Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 103 Five Dogs Blossom (For Collection)

"What do you mean? Qinglong will choose a new leader?" Qi Ji asked.

The Blue Dragon Club is too large. The head boss, a mysterious figure who has never appeared in front of him, has thought about who he is, but he has never thought about it, before he appears in front of him, he will face a situation of substitution.

"Who knows? Maybe it's the alternation of power, or you can't afford to be seriously injured, and the power falls away. Otherwise, why are so many young dragon guilds doing their own things." Yu Luosha said, "Maybe he died long ago."

"My lord has wiped out so many entrances of the Azure Dragon Hall, but he didn't find anything? For example, why would Qinglong turn a blind eye to the aggressiveness of the six doors?"

Qi Ji was silent, and began to recall the information about the Blue Dragon Association these days.

The master of September Hall Shi Guanyin entertained himself in the desert as the master of the hall. The master of August Zhuo Donglai was elected to the position by the person who divided the church. The master of June Xue Xiaoren was the master of the famous hall. Ghost Villa... These few halls really seem to be fighting each other.Even after the collapse on July 15 and February 2, the Blue Dragon Association did not see any more actions.

Except for this time, the joint operations of Zhengyuetang, March and April Tang did not see the cooperation of the various branches of the Qinglong Association.

"Is there really something wrong with the Azure Dragon Club?" Qi Ji secretly asked when thinking of the words of the Taoist Mu before his death.

"Don't worry about the lord of the labor camp, please continue." Qi Ji looked like a bamboo in his chest and let Jade Raksha continue.

"All right." Jade Luosha was a little regretful, "I don't know how many such deceitful tricks I have seen, so naturally I won't take it seriously, so I agreed to Huo Xiu and started the layout."

"I said to him, I want to retreat and practice a masterpiece. If I succeed, I will no longer be afraid of anyone. Even if they repent, I will have confidence. If I fail, I will die."

"Sure enough, soon afterwards, my retreat was attacked, and I died abruptly. Within a few days, my'son' entered the customs with a Rakshasa card, and then there was a silver hook gambling house. thing."

"Because Huo Xiu's words let me know that the Azure Dragon Society is in a critical period at this time. Perhaps the leader of the previous leader has died, and when the power changes, the control of the outside world will be weakened, so I took the opportunity to cleanse the Rakshas.

"What other people donate, how can you rest assured that you can get it back."

"When the cleaning is completed, even if the Azure Dragon will come again then, I will not be afraid. At this time, the Raksha Sect is no longer dependent on the Azure Dragon for everything, and has become a behemoth."

"Even if it can't be thoroughly cleaned and there are people hiding it, it won't affect my control of the Rakshasa. What's more," he said meaningfully, "I don't know if the Blue Dragon Society will have a chance to return to the Western Regions."

"Where is Huoxiu?"

"After I was killed suddenly, he disappeared and probably returned to Central Plains again. Because he was busy with the layout, he ignored him."


"Well, isn't there anymore?" After waiting for a while, he couldn't hear the voice of Jade Rakshasa, Qi Ji asked.

If it is not suitable, he can still sense his existence, and think he is gone!

"No, I'm done talking about everything. Master Lu thought, what about this secret?"

"Very good, enough to let the officer let you go." Qi Ji smiled, "Let's go, the officer can't enter the customs for a day, but the leader can't enter, otherwise..."

"My lord, don't worry, I won't enter the Central Plains for the rest of my life." Yuluosha answered very positively.

This time he pitted 3 altars of the Blue Dragon Society, so he dare to come again!

Perhaps in the Western Regions, he is not afraid of the Azure Dragon Society, if he enters the Central Plains, who knows one day he will be besieged.

He never underestimated the Blue Dragon Club.

Besides, the six doors are still guarded by this great god!

After Jade Rakshasa finished speaking, he staggered and continued forward, inadvertently glanced at the night, and quickly passed through the city, disappearing.

From start to finish, even if he fought one game, Qi Ji did not know the face of the Raksha leader.


"Have you heard it? Afraid?" After a long time, Qi Ji suddenly said.

"I'm afraid, how can I not be afraid!" Chu Liuxiang's voice came, "I only heard that I felt the power of the Azure Dragon Society today. The Raksha Sect, who dominated the Western Regions, almost became a branch of the Azure Dragon Society."

"I'm afraid it's too late. If you want to get away, just take a few more credits." Qi Ji suddenly smiled.

