Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 104 Return to the Capital

The black flag is embroidered with five white dogs and a red flower. This is the blossom of the five dogs.

Five white dogs symbolize five people.

The escort of Evergreen is evergreen, the escort of Zhenyuan is Deng Dinghou, the escort of Zhenwei belongs to Dongjing, and the escort of Weiqun is Jiang Xin.

There should have been Wang Wanwu of the Great Escort, but because this one refused to join the joint escort, he became the head of the Zhenwei Escort, and Ximen won the victory.

When the joint escort was established, it was said that it had a great momentum, and once suppressed the momentum of the Central Plains Escort and Chang'an Escort, which were known as the first escort in the north.

Of course, it was only those few days.

Although it has won attention, the five dogs are still inferior to the Central Plains Escort. This is not a simple combination that can surpass.Not surprisingly, it takes several years of running-in to surpass the Central Plains Escort.

But now, the Central Plains Escort had its credibility collapsed due to its involvement in the corruption case of ink darts and silver, and it was cleaned again by six doors. The Five Dogs will naturally take over the North Escort’s banner.

Speaking of which, they want to thank the strange plan.

Although there are also discordant places, for example, Ma Feng once said that Ximen Sheng is also a member of the Blue Dragon Society. Recalling the information in the original book, Gui Jingdong is also a member of the Blue Dragon Society.

On May 13, stay away from Qinglong.

Zhenwei Escort is probably the May 13th branch of the May Hall of the Blue Dragon Club.

Therefore, the better the development of the five dogs, the greater the benefits of the Qinglong.

But knowing that you know, you can't kill the Zhenwei Escort because of this, and you can't go crazy without any real evidence.

The power of the officialdom is all about face.

"Forget it, let's wait for the plot to begin, and leave this thorny problem to Ding Xi, and let them solve it internally. Smart Ding Xi, I hope it won't disappoint." Qi Ji thought, "It should also make people Go and find out about Ding Xi and Xiao Ma."

Thinking in his heart, Qi Ji said to Yang Zheng: "You have worked hard, let's rest."

"Be prepared, go back to the six-door headquarters with this officer, and leave it to someone else. If you have a brother who is willing to go with you, you can bring it."

"With Lu Suwen, don't worry, just go together."

"Subordinates obey." Yang Zheng wanted to refuse, but he finally agreed.

In officialdom, sometimes he can't help it.

Originally, he was still worried about his identity, the son of thief Yang Hen, but when he wanted to come, the master arrester should have known it a long time ago.Since he is still allowed to go to the headquarters, it means that he will not be held accountable.

When Yang Zheng left, looking at his back, many people sighed. They knew that this small catcher in the county seat was taken by the chief arrester, and his future was limitless.

Especially Liu Feixuan, he knew that before Bai Yujing, Chu Liuxiang and others were not formal arrests, they would leave in a few years.But Yang Zheng is different. He is just catching fast, and it is very likely that he will be promoted all the way through six doors.

This gave him a greater sense of crisis.

Qi Ji is also thinking about whether Lu Suwen is a member of the Blue Dragon Club.

In his view, Yang Zheng's sequel "The Scenery of That Sword" completely destroyed the image of Di Qinglin, Yang Zheng, Lu Suwen and others, and it was more like a far-fetched attachment.

A small hunter, the descendant of a big thief, after slaying Di Qinglin, turned out to become a county king?

No novel dare to write like that!

Well, it was originally a novel.

Don't worry, even if Lu Suwen is a member of the Blue Dragon Society, a woman who has no martial arts, she can't make waves at the bottom of his eyelids.


After another seven or eight days, the result of Di Qinglin's treatment finally arrived.

After cutting and attacking, I thought about it in the Hou Mansion, and I couldn't leave without an edict.

In other words, Di Qinglin is still a Marquis, but his offspring will no longer be, or be demoted or cancelled directly, and must not leave the Marquis.

