked a little bit. Later, he became a force and could no longer contain the perverted desire. He could hide the desert and entertain himself. , So that the plan of the Qinglonghui will die.” Yuluosha's voice was smiling, as if laughing at the Qinglonghui for unknown people.

"But I can't do anything about their penetration of Raksha Sect. After all, they fostered it back then. Even if I have cleaned up their people, it is difficult to keep the members of the Blue Dragon Society. As the Raksha Sect grows stronger The bigger I am, and I dominate the West, I feel even more that there are members of the Blue Dragon Society in Raksha Sect."

"They planned for decades to raise and abolish my'son', and they waited for me to receive Raksha Sect intact after my death."

"So I took the opportunity to make a game, called out these careerists with a Raksha card, and finally took down the three elders who had followed me for decades. No, I'm about to go back to clear the remnants of the Blue Dragon Association. I met an adult."

"You said you have met the Qinglong boss?" Qi Ji ignored Jade Luosha's depression, and said excitedly.

"Don't think about it, how can such a person easily show his true face." Yuluosha said, "He wears a bronze mask, he is not young, and his martial arts is very complicated. It seems to be good at everything. Even if it is finally found out as the head of Shaolin, I will Not surprised."

"Well, you have endured it for so many years," said Qi Ji, "it doesn't seem to be an impulsive person, why do you think of cleaning up the Blue Dragon Society at this time?"

"You don't look like someone who has died soon. There is no need to pave the way for future generations. Guess it is related to Huo Xiu?"

"My lord is really quick to think," Yu Luosha boasted, "Yes, it is related to the last visit by Huo Xiu."

"Just a year ago, Huo Xiu, who was rumored to be dead, suddenly visited the Raksha Sect in secret and invited me to support the people behind him to fight for the leader. As long as they succeed, they can withdraw from the hands of the Qinglong Society in the Raksha Sect."

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