"In the current situation, even if the lord wants me to leave, I dare not." Chu Liuxiang said, "Leaving now, I will either hide for a lifetime, or join the Blue Dragon Club, or die. Neither is what I want."

"Don't be so pessimistic, if one day the Azure Dragon will be destroyed, you will be able to be your romantic pirate again." Qi Ji "comforted".

"Borrowing the Lord's good words." Chu Liuxiang smiled bitterly.

Now it seems that he is going to bring back those confidantes, who knows if Qinglong will inquire about their residence.

"Go back, so that they don't want to think." Qi Ji said, act first.


The speed of the six doors was still very fast. When Qi Ji and Chu Liuxiang returned, Bai Yujing and others had already cleaned up and were about to leave overnight.

After bidding farewell, the three groups set out on their own journey.

On the next day, Qi Ji brought six people into the Hou Mansion to prevent accidents.

As for the case file about Di Qinglin's crime, Qi Ji also sent someone to the capital overnight.

Di Qinglin also understood his own advantages, and didn't care about the care of the six doors—the letter for help had been sent out, and he was waiting for news.

In the eyes of people like Yang Zheng, the hereditary first class is very big, and the big one can destroy all evidence.But to the Jinshi with such a gold list title, the Marquis of Lord Wu is nothing at all, and it is even a target for civilian officials in the court.

Even though he "reduced" to six doors now, Di Qinglin's power is still not in his eyes.

No matter how bad, he also has a backstage. Anyone who dares to blatantly favoritism will dare to go to court and make trouble.

Daming's civil servants are so arrogant.

You just get a six-level potential stock to run in six gates. If it is still suppressed in this way, those desperate censors will not be able to seize this ground to show off.

Of course, the goal is not to make a surprise, but to be sad. No one knows whether it will be his turn next.

Therefore, Qi Ji didn't worry about the affairs of the court at all. Di Qinglin's punishment may be large or small, but it must be.

No matter how bad, you can still face the saint.

The merits of the rescue and the emperor's entrustment cannot be used as decorations.

Qiu Xingjian was taken into custody on the spot, and Qi Ji also ordered someone to go to pass the letter, asking the six local gates to thoroughly investigate the sunset racecourse. Although he felt that the possibility of harvest was unlikely, he should be shocked.

After all, Qiu Xingjian is only the second manager, and can't represent the sunset racecourse, but it is inevitable to be regarded as a dead ghost.

Fortune Villa, Xiao Shaoying returned three days later, sealed up the Fortune Villa and all of its properties, detained his subordinates, and brought back the confiscated property.

Luoyang's richest man really has a lot of money.

Bai Yujing returned almost at the same time as Xiao Shaoying. Zhao Zheng was not a member of the Qinglonghui, but was bought, martial arts was abolished and taken into custody. At the same time, he vigorously rectified the six gates of Henan Mansion, detained a group of accomplices, and opened a group of reforms. Dereliction of duty, let the six doors of Henan Mansion become clear.

After waiting for a few more days, Yang Zheng also came back. He was extremely tired, and obviously the trip was not smooth.

They acted very swiftly. The Qinglong Club received the news at the front, and before the evidence could be destroyed in the future, Yang Zheng and his party were killed on the back.

Naturally, the Azure Dragon Society was unwilling to catch it, and rose up to resist.However, it is a pity that April Church is not good at using force. First, a group of dart heads died, and then the head of the dart head and a group of manpower fell again. The headquarters of April Hall was unable to fight against the three of Yang Zheng, and parted with Yang Zheng. This time At least let dozens of people parte.

And Ma Feng, once again released his bloodthirsty desire.To the people of the Blue Dragon Association, this traitor never relented.

This time, April Hall was hit hard, and it was also hit hard by the six doors.

"The demise of the Central Plains Escort will cause serious damage to the Escort’s escort industry?" After Yang Zheng finished the report, he heard his worries and said with a strange smile, "Don’t worry at all, the banner of the five dogs has been erected, and their business has been handed over to the joint venture. The escort is the chaos for a few days at most, and no major incidents will happen."

After all, the Central Plains Escort is one of the North Escorts, and its sudden destruction will make life panic.

After the collapse on July 15, the joint venture between the Evergreen Escort and the Central Plains Escorts accelerated, and the establishment was officially announced a few days ago.

Of course, in addition to the old stubborn king Escort did not join them.

For the seven weapons series, only the Overlord Gun remains.

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