If there is no big change, don't think of it for the rest of your life.

The crime of homicide, just so understand.

In the eyes of the court officials, a martial artist was not worth mentioning. If the emperor hadn't cut him off in anger, they would only want to end the symbolic penalty.

Under their arguments, and considering Laohouye's contribution to the Ming Dynasty, the emperor finally let go and had this result.

As for why the emperor was angry, it was naturally because of Mr. Lu's secrecy.On the bright side, Di Qinglin was only involved in murder and the hiding of darts, and the Qinglonghui matter could not be obtained on the table.

Knowing that Di Qinglin and Qinglong would have a relationship, the emperor would naturally not let him go easily.

"Master Hou stays, and the official will leave." In front of the Hou Mansion, Qi Ji bid farewell to Di Qinglin.

"I wish Master Lu all the best," Di Qinglin said very gracefully, "Welcome to be a guest when you have time."

He thought he would be demoted as a commoner in the worst case. Although the result was unexpected, as long as he was alive, he still had a chance.

"Of course, I have been getting along very well with Lord Hou these days." Qi Ji smiled, "Please don't violate the holy will and cultivate your character at home, otherwise, the next meeting will not be so pleasant."

Of course it was harmonious. After staying in the Hou Mansion for more than ten days, Qi Ji met Di Qinglin twice and didn't even say anything.

Di Qinglin will be banned, of course it is also a strange suggestion.He suggested to the emperor that if Di Qinglin wanted to be held accountable, if the court was unable to convict him, he should be detained.

People like Di Qinglin cannot be restrained. Staying in the Hou Mansion forever is tantamount to imprisonment.

Therefore, he will definitely try to leave the Hou Mansion, and as long as he can find evidence, he will not be able to escape.

Violating the Holy Will is much more serious than killing a quack.

Those big brothers in the court will not refute the emperor one after another for the sake of being noble.

"Thank you Master Lu for reminding me that Ben Hou has already learned the lesson and will never commit it again." Di Qinglin smiled.

Watching Qi Ji's group go away, the smile on his face freezes and his face becomes cold.


"My lord, did we just leave?" Liu Feixuan asked next to Qi Ji.

"Otherwise?" Qi Ji asked back, "After all, he is Master Hou. The ancestors shed blood for Daming."

After Di Qinglin's punishment came down, everyone in the six doors was angry, especially Yang Zheng, after all, he died of two brothers.

He is really angry, but the rest may not be because of this, perhaps because of the sadness of the rabbit.

Chaotang didn't care about a Wanjunwu, and didn't care about their six-door pawns.

"Let's go, Di Qinglin's business is not over yet!" After saying that, Qi Ji returned to his carriage, no more life.

Di Qinglin's caregiver is in charge of his own factory guard, so there is no need to worry about the six doors.Of course, if there is a problem in the future, there is no need for six doors to be in the dark.

The lost dart silver of the Central Plains Escort was found, and the six doors were also moisturized. After all, the bonus was released before the arrival of the odd plan. Although the Central Plains Escort fell, those who consigned did not dare to lose the commission from the six doors. .

Out of the face of the government, Qi Ji didn't take so much, and it symbolically collected one hundred thousand taels.However, the Fortune Villa and the Central Plains Escort didn't find less property. In comparison, one hundred thousand taels is a small amount of money.

It's also about the Dongluo Racecourse. If you want to pass the customs, you must give a lot of gifts to the six doors. Otherwise, you don't have to say anything, and you will have a steady stream of trouble.

Who made your second director commit the crime!

There were no twists and turns along the way, and the forces of the rivers and lakes avoided the six-door chief arrester.

When passing by Shaolin, Qi Ji wanted to visit the mountain gate, but finally gave up.

It's better to leave it to Li Xunhuan, but to join in the fun.

In June, Qi Ji returned.

It's time to stop for a while, and the total arrest of six doors can't stay away from the headquarters.

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